CrowdStrike: World’s biggest IT outage continues to cause global chaos

CrowdStrike, the cyber-security company that has acquired a certain infamy after admitting responsibility for the IT outage that has upended services across the globe, is warning of “bad actors” trying to take advantage of the chaos.

Cyber agencies in both the UK and Australia have urged people to be alert to fake emails or calls.

Meanwhile, transport and health systems have been badly hit, with travellers facing continued delays and cancellations.

world , CrowdStrike: World’s biggest IT outage continues to cause global chaos , #CrowdStrike #Worlds #biggest #outage #continues #global #chaos
, Channel 4 News,Crowdstrike,microsoft,outage,IT outage,grounded flights,crowdstrike outage,bbc outage,sky outage,crowdstrike shares,bsod,global outage,airport chaos,windows outage,blue screen of death,blue screen

33 pemikiran pada “CrowdStrike: World’s biggest IT outage continues to cause global chaos”

  1. It occurs to me that if hypothetically I wanted the power to to crash a large number of vital systems, I might make a company that legitimises itself to the corporate world as a security tool so as to get elevated privileges on a large number of systems and then at an opportune moment release a malicious update to crash them all at once. I might give the necessary shell company I would create to acheive this hack a really on the nose name, like CrowdStrike.

  2. Linux is free and secure computer operating system …
    but all the corrupt skum (under the boot of the ovens) use Windows operating system
    (which is wide open for spying and ripe with exploits)
    … the CIA destroys any tech company that does not do what it wants

  3. This global internet outage is insane! All airlines grounded and i was stock the airport and even banks, media, and offices from the U.S. to Australia. How can CrowdStrike have such a monopoly that could help restore such a massive amount of tech?

  4. So obvious. Just the unnecessary reliance on electricity alone was a car crash waiting to happen. Cash registers used to be mechanical, so they worked during a power outage. Money was physical, so still worked during an outage. I said this over 30 years ago. But was told I was talking rubbish. Maybe people should start listening to us thick kids.

  5. 6:10 It's not about money. It's about physics and the limits of nature. If it were meant for us to travel or communicate over vast distances in an instant, there would be provision in nature for us to. If not, no matter how much money you throw at it, it won't happen.

  6. All the companies and governments in the world should file a mass class action suit against Microsoft and Crowdstrike for tens of billions of dollars in losses and the inconvenienced they caused billions of people around the world. At the very least they are accountable and should be fined 1.5 trillion dollars by the EU, US and all governments and companies in the world.

  7. It's approx 50 years since the internet crept up on this techno obsessed society. By now people have no longer any clue whatsoever about life before the net. That there was ever such thing as "the Good Old Days" is a myth but before the net life was simpler, more efficient and without the threat of the entire global infrastructure breaking down – notwithstanding the forever ongoing wars. Life's become an AI Algorithm asylum, nothing relates to a natural existence anymore and we've all become slaves to an industry that is killing us. A total collapse of the entire internet would well be what this society needs to shock us back to reality. Greetings from 84 years of observing the self imposed downfall of the human race.

  8. What an amazing job at getting the fix out. Well done. This should have helped people realise their strengths and their personal vulnerabilities. This is a good challenge. Well done to those who realised what they had and needed to do. What they should prepare for in a more serious event. The business challenges Ie Doctors surgeries that need upgrades.
    Prepare for the worst people and hope for the best. Always have some cash. some food and water and if you need medicines daily then have a small supply or at least copies of your scripts to hand.

  9. There is no redundancy built into the system. We are Ai because we only exist digitally. Minutes from Mad Max. Anything with a microprocessor, will be compromised. Typewriters and bicycles.

  10. Countries will be rushing to switch to non-American computer software now that Biden and Trump have learned that they could bring any country, especially American allies, to their knees with a few key strokes if they dare to have their own opinions. It’s quicker and more effective than “American sanctions”.


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