
Argentinian President Melei Goes SCORCHED-EARTH At World Economic Forum with FLAMETHROWER Speech 🔥


President of Argentina Javier Milei STUNS room of globalists at the World Economic Forum into SILENCE after exposing them to their faces for destroying the West


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world , Argentinian President Melei Goes SCORCHED-EARTH At World Economic Forum with FLAMETHROWER Speech 🔥 , #Argentinian #President #Melei #SCORCHEDEARTH #World #Economic #Forum #FLAMETHROWER #Speech
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46 pemikiran pada “Argentinian President Melei Goes SCORCHED-EARTH At World Economic Forum with FLAMETHROWER Speech 🔥”

  1. I've read/ seen and watched a Documentary that the WEF Climate-Covid Mafia Elitist 🌐 also have the goal of Population Reduction in the Name of Climate Change 👹 Seriously, I know it sounds Tinfoil Hat ! But, I've heard/ seen it several times. 💔

  2. This guys is great he showed them some huge kohonis and schooled them on the world stage 😅😅.they will be pissed😮

  3. Ursula is a grand daughter of an aide de Camp to HITLER and Klaus Schwab's grandfather was a high ranking Nazi who was in charge of propaganda.. They seem like Collectivists/socialist= communists

  4. Javier Milei has an uncanny resemblance to Joaquin Phoenix. I wonder, is Javier Javier, or was he swapped out with Joaquin Phoenix? I don't have a degree conspiracy smiracy, just wondering.

  5. Finally! All the video recommendations I get on Milei is a bunch of communists making up bullshyte about him.

  6. I really like what this Argentinean President had to say. Capitalism brings prosperity, socialise brings poverty and lack of freedom.

  7. Guys, we’re in the end times! The ONLY freedom we can possibly experience from here on out will be through Jesus Christ, it will not come through govt! Doesn’t mean lay down & accept the beast system, but read your bibles???! God let’s you know what’s happening & what’s coming! Wake up! May God be w all & guide you!

  8. If "social justice is not just", then he's not describing social justice.
    Perhaps his country should try it before they abandon it.
    He's a maniac who'll deliver his country's resources into the hands of the great yankee demon.

  9. I listened to his speech, he was amazing at Davos. Don’t think he’ll be invited back to WEF meetings. I’d say all the rich pigs in their seats were squirming…


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