
BIGGEST Unexplained Mysteries Around The World!


Check out the BIGGEST Unexplained Mysteries Around The World! This top 10 list of strange and unsolved mysteries has some of the biggest unsolved cases in the world!

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10. The Mexican Red Queen
Many ancient Maya sites have been found across Mexico, but one of the most mysterious are the ruins of Palenque in the basin of the Usumacinta river in the state of Chiapas. It was known by the ancient Maya as Lakamha and was famed for its 90-foot high pyramid, called the temple of inscriptions, that is covered in some of the most detailed Mayan hieroglyphics ever found. Palenque became a powerful Maya capital under King Pakal The Great.

9. The Missing 9th Legion
The arrival of a Roman legion struck fear into the minds of any they encountered. At one point, the empire stretched from northwestern Europe to the the middle east and North Africa. Not everything went to plan for the conquerors, though, as you may know; and some, like the 9th legion, simply disappeared without a trace.

8. The Lost Colony of Roanoke
The Lost Colony of Roanoke is one of the oldest unsolved mysteries from America, dating back to August of 1587. What happened was 115 English settlers had set up camp on the island of Roanoke, off the coast of modern-day North Carolina. The governor, John White, decided that he needed to sail back to England to bring more supplies to the outpost, and left his wife, daughter, and granddaughter along with the other settlers.

7. What happened to the remains of Columbus?
Although now it’s pretty much common knowledge that Columbus did not in fact, discover America, and regardless about how you feel about him, there’s no denying that Columbus’ voyages changed civilization forever by enabling Europeans to journey to the new world. As you would expect, such an influential explorer was revered long after his death, but his body also traveled a lot after he died, and for being such a famous figure in history, no-one knows for sure where his remains were buried.

6. The Sibiu Manuscript
As a civilization, we have gained an understanding of some incredibly complex things, such as brain surgery and quantum physics. Rocket Science is one of these amazingly complex things, and it has only been understood in the past century, or that’s what we’ve been led to think…..

5. The Copper Scroll
The Dead Sea scrolls were a series of parchments found in caves near the dead sea. Hence the name! No-one knows who wrote them, and they are seen as an incredible piece of history, but beyond the mysteries of the scrolls themselves is an even greater one- the copper scroll. It’s vastly different to all of the other scrolls, and not just because it was carved into copper instead of papyrus.

4. Lost City of the Kalahari
There are lots of places around the world thought to be hiding secret cities, if you are in doubt, there are plenty of videos about the subject on Origins Explained!! Be sure to check them out!! One of the most mysterious of these stories has to be the lost city of the Kalahari desert. The region covers about 350,000 square miles, most of which is located in Botswana, and the name literally means ‘dry, waterless place’.

3. The Carnac Stones
Around the French village of Carnac are more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones that were originally set in place by the pre-Celtic people of the region between 6,500 and 4,000 years ago. Consisting of both single standing stones known as menhirs, and clusters of stones known as dolmens, it’s the largest arrangement of stones like this in the world- but no-one has any idea about their intended purpose.

2. Where are the Irish Crown Jewels?
The Irish crown jewels were the star and badge regalia that belonged to the sovereign and grand master of the Order of St. Patrick, a group of knights established by George III in 1783. The pieces were given to the order in 1830 and included the Grandmaster star, which was made from 400 Brazilian white diamonds arranged into the shape of an 8 point star, and a shamrock of emeralds with rubies at the center.

1. Cleopatra’s Tomb
She was one of the most famous women in history and the final pharaoh of ancient Egypt, but the resting place of Cleopatra remains a complete mystery. It’s believed that, during the Roman onslaught around 30 BC, Cleopatra committed suicide inside her mausoleum with the venom of an Asp- a particularly cruel way to die, but better than being captured and paraded through the streets of Rome in chains.

Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!

world , BIGGEST Unexplained Mysteries Around The World! , #BIGGEST #Unexplained #Mysteries #World
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44 pemikiran pada “BIGGEST Unexplained Mysteries Around The World!”

  1. WOW. So I'm kinda new to the channel. I've been watching for a little over a year and this is the first video I got to see the real you and you're as beautiful as your voice i would hear. I also love the way you pronounce certain words the way they should be 😁. I really enjoy your channel. Keep up the wonderful work. I will continue to watch every video you post. Always your New Mexican #1 Fan Tim Garcia.

  2. best thing to happen to the world was wiping out of the devil aztecs who "sacrificed" about 12,000 virgins per day and truly horrific culture glad they are gone

  3. Well, i have been watching your video's for 6 month an that is the first time i have seen the real you, it was worth the wait.

  4. Awesome video (as usual 😉) but by far the best aspect is FINALLY getting the chance to actually see Katrina!! She has the best narrative voice of the countless I’ve seen and am now blown away by her natural beauty! Funny because at time of writing this comment it’s August 2021 and I’ve been hoping for the longest time to see what the woman behind the amazing voice looks like. If I had of known that all I needed to do was click on a random 2 year old video I definitely would have done this long long ago

  5. I think the stones in celtic is the ancient cemetry… its not sure.. just my point of view.. i just based it in the bible .. when they burried their dead they put stone on top of it..

  6. Talk about a mystery. I
    remember one time when I was a kid and went hiking in the woods. I bet I must
    have been a good two miles deep into the woods. And I saw trees. I then crossed
    over a small creek and saw more trees with branches and limbs. And leaves. Some
    of the branches had leaves and some did not, so you all be careful when hiking

  7. It's really nice to be able to put a face with the voice. The cartoon is funny but your beautiful and that my dear makes the show that much better.

  8. Konrad Hass wasn*t hungarian,he was sas..germanic tribe settled in Romania. Next time check your history…!!!

  9. Cleopatra's toumb is probably submerged under water, in a part of the City of Alexandria that now lies below sea level.

  10. I live on Roanoke Island home of the Lost Colony none of the footage except the tree carving were from here lol you showed mountains. We are tiny island on the Coast of North Carolina.

  11. These are not mysteries… Just a video trying to look mysterious. It's like saying "there are cities in the USA, but who started building this house. No one will ever know". This is lame videos

  12. This video is rampant with mispronunciations. Such incompetency by the narrator destroys the credibility of the content.

  13. Ok guys it’s time to tell the truth about the 9th legion…”sigh” we ate them 😋 bbq’d roman is an English delicacy

  14. Redd Queen probably really was a Queen or Matriarch of high regard. The deadly powder was probably implemented to prevent tampering with her remains, like grave robbers, anyone she may have angered, possibly those few with predilictions for the deceased.

  15. Hi ✋phi pic ✨ hello 💀no latish 🗡️n 🛡️complete n Maya n other wall n valley only 🌏all chi chief ✍️🌿👣 psalms 👏 know 100%is 🗿

  16. Cleopatra used cobra venom, the snake on the Egyptian Pharo,s crown, and is a painless death, The Cobra symbol of enlightenment was at the start and also at the end.


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