
Behind Bars: Taichung Men’s Prison, Taiwan | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary


Behind Bars Season 4 – Episode 3: Taichung Men´s Prison, Taiwan | 4K Prison Documentary

Behind Bars: Philippines – New Bilibid Prison:

The Taichung Men´s Prison is the biggest and toughest prison in Taiwan. It houses four and a half thousand inmates. Among them some of the most dangerous criminals of the whole country. Over a hundred life sentences alone and more than a thousand prisoners are serving sentences of twenty years or more.

Monotony, confinement and around the clock video surveillance everywhere dictate the lives of the inmates. Only one time a week the inmates are allowed to spend time on the yard.

The prison works with what is known as progressive correctional treatment. This means that prisoners are divided into four levels. The better a prisoner behaves, the higher their level. And this determines, for example, how many packs of cigarettes a prisoner can buy and how often he is allowed to have visitors. The most important thing, however, is that the length of imprisonment is reduced with each level obtained. For most prisoners, this is a good reason to cause as little trouble as possible.
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34 pemikiran pada “Behind Bars: Taichung Men’s Prison, Taiwan | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary”

  1. Generally speaking, Taiwan is a very safe place, ranks right up there as among the safest. But of course, criminals are everywhere. But I wonder if it’s a particular stigma, a stain of dishonor in a country that’s known for its good record? Is rehabilitation a priority? Well, this prison certainly has a certain points system to deal with the prisoners on the inside. Enjoy peeps.

  2. Wtf have you seen any prison in the states?
    Prisons in Taiwan are definitely not tough at all compared to most prisons in the world.

  3. Structure is key to be successful in Life. You have to have it in all aspects or…you fall for another’s ideals easily. I applaud systems that invoke such practices! Thanks🌸

  4. I said it once and I'll say it again….Madagascar has the WORST PRISON IN THE WORLD. Every other Prisons is a luxury.

  5. They’re like us, they want a western meal and we want an eastern meal. 😂 this actually seems like a pretty decent place. Comparatively speaking of course.

  6. 我很意外你們會去採訪監獄

  7. Just because there are worse places, that doesn't mean that this is so good. They shouldn't be so cramped up and endure bad air quality inside their cells, they should be allowed more 'yard time', I didn't see any mentions of educational programs (as in, school), etc. 24/7 surveillance – very questionable. The loss of freedom should be the penalty in itself – adding to that should not be the purpose.

  8. I was watching this until those annoying intrusive adds interrupted my viewing so I only watch up to the adds now and make sure I give a thumbs down and what ever is being advertised I will avoid like the plague. Even if I get add block then I get adds & pop ups from add block or the adds are embedded in the video so thanks but no thanks…

  9. Its also interesting that the officers inside call the prisoners “classmates”, as in they are in prison to learn and I suppose its a lees derogatory term for them

  10. The first prison I would say is nearly impossible to escape from. The system boasts incredible features, including 24-hour surveillance with over 1000 cameras, regular callouts, daily searches, a 7-meter wall topped with thick barbed wire, an electric fence, a no man's land, and a security force of 200+ guards. The level of technology and security measures in place makes it an unbelievable high-tech fortress. Unless there is some form of inside corruption of higher ranking guards , escaping from such a scenario seems impossible. I did not expect Taiwan to have such measures in place, I think some people compare every prison to hell of Madagascar , any prison is hell , when your freedom is stripped. There are 8 of them locked in cold cell with having 2 square meters for themselves.

  11. Okay did anyone else find the ad funny when they said "if you wear glasses or contacts you must see this"😂. LOL very poor choice of words 😂


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