
E 100 – Giant Warrior – World of Tanks


Game Statistics:
Map: Siegfried Line
Tank: E 100
Player: XFrejuX [G2H]
Damage: 9122
Damage blocked by armor: 3340
Damage due to the player’s assistance: 1670

The E 100 is a German tier 10 heavy tank.

In June 1943, the Adlerwerke company received an order for development of the E 100. However, in 1944, heavy tank development was discontinued. By the end of the war, only the chassis was completed, which was later captured by the British Army.

The E 100 marks the end of its German heavy line.

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world , E 100 – Giant Warrior – World of Tanks , #Giant #Warrior #World #Tanks
, E 100 tank,German heavy tank,world of tanks,best wot tanks

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