
Christian Parents Find Porno Film Hidden In Teenager’s Suitcase | World’s Strictest Parents


Dad Finds Porno Film Hidden In Teenagers Suitcase. During the routine bag search, Dad finds something concerning in the son’s suitcase.



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▶ That’ll Teach ‘Em – Full Episode:
▶ How Strict Parents Deal With LOVE, SEX & DATING:
▶ Teens get their bags searched:
▶ Alcohol is BANNED:
▶ Most Shocking Moments:

Think you’ve got the World’s Strictest Parents? How do they stack up against these ones? From cutting logs to walking into ponds these parents have the answer to any disobedient teen. How would you survive against the World’s Strictest Parents?

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22 pemikiran pada “Christian Parents Find Porno Film Hidden In Teenager’s Suitcase | World’s Strictest Parents”

  1. Jehovah’s Witness parents are like that, kind of. Jehovah’s Witness parents are never seen in this program anyway. The program would never send teens to such parents.

  2. How is he paying for cigarettes and booze? Why does he still have access to the internet? Good grief. Be parents.

  3. I felt bad for him when he said he’d never flown before & the airline misplaced his bag…I couldn’t imagine how upset I’d be

  4. I don’t blame Mr. Tilly one bit for being irate!
    Jesse had no business bringing that smutty
    DVD into his house in the first place.


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