
Can You Guess My Top 3 Tier X TDs? | World of Tanks


World of Tanks, WoT, 1.23.0 patch

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46 pemikiran pada “Can You Guess My Top 3 Tier X TDs? | World of Tanks”

  1. I've been thinking about getting the jpz100. The Trash barn hasn't been treating me well with hesh lately. The right click – fire mechanic seems legit with the jpz100.

  2. Strv …I get crazy damage …a lot of kills….and end up losing the games with half of the team doing 0 to 500 damage ……

  3. Badger is one of my favourite tanks, for some reason it just works for me, I average like 3500 damage in it compared to chief at 3000! Can't explain it but I love it.

  4. Grille is garbage, no armour and no camo, and accuracy is not like it seems on paper. It’s a garbage tank and asides from the grille absorbing some of my HE shots at it with its tracks, I have no issues obliterating them. I’ve never seen a good grille player play against me in my 12k battles and it’s for a good reason. Get obj 268, it’s much better

  5. I cant stand the jagdpanzer, so inflexible and awkward. Although I dislike TDs in general. The only ones I like are the t30 and strv 103b.

  6. The shot on Manticore with Grille was out of aiming circle. I have about 3 of those by match. This vehicle is a complete trash.

  7. ok I would say – E3, Death Star and Bobject.
    and lets see – JgPz, Grille and Bobject.
    1/3. Worse than at MTs where I was 2/3

  8. this was a suprised indeed, i loved my jagpizda with all my heart, seeing skiel liking it too makes me happy. i dont mind a cumbersome sluggish slow tank, if its armor can hold up. but with 300m of pen which all tier Xs and some tier Xs have, the cheeks become a problem. the cheeks and e100's turret armor had same armour (250) but overtime time wg buffed the e100 and forgot the jagpizda. would not hurt seeing 270mm cheeks buff so that it survives better while keeping all its weakness would make it just a little bit more comfortable.

  9. considering the current 15-0 meta i believe a particular USSR TD mounted on a IS-7 hull would work wonders cough 268/4 cough


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