
Canada Just SHOCKED The World With Terrifying New Law


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Justin Trudeau’s Canada is proposing a new law that would arrest and detain people for future crimes they haven’t even committed.

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world , Canada Just SHOCKED The World With Terrifying New Law , #Canada #SHOCKED #World #Terrifying #Law
, Russell Brand,Brand Russell,BrandThe,Russell Brand video,Russell Brand news,Russell Brand politics,News,Brand,politics,Russell,USA,UK,Russel,Russel Brand

29 pemikiran pada “Canada Just SHOCKED The World With Terrifying New Law”

  1. You should check out what is happening in my country Australia, we have 1 person deciding what the truth is, and a yank not even Ozzie who worked for Twitter before musk, when the fbi was in control,

  2. So there putting parameters on our speach…
    Haven't even been over to Jordans channel yet but I know response is going to be wild. Let's gooo

  3. i fear no man or government, ill die before they take my rights! keep your eyes open and wits about you

  4. This is a way to make some people “believe” that they are working in the population's best interests. Unfortunately, many continue to believe this lie. The intention is to make people bow down and keep everyone as slaves, regardless of who you are. As Russell Brand clearly states at 4:58 in his video.

    No one, no government should think they have absolute power to control others except God, The Lord Jesus.

  5. The canadian prime minister is always the best the worlds got our greatest hope and the whole world will make sure that is the hardest job on planet earth and guess what he also has firstnation blood in his veins thats probly why lots of people try to destroy his reputation and ruin his name i guess we can all say we finally have a prime minister that is not a terrorist im first nation myself too

  6. I'm awake, I'm aware. I'm actually so aware that response to me is impossible. But I'm still breaking it down, way ahead of the curve.

  7. When I speak in these sorts of video comments, nobody listens. Nobody interacts. I have checked the shadow-bans out, they don't exist in my case. Yet you are banned from interacting with me. Tried to break it for 15 years, but can't. I'm an intellectual whatever that means. But either "you" don't see this comment or "you" are not permitted to respond to it. I would love to know which, but sadly realize the fact that I will likely never know.

  8. I am a Blackman in Canada and I am FULLY AWARE of "THEIR AGENDA" for the future of ALL OF HUMANITY ? Tru_Doo!!(Darth Vader) OBEYS his MASTER.?? right. FIND his Master?? And you will know "THE AGENDA". And im pretty sure what i heard has NOTHING TO DO WITH AT ALL WITH THE SAFETY, HEALTH, PROGRESS OF HUMANITY.?? In MY own OPINION. Then I had to refocus and look at his MASTER. Mr Brand keep up the FANTASTIC Work. NO FEAR only in emergency situations … O Yes Tru-DOO!!! done Black Face more then Once. RIGHT!!.. So WTF is talking Better yet WHOM is he speaking for. ya know.

  9. So much for the old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me"

    Just wants to make more government jobs that don't help, but suck money out of the economy.

  10. Brand you're out to lunch! Stay in your lane I'm a Canadian that has actually read the legislation & you don't know wtf you're talking about

  11. commenting from Canada here, so I better watch what I say…..but yeah, I fear whats going to happen when Trudy's horsemen find his photos of blackface from years ago….combine that with his inability to take an early stance on in war crimes against Palestine, and I think we have a "fear of future hate crimes"….It's a stretch, but Im canadian…I guess we do that….

  12. Lol everyone in Canada hates Trudeau. Not even a partisan thing at this point. (Gotta work on your Canadian accent, bud. Give northern Ontarian a try.)

  13. Justin Trudeau is ordained by God and is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. He was appointed to punish a wicked church for breaking God's commandments, for celebrating pagan holidays, and eating any abominable thing.

    Read Romans 13: and stop complaining about the government. If you want to change anything then go and rebuke the church for being a bunch of hypocrites. (Leviticus 19:17-18)

    Do that which is good (keep the 10 commandments) and you will receive praise all the same!

  14. Canadian here- Trudeau is all meaningful gesture, and achieves zero impact. We pay no attention to him and notice he'll go on vacation out of country.

  15. Utube is removing comments as soon as you speak the truth pure evil and imperialism, even here I left a comment they removed it.Thats why people are leaving u tube and going on another sensible platforms where you can openly debate and prove your point.They are putting everything in hate speech, it is sad to see that western society is falling apart rapidly and they are fail to save it.


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