
Copenhagen – The world’s greenest capital city? | DW Documentary


Copenhagen is renowned for being bike friendly and for its cutting-edge design and architecture. But the Danish capital has also become a hub of environmental protection and sustainability.

Once a fishing village, today Copenhagen is a bustling metropolis where designers turn fabric remnants into hip fashion and restaurants grow lettuce in indoor warehouses. City architect Camilla van Deurs says the goal is to create a livable city. Internationally renowned Copenhagen-based architect Bjarke Ingels calls it ‘hedonistic sustainability.’ The documentary shows us around the city and introduces us to the people that are helping to make Copenhagen one of the best places in the world to live.

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28 pemikiran pada “Copenhagen – The world’s greenest capital city? | DW Documentary”

  1. This city is very beautiful, without a doubt. However, it must be said that it is a small city in a rich country. It's not even possible to compare Copenhagen with São Paulo

    Copenhagen: 602,481
    São Paulo: 12.33 million
    Denmark: 5.9 million

    Total area:
    Copenhagen 90.01 km²
    São Paulo: 1,521.2 km²
    Denmark: 42,952 km²

    São Paulo has twice the population of Denmark in an area 28 times smaller than that country. The problems São Paulo faces are infinitely greater than Copenhagen.

  2. Urban gardening. Seems very good…. but your desperate just to show the world …. Denmark is….. 😅❤😂❤

  3. As an American, I have to say, I really appreciate all of the documentaries DW puts together. Engaging, informative, and broad in scope – the quality of your documentary channel is unmatched.

  4. Why Taking Care of the Environment is Crucial
    Taking care of our environment is critically important for several reasons:

    Human Survival: The environment provides us with clean air, water, food, shelter, and other essential resources for life. If we neglect the environment, these resources will become depleted or polluted, jeopardizing our very survival.

    Human Health: Air, water, and soil pollution can lead to a range of health problems, including respiratory illnesses, heart disease, and cancer. Protecting the environment safeguards our health and the health of future generations.

    Economy: A healthy environment is essential for sustainable economic development. Economic activities that harm the environment are unsustainable in the long run and can lead to significant economic costs.

    Social Justice: The consequences of climate change and environmental degradation are not evenly distributed. Poor and vulnerable communities are often hit hardest. Taking care of the environment is a matter of social justice, ensuring a fair future for all.

    Planetary Beauty: The natural world is a source of beauty, inspiration, and well-being for people. Protecting the environment means safeguarding the beauty of our planet for generations to come.

    We can all contribute to a healthier environment by making small changes in our daily lives:

    Reduce Energy and Resource Consumption: Turn off lights and electronics when not in use, opt for public transportation or cycling, and reduce water and food consumption.
    Recycle and Reuse: Properly separate waste, reuse containers and materials whenever possible.
    Prevent Pollution: Avoid littering, use eco-friendly cleaning products, and minimize pesticide and chemical use.
    Stay Informed and Spread Awareness: Read about environmental issues, share information with friends and family, and participate in environmental protection activities.
    Taking care of the environment is a collective and individual responsibility. It's time to take action to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

  5. Another wonderful documentary about Copenhagen city… government and people coordinate between themselves for increasing living green 💚 area's ,cleaning polluted positions, converting trash to clean electricity ( environment friend 🧡) ,reducing atmospheric warming by bicycle 💚🚲 💚… good doing by respectful 🙏 Danmark….thank you 🙏 ( DW) documentary channel for sharing

  6. As a resident of Copenhagen, I feel compelled to offer a different perspective on the city's portrayal as the greenest. While Copenhagen undoubtedly has its charms, the reality of its environmental efforts often falls short of the glossy image projected.

    Let's talk trees – or rather, the lack thereof. Contrary to the narrative, the city isn't exactly teeming with greenery. In fact, the municipality's reluctance to invest in tree planting has resulted in a noticeable scarcity of foliage, with existing trees often falling victim to budgetary concerns. Remember that wave of excitement when they planted a slew of trees a few years back? Well, they were promptly deposited in a forest miles away from the urban sprawl. Yet, conveniently, they're still counted in Copenhagen's 'green' credentials.

    And then there are the heralded projects like CopenHill and urban gardening initiatives. While touted as groundbreaking, they're hardly novel and certainly not representative of everyday life for Copenhageners. Instead, new urban developments predominantly feature a sea of concrete and glass, with sustainability taking a backseat to profit margins.

    Let's not forget Lynetteholm, a stark reminder of misplaced priorities where community well-being takes a backseat to monetary gain.

    Copenhagen is a city with immense potential for environmental stewardship, but the current narrative of it being the greenest capital couldn't be further from the truth. So, by all means, visit, enjoy the sights, but let's not turn a blind eye to the reality beneath the surface. Only through honest critique and a collective commitment to change can we hope to see Copenhagen truly live up to its green aspirations. Thank you.

  7. DW is the best in Documentary. What an amazing piece of work. Thanks for giving us great documentaries this far

  8. Please stop with the propaganda of waste incineration! And please consult with the independent eco NGO like ZeroWaste Europe before reporting and promoting destruction of planets resources (which waste inceneration is!). And please consult with the experts that were involved with this waste-to-energy plant. All of them were dead against it. However: the government decided to proceed and build it (thanks to corruption and lobbying of the company that sold them the technology).

    Burning waste is the opposite of sustainability. It destroys the resources of our finite planet.
    It is also very toxic and dangerous (don’t listen to those who benefit/get paid for promoting it. listen to independent scientists and NGO).

    I genuinely consider this video a propaganda video sponsored by the waste-to-energy industry.

    Please stop doing this.

  9. You should look at what impact Copenhagen’s work to make more artificial islands has. It is a total environmental disaster. They release pollutants by digging and dumping (including poisonous heavy metals). The marine environment is already damaged at costal regions to the south and north. Sweden is not happy but Copenhagen and Danish politicians don’t care at all. This is their prestige project and they don’t give a toss about environment 😢

  10. I never thought DW like science fiction movies where countries can pretend to be what they are not. I guess using the nord brand allows them make up anything.

  11. Positively shocked to say at least that ppl from Belgrade came for advice and want to do something positive for the city. Hope they actually do something and that this was not some part time vacation for them. Same change needs in Novi Sad and other Serbian cities.

  12. Youtube can't capture smell, but atleast your journalists can. Rather than blocking access to incineration plant, throwing poisionous gas everywhere, they are promoting physical activities around it!!! 😂😂😂

    Is there some satire intended in the initiatives of Copenhagen?


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