
DO THIS BEFORE THE PATCH DROPS! HUGE Economy Changes ⚔️ New World Update 4.0.1


New World Update 4.0.1 comes with massive changes to crafting as well as the winter event and Winter Warrior farm. Chromatic seals will no longer be used for Golden Scarab crafting, but Armor Matrix, Weapon Matrix and Jewelry Matrix will be used instead. You also need more Golden Scarabs. This massively affects the economy and cost of things in general, especially Prismatic materials.


00:00 – Do This NOW!
00:31 – Golden Scarab crafts, Chromatic Seals, Prismatic Mats
05:36 – Winter Event Rewards
08:24 – Important fixes
08:57 – Prime loot
09:24 – Impact on economy


#NewWorld #update #chromatic

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , DO THIS BEFORE THE PATCH DROPS! HUGE Economy Changes ⚔️ New World Update 4.0.1 , #PATCH #DROPS #HUGE #Economy #World #Update #4.0.1
, new world,new world mmo,patch,update,season 4,new world season 4,eternal frost,chromatic,seal,chromatic seal,matrix,golden scarab

47 pemikiran pada “DO THIS BEFORE THE PATCH DROPS! HUGE Economy Changes ⚔️ New World Update 4.0.1”

  1. well, thats another thing i missed out on.. no wonder thy cant do a road map when every week or 2 changes atm :/ i gratfed hard past few days & what a waste of time again….. for 3 months now ive been logging on & the game has been negatively changing my mood very quickly most days… i know they r trying to get things right but ffs… any compensation for all these changes & waste of hours ? prob not

  2. The entire Dev staff with regards to this patch needs to learn and memorize the 6P's … Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

  3. So they fucked me… I still have around 30 cosmetic/items I was planning to buy before the event ends.
    Now that can't be done, because I get a maximum of 10premium tokens per day. Which, for the most part, is only enough for 1 item/cosmetic.
    Iguess I'll have to wait a whole year for them to come back, if they do come back that is.
    Why does ags care that im farming this hours upon hours to get the things i want?!

  4. I'm glad I don't need any of the crafting materials I get. Just sell it all, and hope someone makes themselves a good piece of gear, while I buy the gear I need. In which I don't need anything from the TP currently, only need to farm the forge dungeon for two things, materia and inferno ;-;

  5. I have 2.5k hours in this game waiting for it to get better and finally I quit for good. I feel sorry that I spend so many hours in it.

  6. By my calculations i would need 200 premium tokens to get everything in the winter shop.. that i had wanted.. planned to grind it out on my days off.. pointless now.. 3 kills a day.. 4 days worth of kills just for inductor.. forget the gleamite or seal.. im never getting the emotes or furniture now

  7. FINALLY we can gamba again 🙂

    Edit: the changes to the winter warrior are not that good IMO. It’s good that they noticed that people don’t want to grind the event (like every event) and started to make it easier, but with the chromatic seal changes you don’t need to grind it anymore! That would be enough to the event, the cap is not that good because I really want to get a lot of the cosmetic things too (like the gliding on the floor etc) and that will be pretty hard now to get.

  8. NOOOO!!! I couldnt craft my armor due to the furniture bug ☹️☹️☹️ now i will need to farm matrixes , they will be so expensive ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

  9. Positive changes for sure but im not sure it would be enough to recover economy. The biggest problem right now inductor crafting is too cheap, 90k for highest and 45k for lowest and this won't make scarab crafting cheaper rather more expensive. So inductor crafting will be still more favorable unless prismatic prices increase a lot but i doubt it really. There are tons of items on market for 25-40k including even bis and they are not sold, i guess i should buy them out in case economy recovers lol..

  10. this game is fcked up after 600 crafted item has no value ! i literally spent 3 to 4 million gold on pve and pvp build and now no longer useful! that when i left the game after stupid idiot 625 come and even more joke 700 😀 this game will never end update! so its fcked up by devs! stupid amazon!

  11. lovely for us EU guys, they released the patch notes at 01:00 on a workday for a update when im at work… i have to many chromatics and not enough scarabs. Im gonna cry a little when i go home

  12. Can people honestly stop bitching about this game so much???? 🙄 just play the game. If you don't like it, don't play it. Very simple.

  13. Am I wrong to feel screwed as a new player? Since golden scarab crafts won't be time gated anymore, the trading outpost will be flooded with items by veteran players who have the resources to bulk craft them

  14. I have an idea, best one yet…Uninstall this game, I did, last week…man it feels good to not play anymore. Everything this game does is a headache and disaster, you keep telling yourself some things are ok, itll get better…I have 4k hours…it wont get better. Doing the once human beta right now, fckin amazing game for being in beta…more polished than new world and its years old. That game will enver get anywhere, they will close it down soon enough.

  15. Isn't hail spikes like 10-50 winter tokens per kill… So grind more becose 3 presents is 1 winter token, 25 tokens is 1 premium, happy pickings and seen 3 gleamite showers while playing every day touring the event got to mine 2 nodes of it becose other people got there first.
    I think they have some conversions wrong in the game and they made changes thinking that the presents or gleamite convert better or just they see people strain servers by doing winter warrior Devs: Better but stop to that. New players can't even think getting free stuff (seals+inductors) while affording housing stuff… Well that doesn't matter becose housing doesn't work anyways. Happy winter convergence!

  16. PvP ruined this game. Crafting and farming is the endgame which have lead us towards disappointment. Lack of storylines and content makes the game boring after 2 weeks in the season

  17. This is great for 90% of the playerbase. Most players were killing the boss only 3 times anyway and it now gives 6 premium tokens which is 150 normal coins. Just makes things faster so we can go and play the shit we actually want to do.

  18. My house is empty everything is gone when they gonna fix that shit that should have been priority need to place trophies and it won't let me

  19. Classic nw nerfing a piece of PvE content for no reason and just straight gating how fast you can buy everything you want you just have to play longer so you can buy multiple furniture items or even buy multiple pristine gleamite so on due to what exactly stop people hording train sets like come on ags nearly all the items are bound to player and have day restrictions why care if people want to farm it for 5 hours a day.

    Another one of ags's clown patches punishing people that want to get everything from a shite event over and done with.

  20. Did your patreon know of the patch notes before they were posted on new worlds patch notes? If not then there's no read advantage lol 😅😂

  21. I am pissed about the winter warrior change. I am on a Low pop server and i wont be able to find grps lol dam it

  22. just killed the event, was already lowering the player count, now with 3 daily who will bother doing this boring ass event?

  23. Too late for me,my entire company quit …updates are nothing more but way to sell skins/mounts…boring shit…and these Prime packs are just insulting

  24. So basicly economy is dog shit atm and doing 700 GS ITEM is going to be MORE EXPENSIVE than it was so we get NO content till may + FUCKED UP ECONOMY + MORE EXPENSIVE CRAFT ??? this is the end of NW !

  25. I'm having trouble listening to this at work I work in a very loud environment so are you saying chromatic lcrafts are going away ?

  26. Legit considering going home sick from work to do WW. Ive not been grinding because i was gonna degen it after the 23rd… without fail these patch notes always make me feel shit. Other mmoa i look forward to patches. Nw gives me anxiety on patch day.


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