Did you know sand is the most mined material in the world? #sand #mining #diving


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world , Did you know sand is the most mined material in the world? #sand #mining #diving , #sand #mined #material #world #sand #mining #diving
, Business Insider,Business News

29 pemikiran pada “Did you know sand is the most mined material in the world? #sand #mining #diving”

  1. "Somewhere in the world, some human gets paid an apple a day to break gravel under the pounding sun."
    At some point it becomes quite stupid. The scaphander has existed for centuries now. You could the job 10 times as fast with rudimentary tech.

  2. No man 👨 n earth should have took this hard. People these days always pump “if a man doesn’t work hard for 30 years then he’s NOT A MAN!!!” Gtf out of here with that. And I’m guessing he barely gets by as well. Just heartbreaking to see people have to work there whole life just to barely make it and then die. How is that fair. Excuse me I’m just going through the motions right now haha.

  3. I tip my hat off to these guys, hard work, but, you aint mining 9 tonnes in 4 hours, no chance, the job these people are doing is WAY HARDER than that and 9 tones in 4 hours is crazy, i do not believe it for a second.
    How deep do they dive, the weight of sand and water, the amount lost between dives on coming to the surface, i would expect a maximum of 4 tones, 6 at a push.


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