
Drama at the 2023 World Rapid/Blitz


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36 pemikiran pada “Drama at the 2023 World Rapid/Blitz”

  1. Yeah, I think Nepo has a point. Magnus' greatness doesn't mean he should get special treatment. Don't blame Magnus though. FIDE are the most amateur professional governing body out there.
    Edit: This was a good video. It put everything in context.

  2. I mean, yeah it’s not fair. It’s also not fair nepo and fabi had their flights and rooms paid for. Don’t see them complaining about that… and if it’s true that the world rapid champion has been getting a lounge since 2016, give me a break with all this moaning

  3. I don't agree with the Messi example.
    Messi has some advantages (personal room, massages…) but they're all paid and provided bu his team.
    FIDE is the organizer – they should not give any advantage to any player (unless it is known that Magnus actually paid for it).

  4. They should give magnus access to an engine to help against all these cheaters Kramnik has found! It's only fair.

  5. TLDR: Nepo has taken his tongue out of Kramnik's ass for a few minutes so he can complain about something as per usual.

    One of the most miserable people on the planet.

  6. Preferential treatment is understandable but I disagree that it's good. It just is what it is. As an organizer you want to keep the stars of the event happy because it creates more views and therefore more money. However having your own lounge near the playing hall with a laptop seems a bit much and unneccessary to me and I understand the frustration from Nepo and likely others.

    Grandmasters, including Magnus speak often on how important being in good physical/mental health is to performance and he's getting a big leg up here by having his own space near the playing hall. Nothing against Magnus either, I want him to win.

  7. Nepo's question here should not be whether or not it's fair for Magnus to have his own lounge. It should be "Why has the rapid chess champion been getting their own lounge at the world rapid championship for the last 7 years?".

  8. i honestly do hope his dad is in there getting lap dances from the strippers. Whenever Magnus walks in, " You want in on this? 👇"

  9. There's no question that having access to a laptop between rounds gives someone a very big advantage. I am not sure how there could even be any debate about that.

  10. 10:06 I think you know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it that it's clearly purely an advantage in competition. We're not talking about a penthouse suite in a hotel which may or may not come with a double bidet that washes your gooch and bootyhole at the same time, we're talking purely an unfair advantage during the actual competition. Because chess is mainly a mental sport, having the ability to get access to your own private lounge in between games where you can quickly consult the chess database, go over top games, google some obscure variation that you cant remember, etc., is definitely a true advantage. Not only that, but the psychological advantage of being able to sit and relax on your own without being around anyone else in the playing hall can do wonders for your cortisol and stress levels. While we all know Magnus is the best in the world and SHOULD receive special perks outside of competition, this is complete bs and disrespect to the other players.

    13:47 Yes, but think of all of the extra time Magnus doesn't have to waste by having access to this private lounge. This extra time makes a world of a difference. As chess players, we should know.

    15:38 Facts. But let's be real, who's carrying a laptop around in their coat? What would you rather review on, a 6 inch mobile phone or a laptop? 😂

    20:39 He's referring strictly to conditions while rounds of the tournament are active and you're either currently playing or you're in between rounds. We don't care what superficial perks you received outside of the tournament (better hotel, 12 inch purple dildos, carnie hookers, etc.). If players want to run up to their hotel room in between rounds and quickly check a chess variation, that's fine. The physical hotel room in and of itself isn't going to make a difference. What will make a difference is the time saved by having access to that hotel room on the tournament floor; just a few steps away from the board where you last played at 😂.

    21:33 Yes.

    23:57 And we love — you.

  11. Something interesting has been happening to Russian chess players lately. Starting with Kariakin, through Kramnik, now Nepo.

  12. For this to be a valid point, ALL competitors would need to have the exact same living standards. Why shouldnt this apply to people who pay for the more luxorious hotels vs the ones that cannot afford good hotels. If this level of comfortability such as a good lounge etc is so important in performance, all players should have to stay at the same hotel with the same rooms and eat the same food etc. This is a rabbit hole that never ends because it would be near impossible to level the field in living standards to the same for all players imo.

  13. Nepo in a game ruled by rankings: "As known, all animals are equal."
    Me: Hello Kramik II who comes at us with wrong facts as if they were true. Nepo, you are not equal as a chess player to Magnus. In fact, you are under someone else in every format.
    Also, as known, all animals are NOT equal.

  14. Why does Nepo choose to become Kramnik the Second? His image by fans was the cute teddy bear (I don't know for how long), but since Ding Liren, Nepo has been really making bad impressions.

  15. I agree with Nepo, but I don't like that Nepo is the one who brough this up. He's been trying to start shit with so many players recently, that even when he's right, he's not a good person to be bringing up the topic.


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