
China Is Buying Up The World’s Ports…And No One Is Talking About It


This is the port of Long Beach California. It is the second largest Port in North America, Ahead of the 3rd largest Port of New York, and Behind the largest Port which is the port of los angeles. Roughly 16 million Tons of Cargo pass through this port each year and makes its way to warehouses, factories, and homes, within the United States. This single port which is just 13 square kilometres, is responsible for well over $100 Billion dollars worth of trade and employs over 340 000 people in southern california.

So, it is quite apparent that this port is one of the most vital parts of southern california’s economy. is not owned by The town of long beach…California…or even the united states.

You see, in late 1980’s, The port of long beach was sold to a company called Orient Overseas International Limited, which was a company that was based out of hong kong. And at the time, Hong Kong was a British colony and a close economic partner with the United States, so the United States viewed this sale as a win-win, as The Hong-Kong based company would go on to invest billions of dollars, and expand the port on its own…while hundreds of thousands of jobs in southern california would be created from this investment.

And for roughly 3 decades, this was a fairly positive relationship between long beach, and the Hong Kong based company.

But then…in 2017 something happened that put an end to this positive relationship. In July of 2017, The Chinese State Run Company, Cosco, ended up purchasing a 75 percent stake the the Orient Overseas International Limited, and became the new owner of the Hong Kong based company, and therefore the owner of the Port of Long Beach.

Now, even though this probably didn’t make the news because shipping is not exactly the most interesting topic to bring up in the mainstream news…it was important enough for the Federal Government to take action.

You see, a state run Chinese company now owned the 3rd most important port in North America…meaning that the Chinese government had control over one of the key trading points and economic hubs of the United States.

And for the United States government, that was unacceptable citing national security risks. So that is why the government forced COSCO to sell off the port of long beach immediately to a non-Chinese state-run company. And in 2019, Australia’s Macquarie Group ended up buying Port for 1.8 Billion Dollars. So now technically the port of long beach is owned by a private australian company, which is viewed as a much safer owner in the eyes of the U.S government.

Now if this was just an isolated incident of China trying to buy up an important seaport, than it might be worth ending the video right here. But this is just one of Dozens of cases, where Chinese State run companies have tried buying out the most important ports in the world.

For example, in Hambantota, Sri Lanka there is a port that is in a strategic location just below one of China’s Rivals, India. So in 2017, China was able to buy out a controlling share in the port, largely because the government of Sri Lanka was in debt and needed foreign investment to save its economy.

In 2015, and 2016, Chinese investors bought out a controlling interest in Port Darwin, and a large share of the port of Melbourne.

They control the port of freeport in the Bahamas, just off of the coast of the United States.

And in fact, Chinese companies control ports in virtually every major country in the world, and in the countries where they dont, they typically have 49% ownership of some ports in the country…like in belgium, France, and the United States.

But here is what is what might be the most striking point of this video. All of these ports that are being bought up all over the world by China, have only occurred over the last 10 years.

Meaning that China went from having relatively no ownership of any ports before the year 2010, to becoming the largest owner of the worlds ports today.

So that brings up the question…why are they doing this, and what are the ramifications of China’s plan?

Well they are doing this because of something they have called the belt and road initiative. This was a plan announced by China in the early 2010’s, with the purpose of having a global development and investment strategy.

Too long transcript.


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world , China Is Buying Up The World’s Ports…And No One Is Talking About It , #China #Buying #Worlds #Ports…And #Talking
, Jack,Chapple,ports,silk road,china manufacturing,china silk road,belt and road initiative,china stock market,china economy,usa economy,port of long beach,port of piraeus,trade investing,economics explained,economics documtary,hong kong economy,oocl,cosco,cosco shipping,greek shipping,trade routes,shipping china usa,usa china trade,american economy,stock market news,hambantota,port darwin,northwest passage,suez canal,maritime,vid,amazon shipping

49 pemikiran pada “China Is Buying Up The World’s Ports…And No One Is Talking About It”

  1. Hey Everyone…So i built a new computer and had to learn a new editing program (hence why its been 2 weeks since my last post). If there's any errors or this video is a little choppy, that's my bad. I just need some practice with Adobe. Anyways…

    What do you think of china's port play and belt and road initiative?

  2. I don’t support this but I will support the fact that union workers there will become non-union workers. Those union employees are the worst. They feel entitled and go on strike way too much.

  3. China owns the entire globe they have for a long time, this is nothing new.
    They are already in our governments our media everything they have silently infuriated every aspect of our lives not just in the "they make all the stuff we buy" they have won long ago, and like during the Vietnam war they have a vast network of tunnels all over this planet.

  4. Dont sell any of America to China or anyone else…this is our land …not the Democrats and their minions the Rhinos allowing the treasonous sale of our country.

  5. China isn’t the threat, it’s our own treasonous governments, corporate lobbying and monopolistic corporations who succeed in making us poorer.

  6. Just look where all products are coming from! USA stopped making products and quality products too! This is why our economy has been going away our factories are all going away! Our Auto industry should go back to the we use to make vehicles! And we must make computer parts in America!

  7. Remember I told you how foreigners our buying America! Now you put it out! They go after Black people when their not looking around themselves!

  8. Nobody's talking about it because China owns the media they own the movie theater they own everything and they have for a long time. They're only just going public with it all – they used front companies to buy stuff up prior to that while they were just that, front comp6anies.

  9. B***** I did an editorial on this when it happened and I proved that it was always China from the beginning they only admitted it and that sale if you will call it a sale it was more like an admittan.

    The story they're giving you is the story so that the US government doesn't take any responsibility but the US government knew from day one who they were selling to!!

    The Australian company that holds the pink slip on Long Beach harbor right now is also owned by China!

  10. so China is investing? West had the opprtunity to do so but declined cause we are busy investing in our military and that is somehow Chinas fault? And China is most countries largest trading partner yet somehow China would want to sabotage their own trade route? for what purpose? to show China who's boss?

  11. The government should respect the laws of other countries and treat the people of that country in a local way.
    As you know , The Chinese are not allow to had own land in China, only the right to use it,

    So, the government should nationalize the land of those Chinese and give them just right to use ,it is reasonable.
    If the Chinese dare to protest, police should beat them hard and take them away.

    just like how their government will treat them.

    spare rod spoil the china , hummm ?


  13. Why is China allowed to buy any property in the United States?I’ll bet United States citizens and corporations can’t buy land in China!

  14. to cut the story short, china invested trillions on its economic interests for the past 30 years, USA did the same ,but it was on wars , the killing machines, weapons, bombs and bullets… china didnt fire a single bullet ,usa killed over 3 million…thats facts and not fiction, who is evil ,go figure..

  15. when one is both ur biggest buyer and seller, whats wrong with one wanna take over management team in the trade node and modernize it?

  16. At least they were buying, paid money for them. Unlike the Great Satan, they just take, loot like what there are currently doing in Syria. Also, better than the 800+ military bases the Great Satan had built worldwide to cause destruction and misery to all.
    Damn anti-China trollop.

  17. Very interesting. Hope you do video on the new awareness that China has been busy buying up American farmland. Finally, some members of Congress are seeking to forbid this in future. It seems Mexican gov't has more common sense than ours, as foreigners can not buy real estate in Mexico. Many Americans would have done so in the past as Mexico is a favorite vacation spot for Americans, and many would like to own a second (or primary) house there.

  18. By the way, this is a huge national security issue. So why was it allowed? Ah, profit, the guiding principal, right after stupidity, comes cupidity. Money first, security later, humanity, way, way later

  19. All of these Old me in Governments have sold everyone out. China's Government and Citizens are buying up Real estate in the U.S. by the billions, homes, farmland, food production, the President, his son. Why would you allow and enemy to buy major amounts of Businesses, homes, food production in the U.S.? It is Treason, period. Those in Governments don't care because they are old and just want the money/bribes they have taken. You might want to make sure your children speak Chinese.

  20. Costco is run by… the former head of China's military intelligence. For people younger than me , long ago the Saudis wanted to buy up America's major ports.
    At that time Uncle Sam stopped it because of national security concerns. WAKE UP AMERICA !!

  21. While China focus on building economic ties with other countries, the US focus on building stealth B-21 bomber. I wonder which one is more beneficial to the World. It is hard to contain a country that is promoting cooporation. No one is talking about it because people support China's effort.

  22. You made a very important point about China and their citizens, having written essays on the northwest passage. Their civilization is clearly in the age of pioneering and exploration. It’s no secret that America is in decline. We attempted to spark a new pioneering age of innovation that would’ve allowed us to maintain control over the worlds energy with a green economy. But in the information age, people weighed the facts and became polarized on the issue instead of getting behind it. The whole climate change thing was about innovation. Same with Kennedy, who asked the question if a nation in decline or facing decline, could artificially spark an age of pioneering. He attempted to do so with a space race and one could argue that Russia started that ball. America now only re-does things that they did successfully before with less success now. The world is certainly shifting. I hope that contrary to a preponderance of the evidence That we will not have another world war to usher in the next great civilization. Thank you for such a great and thoughtful video. (my point of you is based on an essay written by Sir John glob called the fates of empires. It’s about 30 pages and can be read on Google by PDF. I believe it’s premise to be accurate when it attempts to articulate a certain pattern and cycle for each of the worlds civilizations going back into history.)


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