Behind Bars: Picaleña Prison, Colombia | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary

Behind Bars – World’s Toughest Prisons: Picaleña Prison, Colombia | Prison Documentary 2024

Behind Bars: NECC Missouri, USA:

Picaleña prison in Colombia, the country’s fifth-largest, houses over five thousand men and women. Known for its high security, no prisoner has ever escaped. Life here is marked by strict rules, monotony, and frequent arguments among inmates. Carlos, 28, is serving 27 years for murder, drug dealing, and fraud, while his wife Lilian, incarcerated just 200 meters away, is serving time as an accessory to murder. Family imprisonment is common due to the familial nature of drug trafficking. Carlos’s weekly highlight is courtyard time, where inmates can play football or do other sports.

During the day, prisoners must stay out of their cells unless they have work, leading to boredom and frequent arguments. Without a job, inmates pass the time with games involving cigarettes. Carlos struggles to get through each day. In contrast, 41-year-old Saul works in the wood workshop, having served two years of an 18-year sentence for a “false positive” killing. A former military man, Saul has grown to love carpentry and plans to work as a carpenter after his release.
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world , Behind Bars: Picaleña Prison, Colombia | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary , #Bars #Picaleña #Prison #Colombia #Worlds #Toughest #Prisons #Free #Documentary
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25 pemikiran pada “Behind Bars: Picaleña Prison, Colombia | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary”

  1. Picaleña prison in Colombia is the fifth largest in the country. Over 5000 men and women are incarcerated here. It's a high-security bunker from which no prisoner has yet managed to escape. Strict rules, monotony and arguments among the inmates determine life in one of Colombia's toughest prisons. 28-year-old Carlos has been sentenced to 27 years for murder, drug dealing and fraud. His wife Lilian is also in prison – She is serving time for accessory to murder just two hundred meters away. Married couples or even entire families in prison is nothing unusual in Colombia. Drug trafficking is often a family business.

  2. Luckily i took spanish 1 my sophomore yr of high school and spanish 2 my junior year and now im going to 12th grade in august so ill be taking spanish 3 . I know 50% spanish but of course my first language is english but im able to understand the video without translating very well

  3. Those 2 prisons shown are Not Tough… They have food, a bed, shelter and the women dress like they would at home. Jewelry is allowed on both men and the women.. The children are always the one's to pay the price for what their parents have done. They will most likely find themselves in prison like their parents.

  4. Carlos, you're definitely full of it. The worst part about being in prison is not being there for your children. Then seconds later explain how you wouldn't change a thing because you had to prove yourself. That sounds so weird coming from a grown man with a wife and kids. You needed to prove yourself to them. Not prove how gangster you are smh

  5. Damn, me gusta que los presos con crimenes pequeños se le enseñen oficios y puedan salir con un trabajo. Asi, en vez de regresar al mismo camino pueden hacer algo mejor con sus vidas, para sus familia y para si mismos. Les deseo suerte, ojala puedan salir adelante y no regresen al crimen.

  6. many come to new life in Jesus, I worked as a prison guard in NY and helped over 3 thousand inmated come to Jesus in fifteen years to the glory of Jesus, forgiven in His friendship and bound for heaven in His amazing grace. thanks all the best


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