
Climate change: World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit | BBC News


For the first time, global warming has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year, according to the EU’s climate service.

World leaders promised in 2015 to try to limit the long-term temperature rise to 1.5C, which is seen as crucial to help avoid the most damaging impacts.

This first year-long breach doesn’t break that landmark “Paris agreement”, but it does bring the world closer to doing so in the long-term.

Urgent action to cut carbon emissions can still slow warming, scientists said.

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36 pemikiran pada “Climate change: World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit | BBC News”

  1. When I was younger the old ladies on the bus told me the snow in London was caused by the Americans with their space shuttle. I always think of them whenever I hear rubbish about climate change doom. It’s just a money grab.

  2. Climate change poses a threat to the future of humanity and human civilization. We must unite to stop this monster before it is too late. Many areas will suffer from drought and scarcity of rain, and there are areas that will flood due to rising water levels. Can you imagine a beautiful country like the Netherlands drowning due to global warming? I think Geert Wilders would say that Muslims are the reason for what happened

  3. Noticed the latest chicken licken buzzword tactic is to say it's actually how quick the climate is changing, like the Earth is a boiling kettle taking about a minute to self destruct/boil over or like when you mess up on Tetris and you hear the duck game over sound. When really the speed of climate warming change being faster is probably equivilant of a tortoise speeding up to reach some lettuce thinking the lettuce might go rotten if it doesn't get there one second faster. Hysterical.

  4. The insane rush to buy new cars (EV’s mostly) is a big cause behind the huge CO2 emissions – just stop it. NOW.

  5. Dear BBC, here are some real facts:

    – CO2 levels have been 13 times higher in the past.
    – It was warmer in Minoan, Roman and Medieval times.
    – CO2 is a trace gas essential for life on Earth. We are at historically low levels currently (420ppm, whilst at approx 150ppm life would die out). We need more, not less, and Net Zero could be a real threat to the world.
    – Since 1850's, one ten thousandth more of the atmosphere is CO2. In other words, we have made little difference.
    – The current El Nino period increases the temp of the world.
    – The massive Tongan volcano two years ago emitted more 'greenhouse gasses' (actually water vapour) into the atmosphere that mankind emitted CO2 that whole year, and in 2023 the Earth felt the effects.
    – Researchers only receive funding if they mention anthropogenic (ie man-made) global warming.
    – For the past 9 years, the world has been on a cooling trend, with no discernible increase since 1982.
    – There has been no increase in the frequency or extremeness of major weather incidents (even according to the IPCC and NASA).
    – There has been no increase in the rate of sea level rises for the past 500 years – it has continued at the rate of 3mm per year.
    – Wildfires are less frequent now that the historical past – last year 2.3% of the Earth's surface, compared to the long-term average of 3%.
    – A changing climate is more likely to be due to levels of solar activity and the shifting of the Earth's magnetic pole. Even if the IPCC tends to ignore the fact that 30,000 Earths could fit into the Sun, the IPCC usually ignores the well-acknowledged patterns of solar activity as being the driver for weather cycles (eg Milankovich Cycle).

    In other words, we are being fed nonsense and propaganda to make us more compliant.

  6. I’m not remotely bothered. Global temperatures fluctuate massively over time. We can prepare for disruption by becoming self sufficient in food again. This means increasing farming and reducing the UK population. Let’s deport illegal migrants, stop legal migration (especially from those inclined to have large families) and get ready to repel would be invaders from lands which have become unviable for their populations.

  7. Tell Elon Musk & all the other Rocket males – what are their Rockets doing to the enviroment. Why is Musk CHEERED when he says he is helping the enviroment?!

  8. More BBC bullshit. They do anything to convince us there is a climate crisis. Turn the telly is the solution.

  9. Climate change is a global lie. The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that in the last days some people will turn away from the faith. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons

  10. If there was a truly climate change. Why are the European union sending trillions of weapons that is destroying the soils and mother earth right now. Not 2030. Right now and it's been going on for a long time. Yet talking about 2030. We choice to save UKRAINE and democracy over WORLD CLIMATE CHANGE. Get the F out

  11. Nothing is linear in nature, this is going up exponentially baby, how much more heat can the ocean hold?

  12. Everything is inverted in the world today. Frightened stupid people who should be visiting a psychologist are instead in control of public policy.

  13. LOL! The Earth is a lost cause! Give up Denialist Chuds and Greenies! YOU LOST THE WAR AGAINST HUMAN IGNORANCE! ADMIT IT!

  14. Where is the balance in this article , where is the alternative viewpoint ? . In 2015 there was a big panic about 1.5 but here we are . Greta T quietly deleting tweets promising doom in the back ground . Still ignoring small issues like world conflicts


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