
Billy Joel Tells Stories About “We Are the World” Recording


Billy Joel shares details about the night “We Are the World” was recorded.

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world , Billy Joel Tells Stories About “We Are the World” Recording , #Billy #Joel #Tells #Stories #World #Recording
, The Howard Stern Show,Howard Stern,Robin Quivers,Fred Norris,Gary Dell’Abate,Baba Booey,SiriusXM,HSS,htvod,howard stern show,howard stern interviews,stern show,interview,Billy Joel,We Are the World,Michael Jackson,Bruce Springsteen,Cyndi Lauper,Stevie Wonder,Bob Dylan,Celebrity,celebs,classic rock,pop music,The Greatest Night in Pop

20 pemikiran pada “Billy Joel Tells Stories About “We Are the World” Recording”

  1. Boss and Billy. i would give an arm to have a beer with those two. You can have the crappy song. Ill sneak in just to have a cold one with those two. I seen Billy in 86 and Boss in 92. best shows I've ever seen.

  2. I have such strong memories of that song coming out and how it took up all the oxygen for a period of time. It made a huge impression, and formed my basis for what collaboration in the arts could achieve to help people.

  3. I am a big fan of Billy's, but there is something a little unfortunate about talking of eating sandwiches while recording a song for the starving in Africa.

  4. Billy is a great storyteller and those Cyndi and Bob impressions were hilarious. Watching that documentary you are just in awe of seeing so many musical icons in one studio. Quincy was as usual an absolute maestro piecing all those vocal parts seamlessly.

  5. It was the probowl for artists and it did raise money and a very catchy song lol that song will be immortal in the minds of people around the world lol


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