
Demonetizing Everything: A Post Capitalism World | Peter Diamandis | Exponential Finance


Singularity University Executive Chairman & Co-founder Peter Diamandis will share his views and predictions on the “demonetization of living” and how this shift will impact your life, your career, your organization, and the global economy.

world , Demonetizing Everything: A Post Capitalism World | Peter Diamandis | Exponential Finance , #Demonetizing #Post #Capitalism #World #Peter #Diamandis #Exponential #Finance
, Singularity,Singularity University,NYC,Conference,Lecture,Exponential Finance,Finance,Exponentials,Peter Diamandis,Demonetization,Capitalism,Impact,Innovation

23 pemikiran pada “Demonetizing Everything: A Post Capitalism World | Peter Diamandis | Exponential Finance”

  1. Just when I start learning and understanding monetization for my music. All that gold I spent searching. The bitcoins and stock market unstocked? What an inert systematic change in our times. It's such an economically breakdown. It's exciting and scary. 3dprinting body parts? Thank you!

  2. The great majority have been indoctrinated to a status quo mentality with a post traumatic mental overload of change to date. " Revolutionary " capitalistic innovation at this point will bring explosive mental anguish unless it's spread, let's say, to over 50 to 100 yrs.. Your talk makes me mentally exhausted.

  3. Dug this utopian talk from its well deserved grave in 2022. Grinned at it with pity and laid it back into its grave. Things have really changed pretty fast, just not the right way. Free resources? The only nanobots unleashed was the COVID. World economy is in recession. Inflation skyrocketing. Brutal war is going on in Ukraine and we are on the brink of a WW3 and nuclear war.

    The problem not understood is – if you have exponential growth this is because you still have plenty of resources, which will soon end because of the exponential resource consumption while growing.

    The other problem not understood is – developing technology creates systems with higher complexity, the more complex they are the more we struggle understanding them. This makes them fragile, with higher and higher chances for our systems to fall apart with catastrophic consequences. Many parties would exploit complexity to deliberately harm other parties.

  4. I really like the tenor of his message but I don't trust the guy, sorry. He goes to the UAE and speaks to the scary elites there. That in itsels is a deeply immoral act.

  5. A post capitalist world will collapse on itself within less than a decade .innovation will cease because if there’s no reward for the work of intellectual design it will stop .and the elite aren’t smart enough to design a paper clip .they have broken the entire economic system by stealing money from those who have it .and now they think they are going to have their little utopia .wrong it is never worked and never will. but hey knock yourself out. Man’s incredible ability to not learn from the past because of his petulant little fit of getting what he wants and disregarding scientific and physical fax we will put him back to the caveman state like it has in the past .Professing themselves to be wise they became utter fools

  6. Could work with newer or coming generations, unless they change humans at a genetic level. Ooh wait! Theyve done it. We're all gonna think differently soon . Give the slaves free stuff.

  7. The hubris and idiocy of the devil selling you your demise with great words and glowing colours. Quite disgusting.

  8. … is this a 💩facet of the newfangled “OWN NOTHING! (all yous “little- sheople!🐑🐑🐑…”, er, people)” scam, er, scheme being promoted by the “something- stinks!”, er, “think🚽tanks” these days?…

  9. Here's some advice : You're seeking Utopia….Try to thrive in the present-day systems without dogging the very structures that put food on your table. You can bite the hand that feeds you, but nobody with half a brain will take you seriously. And you're wasting precious time on a dead end. Jus sayin…. This piece, while well presented, ignores many obvious realities. Making videos is easy. It's the CONTENT that is the hard part.

  10. "Post capitalism for the majority of the world", and Centralization for a few, make no mistake about it this is what he is saying.


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