
Biden going to lead America into ‘World War III’: Donald Trump


US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump says America is going to “end up in World War III” under the Biden administration.

The former US president held a rally in South Carolina ahead of Saturday’s primary.

“The saddest thing is we have nine months to go and the kind of stupidity and destruction that they have and can cause is just mind-boggling,” Mr Trump told supporters.

“We have to just hope that the time flies because we have to take over.

“We are going to end up in a world war– we’ll end up in World War III.

“They’ll destroy our country, we have to get out, we have to win.”

world , Biden going to lead America into ‘World War III’: Donald Trump , #Biden #lead #America #World #War #III #Donald #Trump
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43 pemikiran pada “Biden going to lead America into ‘World War III’: Donald Trump”

  1. You have to be an enemy of humanity to contemplate another 4 years of Biden.
    He has already changed the world forever

  2. I detest Biden and Trump. Trump will say anything like Biden and all government to get what they want from you gullible sheep.

  3. That’s exactly what Obama and his cronies want … oops, sorry 🙄 … I meant Old Biddy Biden … what on earth made me think he was just the puppet for the puppet masters pulling the strings 😂

  4. id be willing to bet if it comes down to trump vs biden and biden wins even though trump puts on rallys with thousands showing up in red states or blue biden has a hundred, but if trump were to lose to biden not saying he loses to someone else but biden the usa will prolly be in another civil war not long after just my thoughts

  5. 1987 Trump and Ivana visited Moscow and St Petersburg. He was fed KGB talking points and flattered by KGB operatives who pushed the idea that he should go into politics.

    Where did Trump get money when no bank or billionaire would loan him money? Russia?

    In 2001, Trump completed Trump World Tower, across from the United Nations Headquarters. Interesting position for spying or leasing apartments to Communist countries.

    Trump gave top secret intelligence to Russian Ambassador. Trump always praises Putin.

    Trump tried to pull out of NATO and has been pushing against NATO since the 80's in TV interviews.

    A binder holding top-secret intelligence that Russia tried to help throw the 2016 U.S. election to Donald Trump has been missing since the last day of his presidency.

    Alexander Smirnov the former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine. Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden. Russia is in full manipulation trying to get Putins mate Vladimir Trump voted in.

  6. Do we have cults of personality surrounding both Joe and Donald? An old band, Living Color, did a song about it when I was a young many years ago. I didn't know what it was about, but I do today. It was about leaders speaking heroically a highly defined idealized state of the nation that was never to be. There were many leaders and heads in many lands who had a cult of personality going on usually preceding each and every war staged by the wealthy elites. In past eras it wasn't global like today, but was only regional so many folks came to America for asylum or a better life of opportunity, rights, and security.

  7. Don't trust these American liars. They are consistently screwing Europe and dragging us into endless wars.

    Then start complaining about the bill. We get the migrants, they get stock market arms money.

    Their medicine or drugs are highly poisonous and we pay America with our GPD.

    Even WW1 and WW2 it was the Americans and associates sitting behind the scenes financing both sides.

    America are not our allies. Remember that.

    Time for Greater Reset. A Greater Reset from them.

    American classic LIARS!!!!!!!!

  8. Inflation is sky high mainly because of Bidens stupid energy policies, or wind mills, lol, yeah and Bowens stupid energy policy including his stupid election losing car tax is even more stupid!

  9. We already have 11 aircraft carriers deployed with 33 nuk subs and 50 destroyers. And that's just the Navy. We're already headlong into ww3

  10. With a record amount of debt Trunp is very short on where he is going to get the money from to pay for the tax reduction he's planning, and on climate change Trump is not good for free green energy.

  11. Not Biden. Biden doesn't even know what he's doing. It's his Puppet Master Obama who might lead us into WW3. Biden didn't let Millions of Illegal Aliens including Criminals into the U.S all by himself. His Masters told him to Open up the Border.

  12. No Donald. You said "Biden will get us into world war two". That's a quote direct from those those orange lips. He's losing it big time. The pressure is way too much now.

  13. I can see the pain in the news reader's face, who happens to be anti Trump, as he presents this clip. Suck it up .

  14. It wasn't that long ago Trump said he was going to lead us into WW2. At least he knows what century it is now.

  15. As a Canadian I have mix feelings about trump some things are good that he wants but alot are bad I realized this when he sent military to the Canadian border plus he already threatened about taking away Canadian protection which means Canada could possibly take that as a threat if he is elected for ruining relationship with his neighbor plus America already threatened to attack Mexico because the cartels America has tense relationship with both Neighbors

  16. 1144 days since the last insurrection.

    The Trump business empire is over.
    Trump will soon be in jail, answering for his crimes.

  17. The saddest thing is the Democrats will try to put him in jail, because they don’t think the people know what they need. They want to rule with all power.
    They are dictators.

  18. Biden has lost his memory and can’t string a sentence together and Trump is a business man all about money and wealth and nothing else so Good luck Americans you need all the luck you can get!

  19. Errrrr Beavis can you let me know when Biden makes a speech! But why Butt head? Because that's when I usually take a dump!

  20. Trump has been convicted of assault, defamation and fraud. Who in the world thinks this guy would make a competent president?

  21. Not only America, Biden drives the Europeans and exspecially the Germans into WW III with Russia. 🤮🤮🤮


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