
Are We Already In World War 3?


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world , Are We Already In World War 3? , #World #War
, Sam Seder,Majority Report,Emma Vigeland,Matt Lech,Politics News,Democrat,liberal,progressive politics,left politics,Seder Majority

44 pemikiran pada “Are We Already In World War 3?”

  1. It's winter where he is, and Scandinavians are known for their acceptance of dark speech during the winter. It's a thing they do to make themselves feel better.

  2. Cormac McCarthy thought we were on are way out. Made that abundantly clear in his final novel. And he was no dunderhead.

  3. Arrogant to think china isnt capable of running the taiwanese chip plants.have you gone to any of the universities in America that specialise in this research? Whole lotta asians and a lot go back home after they finish theyre education in the west including usa

  4. The glas is half empty or half full being optomistic right now is probably not prudent. Biden is alienating a good percentage of his supporters so hes probably quite correct saunders too for the same reasons

  5. I feel like there's an under estimation of a rogue nuclear state showing all the hubris of a maniacal colonial power, and no signs of slowing down, led by a psycopath (Netenyahu) who throughout his entire political career has tried to make the case for, and actively lure, a regional war. I think it's clear he's trying to draw US into one right now with Iran, Lebanon etc. A Trumpian admin will no doubt have war mongers like Nicki more than happy to lead that charge. That and everything else that seems to be coalescing. I wouldn't dismiss the idea of a WWIII entirely. But total annihilation? Not sure. I certainly hope not.

  6. As in WW2 there i nothing to negotiate. Europe wasted the 1930s trying. There is no outcome that would satisfy both Russia and Ukraine and leave Ukraine feeling secure. There is no outcome that would satisfy Israel and "Palestine" that would leave Israel feeling secure. There is no outcome that would satisfy Venezuela and Guyana that would leave Guyana feeling secure. Each case is a democracy against a hostile force that thinks that the country not only shouldn't be a democracy anymore, but that it shouldn't exist anymore. How do you negotiate with that? Why do you?

  7. I just can’t see any of our corrupt rulers actually risking glbal instability. Apart from the Jews, everyone see is fighting for ‘interests’. Aka money aka capitalism aka bragging rights. Israel has a deep hatred here similar to etc

  8. If skitzos say they have a real invisible friend, and catholics say they do, why in the entire fck would you keep giving em the launch codes??

  9. However there are no wars among the G8, I suppose it could happen but neither Russia or China have the capacity yet!! I disagree!

  10. Trump WILL seize power in 2 years the help of all the right wing militias he's been inspiring the past decade A new American underground will form, and that's when the fighting will begin in earnest.

  11. We're going to fight World War III with a woke military full of 💩stabbers and trans freaks! Were gonna lose for sure! 🤣

  12. All i know, is that im going to do whatever i need to in order to protect my family. But idk about serving this country.

  13. The idea that Putin has already won is laughable, and suggesting that bigger powers are destined to win wars of attrition fundamentally misrepresents the history of war. If it were the case that the bigger power can always win by attrition the US wouldn’t have lost in Afghanistan or Vietnam.

  14. TSMC is great, but the real darling in the chip industry is ASML. They are the only company in the world capable of creating the $150mil+ EUV machine that is necessary to produce a cutting edge computer chip.

  15. When in the last 4 to 5 thousand years hasn’t there been multiple wars across the world?😂 This guy’s takeis just the Armageddon prophecy nonsense in disguise . “Repent All Ye For The Doom Is Nigh “, well maybe, maybe not.

  16. There wont be Ww3. There will just be shitty little wars against civilans. Its too dangerous to have a nuclear war so only non nuclear armed nations will be attacked. Ukraine being the obvious example. Gaza is a text book example of why murdering civilians doesnt work, militarily.

  17. Climate change and biodiversity collapse are almost guaranteed to bring MAJOR crop failures around the world within the next decade. It seems unlikely that 2 or 3 of these in a row won't kick the current tensions and conflicts to the next level.

  18. Russia is losing the war of attrition. Thats why the Ukraine front line is at a stand still. Hes wrong about which side is sustaining.

  19. Aint it grand!! A country/federation that has never had a war brought to their shores….because they have the luxury of Europe as their buffer…..

  20. In respect to the positioning of China and US tension, Taiwan is really not the new issue, its really a story between Silicon Valley and the East Coast of China as it comes to cloud capital because that is the future of capitalism and where the trajectory of power is heading and China would never allow an actual war between the two. The US might be reckless enough to start something but at the end of the day both countries need the dollar supremacy both for China to continue its capital accumulation and for the US to continue its massive deficit spending. But that is at the moment of course, China's development of WeChat that bypasses traditional financiers and payment intermediaries is a huge blow to Wall Street and Silicon Valley alike so maybe the positioning of the US changes.


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