
Coffee and what it does to your body – BBC World Service


Billions of people around the world rely on a little cup of coffee to get them through the day. But have you ever stopped to think about what it’s doing to your body?

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We take a deep dive into your coffee cup, to see what the caffeinated drink does to the human body and what happens if you have one too many espressos. We also go on a short history trip to see how it went from humble beginnings in Ethiopia, to a worldwide billion-dollar industry.

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Story: André Biernath and João da Mata
Animation: Jilla Dastmalchi
Narrator: Natasha Peach
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world , Coffee and what it does to your body – BBC World Service , #Coffee #body #BBC #World #Service
, BBC,BBC World Service,Podcasts,Radio,Podcast,World Service Radio,World Service,Documentaries,Investigations,Explainers,BBC Documentary,Docs,coffee,coffee for your head,coffee shop,coffee recipe,what does coffee do,what does coffee do to your body,what does coffee do to your brain,what does coffee do to your face,what does coffee do to you,how does coffee affect your body,how does coffee affect the brain,how does coffee affect gut health,psychoactive substance

28 pemikiran pada “Coffee and what it does to your body – BBC World Service”

  1. Same news outlet were saying vaccines were safe. Anything the bbc says is good im avoiding that. News outlet always says what is their corporate companies telling them to say.

  2. I drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning and i still start feeling sleepy in 1-2 hours after that. Something is definitely not right.

  3. Also, climate change could really mess with coffee production. Warmer temperatures and unpredictable weather can shrink the areas where coffee can grow. Some studies even say we could lose up to half of our coffee-growing regions by 2050 because of this. With hotter weather, more extreme storms, and pests spreading, coffee might become harder to get and could change in quality. Fingers crossed this doesn’t happen, but it’s a real possibility if things keep going the way they are.

  4. If im drinking too much coffee i get a twitch right above my eye and then i pull back for awhile and it goes away 😂

  5. I’ve been drinking Red Bull for 30 years and heard so many times how unhealthy and dangerous it is. Meanwhile people consume insane of amounts this black drink that destroys your stomach and gives you horrible heartburn.

  6. We need coffee growers to benefit from this system. Africans need to gain back their value in the chains

  7. If people instead of alcohol, tobacco, cofee and meat used LSD, mushrooms andd DMT we would travelling space right now.

  8. how about just giving the facts and info, instead of trying to make a tiktok video? you're the BBC ffs, act like it.


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