
Behind Bars: The World’s Toughest Prisons | Rahova Prison, Romania | Free Documentary


Behind Bars: Rahova Maximum Security Prison, Romania | Prison Documentary

Behind Bars – Lepoglava, Croatia:

Rahova Prison on the outskirts of the two Million Mega-City Bucharest is the second biggest prison in Romania. Surrounded by two walls murderers, human traffickers, and worse are serving their sentences. Escaping from here is nearly impossible. Each cell wing is monitored separately. Cameras record all movements in its corridors. Prisoners are in their cells for twenty hours a day. They can only leave under the strictest security measures. Even a walk in the prison yard takes place in cages.

Prison Officer Alina is the chief of Unit Four. Anyone who ends up in this block has either committed a particularly horrific crime or attacked a guard or inmate. Alina is the only woman in this block. She is responsible for around two hundred, exclusively male prisoners. – a job that requires professionalism and a thick skin. In total Rahova Prison is housing 1400 inmates. Every week 60 to 70 new criminals arrive. Every newcomer must first go through an admission process – like 53-year-old Dragosch, who was convicted of serious fraud. Dragosch has already served three and a half years. Two months ago, he was released on probation. Then there was a change in the law. And now he has to serve out the rest of his sentence – a stressful situation for the former manager.

Inmate Atas, who was born in Turkey, has been in Rahova for eight years. He was sentenced to twenty-two years for murder. Atas shares a forty-square-meter cell with six other men. The furnishings are worn and spartan. There is just one toilet for seven prisoners and only one shower which also serves as a laundry room. While most prisoners have to sit in their cell for twenty hours a day, Atas is lucky enough to have landed one of the coveted jobs available to prisoners. At eight o’clock, a guard picks up Atas and his cellmates for work. He first searches everyone thoroughly, because now they’re meeting prisoners from other cells, a potentially dangerous situation. Atas works at the prison’s art workshop. Only those who have behaved well in prison are allowed to work here. The inmates do not receive any money. Instead, they receive bonus points that they can use for visits or special purchases. Atas used to be a successful businessman and earned millions. A stark contrast to his work in the workshop. And he is well aware that one small mistake, one misstep, and all his privileges will be lost.
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, Free Documentary,Documentaries,Full documentary,HD documentary,documentary – topic,documentary (tv genre),prison documentary,behind bars,prison documentary maximum security,prison documentary 2024 maximum security

29 pemikiran pada “Behind Bars: The World’s Toughest Prisons | Rahova Prison, Romania | Free Documentary”

  1. Rahova Prison on the outskirts of the two Million Mega-City Bucharest is the second biggest prison in Romania.
    Surrounded by two walls, murderers, human traffickers and worse are serving their sentences. Escaping from here is nearly impossible. Each cell wing is monitored separately.
    Cameras record all movements in its corridors. Prisoners are in their cells for twenty-hours a day. They can only leave under the strictest security measures. Even a walk in the prison yard takes place in cages.

    Yikes 😳

  2. ****baby prisons…….there are other prisons that are made to hold about 400 prisoners…..but, they squeeze in 700 prisoners……then, one fine night (like once the prison is really overloaded)…..there just, just unfortunate ply, happens to be a prison fire…..and, unfortunately, the warden in duty that night couldn’t find the keys to open the doors for about 7 hours……after 7 hours, he finally found the keys, however, the door was a pile of ash by then. The locals call this God’s cleansing.😅

  3. Andrew and Tristan Tate had it made in jail clearly! If this is what they complained about they would really be dying here in the US 😂. This place is a hotel compared to what we get here in America

  4. I'm romanian. I just want to say this. One thing is good about romanian prisons. Men don't get raped as in the USA..they may start fights etc but it never get down to sodomise others

  5. That was a really fancy prison… they should do one of these documentaries on prisons in MISSISSIPPI. Go to the zones called Castle Grey Skull and The Thunder Dome where convicts regularly kill inmates and gang fights happen almost every day. My experience of prison in Mississippi fighting to be independent and serve my time alone without joining a gang really taught me the true value of freedom and independence. Those two things are irreplaceable.

  6. Heck, I thought the Prisons in the United States were beach homes, let me add something first, a good majority of Federal Prisons are like that. That is where the adage “Club Fed” comes from.
    Also State Penitentiaries vary from State to State and so does some of their basic mission statements and so forth. The minimum security level penitentiaries are usually not so bad. But when you’re talking about maximum security prisons…you’re basically in hell. Then the Supermax Prisons like ADX Florence….you are in your cell I believe 23 hours a day.
    I know some countries just throw their criminals in a walled in and fenced in building with towers for guards to shoot and they basically let the prisoners run the place. That’s horrible. But this prison in this documentary seems like the cells are like a one room suite you could rent here in the states. Looks like they treat the inmates much more like human beings than just garbage and the guard seems like he genuinely cares about rehabilitation and the welfare of the prisoners. Which is what penitentiaries are supposed to be about, rehabilitation through paying your debt to society by being confined away from them and then try to come out a better person.

  7. I watched other documentaries of prisons in south America, there is no ground to compare. Here it looks a 5 star hotel.

  8. Malaysia prison just have a small toilet for being used many inmates and for 10 feets square cell is sharing for 12 inmates with single toilet. This prison is luxurious then Malaysian prisons and free doc needed to documented Malaysia prison

  9. 1:28: 🔒 Harsh conditions and strict security measures at a high-security prison in Romania.
    7:03: 🔒 High-security prison inmates closely monitored and inspected to prevent incidents.
    13:52: 🔒 High-security measures at Rahova Prison include multiple walls, surveillance cameras, and watchtowers to prevent smuggling and escape attempts.
    21:53: 🔒 Challenges faced by prison guards in dealing with repeat offenders and maintaining security.
    28:26: 🛒 Inadequate cooking facilities and high prices for food in Rahova Prison, Romania.
    34:52: 🔒 Incarcerated individuals find solace and purpose in a new prison wing, striving for rehabilitation and family reconnection.
    41:27: ⚽ Former football hooligan reflects on his past actions, regrets, and sense of unity within the ultra group.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  10. Being employed there has the same feeling of being employed in a governmental place that deal with precious metals.

  11. Lmao they don't even need walls nobody is trying to leave there basically are given a apartment can smoke have good food arts and crafts lol what a joke

  12. No prison uniforms in this prison? They’re wearing regular clothes like any ordinary citizens in free world!


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