
Biden May Ignite WORLD WAR THREE, Plans DIRECT STRIKE On Iran Navy Over Drone Attack On US Troops


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Biden May Ignite WORLD WAR THREE, Plans DIRECT STRIKE On Iran Navy Over Drone Attack On US Troops

world , Biden May Ignite WORLD WAR THREE, Plans DIRECT STRIKE On Iran Navy Over Drone Attack On US Troops , #Biden #Ignite #WORLD #WAR #Plans #DIRECT #STRIKE #Iran #Navy #Drone #Attack #Troops
, tim pool,timpool,timcast,timcastnews,timcast news,ww3,world war three,iran,biden,trump

37 pemikiran pada “Biden May Ignite WORLD WAR THREE, Plans DIRECT STRIKE On Iran Navy Over Drone Attack On US Troops”

  1. corrupt miley military could have shot down the drone strike, but wanted Americans to get hit to further the war agenda. biden should have been removed long ago, alongside his evil allies

  2. I wish they would stop saying were in ww3 already. Whats going on is nothing near a ww2 scenario yet. We can get their fast, but were def not in ww3 already

  3. Listen. The US has 3 options. They can go after more backed forces and continue making the situation worse. They can target Kharg Island and create an economic cluster fuck for most of the east (including China). Or 3… They could stop meddling in the middle east. What do you think they'll do?

  4. Hey in 1988 Iran decided to act out and mine the Gulf, this ended up leading to a US frigate getting mined.
    The US decided to teach Iran the basics behind FAFO and issued a "proportional" response that obliterated a sizable chunk of Iran's navy.
    The Soviets even rolled up to eat popcorn and shout "World Star" while taking pics from the sidelines.
    That was a different America back then though. An America that maybe wasn't liked by a lot of world actors, but one that was either respected or feared.
    The current regime has kowtowed to the Iranians, funded them by giving them billions under BHO and now Biden, relieving sanctions and enriching them through US oil export reductions. They've strengthened Iran by allowing their influence to grow by killing the Abraham Accords.
    Iran doesn't fear the US and very few other countries fear or respect America right now.
    Iran was on a short leash under Trump and now the same people who said Trump will start WW3 are doing their best to start it.

  5. Biden will cause WW3 when he knows he’s going to lose the election. He’ll try to call for Martial Law and seize power and cancel the election.

  6. Part of me says globalist elite plan very well thought out
    Part of me sees a bunch of drunk fat guys, bored and saying shit like
    " bro no way you can make dudes think they are chick's 😂" ..etc

  7. If you really don't think that nukes will not be used, I suggest that you look up Chuck Missler. And his sermon about Ezekiel, 28 and 29, and which how he explains that prophecy, and if the Bible were to be translated today on when he talks about weapons that would be used. That it could be very easily if translated today to the technology that we have. It is mind-blowing How precise this prophecy lines up with exactly what is going on today

  8. Didn't the left say that TRUMP was going to cause WWIII?
    Guess they were wrong about that.
    EVERYTHING Trump said Biden would do is happening. Everything the left said Trump would do, BIDEN is actually doing now.
    How many votes are we supposed to believe Biden got again?

  9. Dude shut the F up about saying the military is weak bc those woke policies. It doesn’t make it to 99.99% of units. You are talking out of your ass.

  10. I told so many people that when Biden got in office that we would be in a civil war at the same time we would be in WWIII. Everything that Biden touches goes straight to crap.

  11. Oh good. That couldn’t possibly end badly. /s

    I work in defense. And I’m against getting involved even more in the Middle East.

  12. Where are the aliens?
    I keep waiting for the end of Rush's 2112.
    "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation.
    Attention all planets of the Solar Federation.
    Attention all planets of the Solar Federation.
    We have assumed control.
    We have assumed control.
    We have assumed control."

  13. Tim Pool: "Draft illegal aliens with a promise of citizenship as a reward for service."
    [Cue the Starship Troopers theme]

  14. A direct strike against the Iranian Navy?
    All three ships?
    The Hhhhhggggggkk, the Gggllllaggh and the Lllllllllaaaaaaallllllaaaa!

  15. Joy Reid, much like many of these left-wing media figures ARE evil. They knowingly lie to the American public on the daily. She is morally bankrupt. She lies for money.

  16. 3:25 one of the primary reasons we didn’t set foot on Japan proper beyond Okinawa was Japan had 800 measurements jet powered, Kaze the standard attrition rate was 15%, but these could fly under the guns and even at 15% we would’ve lost 1 million men before we touched the ground. It would’ve been greater than 15% easily verifiable some research 800 jet powered kamikaze missiles.🍀

  17. Iran has a lot of missles of a pretty high technical level. This is going to be ugly. None of this had to happen.
    Democrats have caused all this chaos.

  18. Going to be real interesting when the US tries to fight with a bunch of conscripted men who were conditioned since birth to hate the US and programmed to be activists their whole lives.


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