
Biggest Unanswered Questions In Jurassic World Dominion


As the third film in the new “Jurassic World” trilogy, “Jurassic World: Dominion” had a lot of ground to cover. It needed to bring a satisfying conclusion to the new characters introduced to the world while also setting the table for future adventures if the franchise continues. The filmmakers went above and beyond by actually reuniting the beloved trio of Sam Neil, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum, from the first “Jurassic Park.” With such a packed cast and so much globetrotting dinosaur action, it makes that not every plot point was wrapped up neatly with a bow by the time the credits rolled. Here are the biggest unanswered questions in “Jurassic World: Dominion.”

#jurassicworld #jurassicworlddominion #dinosaurs

How does the dinosaur preserve work? | 0:00
What else can Maisie’s DNA do? | 1:14
What else was Dodgson planning? | 2:22
What happens to Dr. Wu? | 3:39
What about other dinosaur breeders? | 4:52
Will dinosaurs still be used as weapons? | 5:36
What happens to Claire and Owen? | 6:49
What happens to Alan and Ellie? | 7:59
Has Ian’s outlook changed? | 9:05
What does Maisie do next? | 10:17
How did Dodgson get the Barbasol? | 11:12

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40 pemikiran pada “Biggest Unanswered Questions In Jurassic World Dominion”

  1. There also seems to be a Jurassic Theme Park curse. Almost every Dinosaur Theme Park ends up failing or never gets rebuilt.

  2. I don't give a fuck what paleontology says. The pyroraptor never existed. That thing looks straight out of an anime

  3. Them: what else was Dodgson planning?
    Me who didn’t wanna sleep at all during one of the scenes: ….that scares me-

  4. This movie made no sense! Seemed the story line was about locus and getting DNA from blue and the little girl to fix it?!

  5. I feel like dr. Wu wasn’t that bad, and was just doing what he was paid to do, who he trained his life to do, to use his life’s work.
    The problem we’re the people who hired him, not wu.

  6. Can someone please explain to me why she had to go through all this trouble to get the dna from inside the lab and not from outside? They're were millions of those things outside, they even had one in a cage. I'd understand if she wanted to stole something else, like a usb with records or something. Why dna of something she could have gotten outside? This is so stupid.

  7. The mosasaur would need to be killed. It would destabilize the worlds oceans especially if it asexually reproduced.

  8. The answer to the lost dino dna can is in Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous. Watch that and it will answer that question.

  9. The Barbasol can was actually destroyed by the T.Rex. One of the contacts Nedry was supposed to hand the can off to recovered it once she discovered he died. She then stayed with a group of other people to escape the island, but the can got loose during a fight with one of them. She then had to go save someone from falling from a bridge but in the process the T.Rex stepped on the can.

  10. Why is Beta so important? Every cloned dinos that was created in Jurassic World by Henry Wu have been added with monitor lizard dna thus they have the ability to get pregnant and lay eggs regardless of their sex.

  11. My biggest question here is at what point did Dr. Wu grew conscience? He was always pro science no matter the cost.. So when did he change course? 🤔🤔

  12. I personally enjoyed the film…I've enjoyed all of them so far if I'm honest. It would have been nice to have had a few more answers at the end though 😕

  13. My main question is: why did Henry Wu decide it would be a good idea to create a Velociraptor (of all creatures) that could reproduce asexually? And, was Owen aware that Blue could do this?

  14. Also mentioning The Raptors as weapons the actor from the First Jurassic World movie he was a big part/Role in making sure the Raptors as weapons to try controlling them. We haven't seen the last of Jurassic Series. Now it'll be called Jurassic Land

  15. I think the reason this movie is the way it is was because of covid. It would of been way better and more planned out if the people working on it hadn't had to deal with covid at the same time. Makes me kind of wish they would of held off just a little bit longer if this was the case. The movie wasn't a disappointing mess. But it was a bit of a let down.

  16. 🤣🤣🤣 How on Earth would being able to reproduce asexually help infertile women? If they're infertile, they can't carry children. It would help women who don't want to sleep with men to have children. So basically someone who's asexual or a lesbian.

  17. I like how optimistic/naive you sound when you say "conclusion" as if they are not going to be cranking out those movies as long as they still make money.

  18. Only 12 minutes? Because the whole movie had unanswered questions. It was a movie with more plot holes then swiss cheese. Boring and lazy writing. I forgot this was a dinosaur movie.

  19. What a mess of a movie.
    Thank God I was born in the 80's and enjoyed the original jurassic park.
    The only movie that should exist.
    Bullshit bullshit bullshit.
    And I paid $13 for a matinee.
    $8 bucks for popcorn.
    Snuck in a soda.
    And gladly snuck into another movie after this disaster of a film.
    Horrible casting and I'm done paying for shit movies in theaters.
    They should at least give you a giant margarita to be able to sit thru all these bs films.

  20. If U ask me Ian Malcolm is the smartest character in the entire franchise. I mean everything he said and warned us about the 1st film has come to fruition.

  21. So the locusts, when we first see them, attack the kids….. but then later, they don’t attack Dr. Wu, eventho they clearly swarmed.
    I was a but disappointed he didn’t get eaten….. would have been justice.

  22. You gotta make another one! I mean Blue and baby are in the woods! Take a hike and run into them! Lol. Plus I need more!! Love love the movies


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