
Deadliest Military Ships In The World


Deadliest Military Ships In The World
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A naval fleet cannot achieve command of the sea with just the biggest or most deadliest warships in the water these days. Modern naval warfare is a three-dimensional chess board involving land, air, and water. 21st century warships must be able to fight in as many of those dimensions as possible in order to be victorious.

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world , Deadliest Military Ships In The World , #Deadliest #Military #Ships #World
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37 pemikiran pada “Deadliest Military Ships In The World”

  1. 1 Billion Dollar a piece… Imagine what you could do with "just" the money needed to buy these ships, I'm not even talking about equipping, maintenance etc… Why does all these weapon systems always seem to cost more and more money. And don't tell me now that a Bismarck today would cost at least 3 Billion….

  2. Can't say wich one of them is better. Every ship has it's own capabilititys and it's own purpose in order to fit with any country needs. Other countries need small vessels, fast and flexible while others need large ships in order to carry warheads.

  3. Feets??? It is an international video, so use the correct mesurements!!!! You never mesure german or french ships in feet 😀 never never never!!!

  4. A ship is relly the only viable platform for a rail gun.
    Uk and USA need to play catch up on that combination.

  5. Where do they run up the large white flag on the C sword 90 ? The last real combat the French navy saw was being sunk by their allies at Mers el Kabir.

  6. Chinese-made Class 55 Destroyers, now available at Dollarama. Restrictions may apply, no guarantees or insurances.

  7. well… as a German I was baffled to see one of our ships on this list. I mean, we our navy is (mostly) satisfied with ships able to move😂

  8. Did anyone spot the mistake ar 5:45, when he said that the type 55 carries 84 vertical launch cells aft, but the caption said 48? (48 was the correct quantity)


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