
Azure Lane Colorado is The Ultimate Reload Meme! (World of Warships Legends)


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49 pemikiran pada “Azure Lane Colorado is The Ultimate Reload Meme! (World of Warships Legends)”

  1. Hey Spartan . This Commander is Worth the investment, I normally play higher tier, but wanted to what she would do in California and it didn’t disappoint. This Commander with the accuracy buffs and speed reloads makes California a Megladon at this tier, just pure madness, I laid waste to 6 ships in one game in the first 7 minutes moving forward on the flank. Easiest few krakens and confederates Ive ever had in California. Also tried in W Virginia and Montana also really good results. Better than AL NJ Imo.

  2. Hey Spartan, I noticed around 16:49 that despite firing all your guns at once, your rear turrets actually reload 5s faster than the front 2. Just thought it was kinda weird. Maybe you can ripple-fire each turret to always have one turret with the faster reload?

  3. Fun Colorado fact. Part of her deck was put out in a lounge at Sea-Tac international airport in Washington State. There’s a model put together and a few pictures.

  4. Wargaming – "alright, we hear you, Kansas is a little obnoxious so we're going to nerf her reload"

    Also Wargaming – "LoLoL here's a paywall commander that not only undoes that nerf but actually makes it a lot worse LoLoLoL. Have fun"

  5. I’m teaching my friend how to play wows, I hate it. But at least there will be one less potato.

  6. I just put her on my Iowa, just for giggles. I took the same build you list here. Now my commanders are not quite full up, but all at levels 13-15. And by the end of the game (still had 7 minutes left but game ended there), my Iowa was reloading in 12 seconds. 12 SECONDS ON AN IOWA!! LOL Now it was not quite the accurate Iowa that I am used to no having the plotting room, but it was not bad. But I still managed 120k damage and 2200 base xp. Not great numbers but decent for a rofflestomp. But to have an Iowa reload nearly the same as my Balti??? WOW is all I can say. I have a feeling this commander is gonna get some "adjustment" before long. But while it lasts, I'm gonna have some fun.

  7. Honestly, I mostly use Iowa, NC, NM, Maine and Kansas. My Simms: Cunn/Revel build thanks to you has been outstanding for me lately (replaced Madden with Revel a couple weeks ago)… so I don’t think it’s worth the resources for me to get and level up Colorado. I just got Revel to 15/2 so still have a ways for him.

  8. Caught up on your stream. The Constellation was already on my 'To Get' list, but with Ms. Colorado here, that was nasty.

  9. I feel ya on update days. 150k dmg game in Massa B (which isn't hard) loss because team literally didn't move. Bad times

  10. I’m interested in her as both a commander and inspiration but I doubt I’ll ever have the resources to get her to a useful level

  11. I gotta say I’m usually pretty accurate with the Iowa so being able to shoot more down range sounds fun. Definitely going to run this or similar build for awhile

  12. cringy fanboy noises AL Bismarck is about to be the number one brawling commander for the german bbs. base trait is enough to get the secondaries on the zieten, rupprecht and schlieffen back to pre nerf values. and then top it off with garuna to get laser beam. heck, AL Bismarck and haruna might finally be able to get both bismarck secondaries to actually hit something other then the island in the opposite direction of the ship they're aiming at

  13. I only started playing 10 days ago but I learned if you quickly switch from full speed to stop while turning you can turn WAY WAY FASTER! I noticed you never do that.

  14. I wonder how the meme build will do on Alabama. I won't mess with my meme max secondaries build with Massachusetts. 11km with a sub 4 second reload

  15. Hey Spartan!! Just missed the early member release, but I'd love your take on AL Bismarck!!! As usual, my 2 cents are below.

    This AL event was FIRE, as usual. I've always said, the AL event for legends is like 2nd Christmas, because it's what everyone is excited about, anime fan or not. Colorado and Rossiya will go hard this year, and Zara/Cheshire bring much needed skills to the Italian and British cruisers.

    However, for AL Bismarck… The spearhead couldn't be more blunt. I am a dedicated AL fan, and Bismarck is my favorite so they've already got my money. However, I think Legends seriously missed the mark. Bismarck in Azur Lane is more oriented into her Main Guns. She has a special skill to increase Critical Hit damage on her first salvo. Why Legends made her a Brawler rather than an Accuracy Commander, is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, that Secondary Skill (Wahrheit) acts like a bonus Legendary skill and goes hard. However, I cannot justify Loosing the dispersion Henry J Hyde and Franz Von Hipper give you. If the AL Commanders were sold with guises it would fix this issue, but to hear a commander voice, If you're not a fan, Don't get her. Not worth the 30$CAD. I'm willing to make it work, but no amount of Inspirations will save you. Best build I've come up with, is AL Bismarck with Inspirations being Von Hipper and AL Scharnhorst.

  16. I personally would of left the plotting room on and ran it that way. Just curios what adult film did you get the music for the the last few reviews from? I know your staying away from copyrighted music but dude…. this videos music was better fit but still had a little adult film vibe.

  17. Lol I FIGURED you were going to get Colorado! 😂 That’s what I was thinking when I saw her skills in the store.

  18. Hey spartan, you should totally try AL Colorado with AL NJ and AL Sharnhorst as inspirations on the Ohio. Would be deadly AF

  19. Hi Spartan, i noticed especially in this game that you have the habit when you fire your guns you move your stick during, you probably mist the Belfast and the destroyer.ibget what you are trying to do, spreading the love, but maybe a little to much😅

  20. Georgia was already a monster but now its just better with this commander. Servers have been horrible today though. Pressing to fire but cant even shoot

  21. She's definitely an interesting option for the longer reload BBs. Might pick her up to try on the Kansas. I don't know that I'd go full reload meme like in the video. Maybe pair her up with AL Scharnhorst and Cunningham for the accuracy perks. She'd still be putting out shells pretty quickly, just not 21 to 24 seconds quick. Then again, I do love AL NJ on the Kansas. 12×16" US super heavy AP with "Don't ya just love it"… why, yes, I do :).

  22. okay i know this is stupid but hear me out im gonna do this relaod meme but with american gunboat DD's


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