
Biden’s ‘combative temper’ in today’s address has done him a ‘world of ill’


Sky News host James Morrow has reacted to the “shocking” address from the US President today, which saw a “combative and at times confused Joe Biden”.

“He confuses Egypt and Mexico … you can see where his mind is just messing things up on this sort of thing,” Mr Morrow said.

“And this comes not just off the back … of this report, which is damning – I don’t care what he tries to say about the fact that they’re not moving forward with charges.

“The reason why they’re not is because they’re saying he’s not competent enough to be proven – that he knew what he was doing.

“And this angry, combative temper that he brought out tonight, I think, has done him a world of ill with the press gallery and with, I think, anybody who was watching him tonight.”

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44 pemikiran pada “Biden’s ‘combative temper’ in today’s address has done him a ‘world of ill’”

  1. Joe Biden is a complete failure at every level, he's old and grumpy and has dementia, and needs to be put in a old folks home.

  2. A druggie son. Bribes from the same Ukraine regime that's propped up by the US. A coup in the Ukraine backed by the US and EU Zto topple an elected government to put Zelensky and his Nazi goons in power…… nothing to see here, and they have the cheek excoriating President Putin.

  3. We have dumb and dumber running for president. Only in the US can we have two totally retarded candidates running for President at the same time.
    Retard #1, who is currently in the White House, sucks beyond belief. His unrelenting support of the terrorist state of Israel is bleeding tons of support from Muslims, Arabs, progressives like me, other minorities, and the vast majority of the youth vote. He's also a train wreck when speaking, unable to complete a sentence due to apparent senility. We need a better choice on the D side but it's obviously too late now. It reminds me of when Hillary ran in 2016, forcing her down everyone's throats while there were better and far more popular candidates available. And look what happened with that election.
    The retard #2 was already once the president who tried to overthrow the government and instigated an assault on the seat of government in the nation's capital. He has never accepted the fact that he lost the presidency by a landslide. He has also clearly stated that he will become a dictator on day one. He's an authoritarian who admires other autocrats like Russia's Putin and North Korea's Kim. The US will perish as we know it today if this horrible man wins again. I'm sorry, but anyone who votes for him needs to check themselves for extensive brain damage.
    While retard #1 sucks big time, retard #2 is a very serious threat to our democracy and democratic institutions. He will strip more rights away from various groups while he stacks the government with his stooges and cronies.

    I truly fear for the US.

  4. It shows that if you have dementia, become democrat and you could become US President because there are 30% stupid people who live in the US.

  5. This is all bullshit. Biden makes that one mistake and then goes on to speak perfectly coherently without a script for several minutes. Your commentary is meant to keep people from actually watching the sequence. The only mistake he makes is in revealing that the US wants a "pause" that they can expand indefinitely. And that scares Netanyahu away from committing to any pause.
    Needless to say, the fact that Biden could cut off all military supplies to Israel, as international law requires him to do, with a single phone call is not even addressed.

  6. Joey Bribes IS NOT THE GUY IN CHARGE…..need to find out just who it is…I think it's OBAMA…AND PIGLOSI….

  7. It's revealing more and more to have been a SCAM pulled over on the American people. Biden didn't win that rigged election. Why are we ignoring all the video evidence of stuffed ballot boxes in the dead of night and bins of shredded votes tucked under tables… it's a Joke! Biden's not in charge and he doesn't have a 30% approval rating… ever notice it NEVER drops below that number? No matter how much Biden screws up! Because it's a LIE, just like the one that he got the most votes ever, 81 million, than any other president in history, even more than Obama. Again IT'S A LIE! Democrat voters soaked that one up like sponges! Obama bragged about what he would like to do, unrestrained by Congress and the Constitution, on late-night TV… being in his basement and having someone else in the White House… then he DID IT! Where are the Investigations and Special Councils? America isn't the country we once knew, thanks to the CORRUPTION from the Socialists CRIMINALS in the Democrat party. Americans are FED-UP, FURIOUS, and want this SENILE PROP GONE! We want America to get back on track and cleaned up, and we want to Make America GREAT Again… now that actually MEANS something of substance, after the past three years STOLEN from the American people!

  8. It's not a temper. It's a symptom of his dementia. He gets confused. This makes him frustrated and in turn that leads to him breaking down and wanting to be left alone. Worst possible person for the presidency. He should resign right now.

  9. Biden = Anti Christ Biden = Anti Christ 2020 Election Rigged – 2024 Election Rigged ? Biden = Anti Christ Biden = Anti Christ

  10. Anybody who thinks he actually has access to a nuclear football is crazy. He has handlers to watch him. They arent letting him anywhere near that stuff.

  11. Would anyone actually hire that angry old man for work? 🤔
    He couldn't even be a Wal-Mart greeter, how in the world is he POTUS?

  12. Why doesn’t his wife tell him it is time to retire and go home? Is she the one with power who does not want to leave the White House? Very scary!

  13. The report from the special counsel told us all what we already could see with our own eyes and ears, with Joe Biden the lights are on but no one is home.

  14. American here. Biden is as evil a man as could possibly be. He sexually assaulted a staff member; he paid for cocaine and prostitution for his son with his own credit cards; he sniffs little girls knowing that cameras are rolling—the man is insidiously evil and mentally incompetent. Only democrats would vote a person like this as their leader.

  15. Biden opened the border to bring in millions of new democrat voters with the intention of flipping red states blue to silence conservatives from politics forever. Remember Biden publicly calls MAGA Republicans the enemy of the state and calls soccer mom's domestic terrorists. Subsequently, Biden is doing everything possible to dilute conservative political influence. Biden is the one who opposes democracy. No one knows better than Biden of what an illegitimate President he is. Fraud Biden has the world at the brink of WW3 and triggered two proxy wars, so far.

  16. Biden was always an idiot long before he was senile, but neither his idiocy nor his senility is relevant because he hasn't made a single decision in office and he never will. The DNC doesn't want him to run because they fear he will lose, but they would love it if he won because the same party apparatchiks would continue to make the decisions.

  17. Unfortunately, many people watching don’t know where Mexico or Egypt is located. Public ignorance is how this guy got elected in the first place.

  18. It is in the plan that biden become incapable and michelle step in. They are letting joe destroy as much as he can for there will be no consequences

  19. This is why the Westminster System is so good. If the leader is losing his or her faculties, they can be tapped on the shoulder. Also for under performing. Poor leadership.

  20. Nobody in their right mind would take an Uber if Bide was the driver…
    But he's the president.
    Democrat voters are hopelessly stupid.


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