
Ding & O’Sullivan Progress To R4! | World Open 2024


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35 pemikiran pada “Ding & O’Sullivan Progress To R4! | World Open 2024”

  1. They should have a doubles tourny and put Ding with Ronnie.

    I'd bet my life insurance money on those 2

  2. Ronnie vs has been Davis .. Played 28 matches. Ronnie won 22. Davis 6

    Well done Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐for schooling Steve Davis. Davis would be considered an over hyped club level snooker player in today's high standards in snooker!

  3. The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall. Jack Frauderski. GOAT of being high minded but has WON FUKALL 😁😛

  4. Hendry always crumbled against top opponents,not if your name was Jimmy.

    Hendry literally won 4 of his 7 world titles.against Jimmy,then Ebdon,and Nigel Bond!

    WOW, World class opponents NOT!

    Ronnie O'Sullivan is the GOAT 🐐

  5. jack lisowski a poncegenius of winning fuckall , not like he turned pro in the last shower of rain. he has been on the pro tour almost 13 years. GOAT AT BEING HIGH MINDED .GOAT WITH FUCKALL IN SILVERWARE 🐐

  6. Ronnie O'Sullivan is the greatest player whoever played snooker & our greatest ambassador. Love the uploads. Keep up the good work guys 🐐🚀


    The greatest man to ever pick up a Snooker cue,without doubt now, not after this 41 ranking titles.and 23 triple crown titles. Well he wanted to do 8-8-8, he’s two thirds of the way there! Come on now for an 8th World crown .Lets go GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐

    CRY MF'ers

  8. John Higgins should’ve been thrown out of the sport for match-fixing.

    Gutless snooker authorities didn’t have the b*lls to act. Shame on them.

  9. The meltwayne hates that "UNDISPUTED GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐
    Why its been posting over and over again lmfao

  10. Princessyips aka Stephen Hendry and his fans boys need to get a grip and realize their man princesyips is yesterday's news, a spent force, a new Davis. We all know the greatest is the one the only Ronnie O'Sullivan🐐 closely followed Mark Selby 🐐

  11. When making out that you are a hard man at 60 years on cyber space is absolutely hilarious if it wasn't pathetic as well. The melt loves Pony Judd Trump. The King of flukes!

  12. Eight of the last 12 WSC were won by the greatest player of all time Ronnie O'Sullivan & second greatest player of all time Mark Selby. They won 4 World titles each ( 2012-2023 )

    Judd Trump 1 World title 2019. (2005-2023) Absolutely hilarious!

    Its the toughest era in snooker history,and that's why Judd cant win a second World title to save his life.

    Absolute fact ! 👌🏆



    GOAT of snooker Ronnie and goat of luck Hendry played 13 finals,Any INDIAN knows the score regarding those 13 finals! Who won more 9-4 to whom? My mothers boy friend Hendry?

    Also anyone knows who has won more in the game ?

  14. how is the pony Stephen Hendry great?

    people Hendry declined from the early 2000s, but I think that is false.

    It's just that at the beginning of the 2000s, a new generation of extremely talented players emerged, not to mention the fact that Ronnie continued to progress enormously from the years 2002-2003 and after.

    It wasn't Hendry who declined, it was just the adversity that was too much for him.

    And let's face it, in the years of Hendry's reign, there was no great adversity facing him. If there were today's players back in Hendry's heyday, he would have won far fewer titles.Hendry is no Ronnie a far better player and hendry will be the first to say it!
    The UNDISPUTED GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐

  15. Auntytonyhalmes will be back with all her accounts. She Lives rent free so she she says. She even wants to be me. Maybe she loves me more than she loves RONNIE O'SULLIVAN 🐐

  16. Wish the algorithm would weed out these weird bot accounts. The comments section is just a cesspit of nonsense

  17. So glad Ronnie deprived your Boyfriend Judd of a second world title 2022 .Cry more
    @ auntytonthalmesmelt

    GOAT Ronnie beat Judd like a dog the last three finals they played. That a snooker fact!

  18. Well done Ding . Cao reminds me of classless cheat Higgins .Only ever win matches and titles with pure luck

  19. 17-4 & 17-6 WSC SF 2004/8 pummeling by Ronnie broke PONNIE Hendry. Watch the two matches. its on YouTube! Sat there looking a sorry figure. No better sight to behold in snooker! He realised the King has arrived. The one and only GOAT RONNIE O"SULLIVAN 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐


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