
Could today’s global conflicts bring a Third World War closer? | Inside Story


Wars are raging around the world.
Many are pitting east against west, with both supplying arms to countries they support.
The United Nations has been accused of showing weakness – paralysed by vetos held by the major powers.
So could these global conflicts turn into a third world war?


Tom McRae


Chris Hedges, former Middle East Bureau Chief, New York Times; Pulitzer Prize winner

Scott Lucas is Professor of International Politics, Clinton Institute, University College Dublin

Huiyao Henry Wang, founder and president, Center for China and Globalisation; former Counselor to China’s State Council.

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, Afghanistan,CentralAfricanRepublic,China,GazaWar,GlobalConflicts,Inside Story,Iraq,Libya,MilitaryInterventions,Myanmar,NuclearWeapons,Russia,SudanWar,Syria,UkraineWar,UnitedNations,UnitedStates,WWIII,WorldWar3,Yemen,Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,al Jazeera,al jazeera English,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera English,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news

46 pemikiran pada “Could today’s global conflicts bring a Third World War closer? | Inside Story”

  1. American exceptionalism is becoming the downfall of democracy and has to stop. Defund nato, defund Nazism in Ukraine, defund Zionism in Israel/Palestine because a state should not be founded by a religion and eradicate the brainwashed "war on terror" mentality. Most western country's are multi ethnic.. and the proxys wars will create more objections and potentially conflicts within our own towns and cities

  2. But what is the US doing what is all covered??? Why are not saying that??? Why the US needs to have army bases everywhere???

  3. It’s already happening before our eyes the world is going through a war, I don’t know if you all want a public announcement for it to be named a “3rd world war”

  4. All killing needs to stop. Start talking and more talking and debating until some reconciliation and common sense, wisdom and peace and freedom for all. Conversation after Conversation ❤❤❤😢😢😢

  5. Yes go home please USA and Isreal stand down and quit the killing. Everyone is special. Well most. You are getting other countries involved You are committing a genocide as far as I am concerned. Remember you past.

  6. Maybe decades ago agreements were made about no more NATO expansion but……………Ukraine has a right to decide if it wants to join into NATO. Thats ONLY up to Ukraine to decide.

  7. Scott you have to do your research 😅this is not the audience on this channel who you can mislead.
    Chris Hedges 👍

  8. It is truly surprising how poor Prof. Lucas' level of analysis is. He is oming across as a poor apologist for US policies and a truly poor analyst. It is very unfortunate for his students

  9. With all due respect, prof. Lucas is a bit off in his analysis. It is true that the Houthis are gaining legitimacy but that was not their motivating factor. That was a byproduct of their actions. Similarly, the US alleged early attempts to reign in Israeli actions were lame propaganda measures at best

  10. While I disagree with much of what Scott Lucas had to say his presence and arguments offered an important contrast. Dissenting voices always matter because they offer us an opportunity to challenge our beliefs. Group think, bias and rationalization are a major danger when discussing geopolitical issues with only like thinkers. This said, after rethinking my beliefs and trying to take Scott seriously I think he’s mistaken on a lot of points, especially Ukraine, but do agree it’s very easy to overlook nuance and other important details while getting lost blaming Washington elites for their aggression and incompetence. On this note, I think Hedges is absolutely correct about Biden’s inner circle. Blinken is a frighteningly out of touch and incredibly dangerous man. Few political figures make me cringe like Blinken. I see him as a kind of modern braindead version of Kissinger.

  11. The U.S. has to be accountable for is inactions in addressing these global issues as it continues its expansionism policies affect other regions of the world!

  12. Scott is like in the story of donkey vs tiger and lion presiding as a unilateral chair claiming the grass is blue. When your thoughts are fixated, intellectual discourse becomes meaningless.

  13. Say it because of us and Israel adement attack in the middle eastern countries.if Israel stop this war on Palestinian people,no war will come.all oil supplying countries must not give their oil to this countries which is adement in counting their atack in the middle eastern countries.america should stop giving their weapons to Israel and stop attacking yamen.this escalation of war will not take place.its because america this war is gaining more violent.

  14. This isn't pleasant for anyone to expect the West and Europeans to gain control over the Middle East solely for the sake of Israel. Let's avoid a scenario where it becomes World War III, as this should not be about colonization.

  15. I hate this putin = voldemort thing these americans try to pull as if even saying his name is enough to call you a commie, what a wease;

  16. I recommend you search for people like Hedges who are capable of critical thought and adult communication.

  17. This “Cold War” with Russia the us government is having is crazy… seeing as us companies are arming Russia with missile parts and technology…


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