
E-100’s Big PP Tactics: Dominating Performance! | World of Tanks


World of Tanks, WoT, 1.23.0 patch

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35 pemikiran pada “E-100’s Big PP Tactics: Dominating Performance! | World of Tanks”

  1. pff 21:52 I had a type 5 heavy sniping from base on CLIFF and it came down to him to win the game and the obj140 BARELY rubbed up against him trying to farm his sides and that was enough to kill himself LuL type 5 H won the game with 11k combined!

  2. I ‘m always happy while playing the E100 and not Fv4500 or any other tanks. The armor and gun seems to be very satisfying. The only down side is that it’s costly if you don’t have premium. That’s kinda take the fun away.

  3. Honestly I prefer the E-100 over the Maus. Armor has been in my experience easier to angle then the Maus, so I used it to finish the HT missions towards the 260. Plus either gun is just better then the Maus option.

  4. And there is me who cant figure out how to play this tank, i got no idea, i hate him in a way, and i must say before some1 will think im noob, i did 260 and 279 missions all alone and before they rework( to make it simplier(

  5. I can't stop laughing when skill says "Jagpizda" 🤣 I am from poland and it's like saying "Jagpussy" in diminutive form of course 😂

  6. I drive down a 2 meter ledge in my T-832 and take 530 dmg. Skill jumps off a cliff, barrel rolls, lands upside down going end over end, and takes 79 dmg.

  7. That first game was just smacking tourists while the tourists on your team watched with open mouths.

  8. That's why E100 has medium pp most use gold because they know pp doesn't work very well with normal rounds unless enemy has small pp 😂 good tank tho

  9. U can play against anibody when WG give U + chance on battlefield. In this battle I shoot 7 clips and hit NOTHING!!! onylí one hit Leo1 with 9xx damage. Not U are the king, WG give U best + in game we get – for shoots etc.. U ARE FAKE GAMER!

  10. Skill, my boy, first game not even 10K, but if we look things from the bright side, at least you had StandartB in the ass :)))) jokes aside, gg bro!!

  11. Hey Skill, I just jumped on you to the dip in the first game lol. Only could make about 3.5k dmg in the onj :p


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