
Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel At ICJ!


Zambia , Turkey, Arab League address World Court on consequences of Israel’s occupation

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world , Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel At ICJ! , #Arab #League #Shocks #World #Humiliates #Israel #ICJ
, latest news,international court of justice,israel palestine conflict,icj hearing,israel news,israel palestine

30 pemikiran pada “Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel At ICJ!”

  1. The kingdom of Judea belongs to the Hebrew people Jewish people Palestine dose not exist it was an occupation of the kingdom of Judea

  2. It Is very incredible how the Western Countries contribute to the killing and the extermination of the Palestinian people. It is a huge shame on them for their unconditional support to the Zionist regime.

  3. The truth is all we needed to know and those responsible who have created this account and a stop to this genocide and holocaust atrocities while those who are sharing their own personal reason for creating conflicts between all members must stop

  4. Excellent info, very well and clearly said. I love how Africa and others are coming to save Palestine. Thanks. Posted to FB, X and on pages of key MPs, Senators and geopolitical analysts.

    .let's hope Human Rights , Rule of Law, vs Law of Jungle type might is right, forever means Human Rights are more than words on paper and apply to all especially those who are denied same

  5. YES! Wonderful speech! He spoke a lot from '67, though, and not as detailed about the removal of Palestinians from even the partition Israeli portion of 1947 where they were landowners and legal residents of most of that land. These are the exiles he was describing, as well as the right to return exactly there, where Israel stole everything (not just the occupied territories). I guess he didn't want to harp on that and basically was laying a framework for a 1967 state line.

  6. Israel and the US are patently in breach of every human right known to mankind through the fractured lies and the self and selfish proclamation that it has the right to defend itself even if it is a thieving colonial occupier of the Palestinian land

  7. Palestinian population will have good life without hamas at gaza strip. They will have freedom, they will return free elections. Sorry but this guy is very sad inhus words.

  8. Satanjahu "THE BUTCHER OF GASA" behaves exactly like Her Hitler. There is no difference between the two war criminals.

  9. Yeah but is this speech going to have any teeth? Netanyahu just ignores whatever criticism he gets because he's a pig. A very very scared little pig! And like s pig, there's nothing about him that's kosher!

  10. Haben die Zionisten jetzt noch die Möglichkeit ihr Völkermord-Programm für ein paar Monate, evtl. ein paar Jahre, fortzusetzen, oder haben sie jetzt schon "Nachhause" zu gehen, ohne ihr Vorhaben beendet zu haben? Denn wie heraus zu hören war wurde lediglich geurteilt, das Richten fällt wohl aus.

    Verzeiht mir folgende Bemerkung, aber auf diese Schlussfolgerung kam ich lange vor dem siebten Oktober und dass noch ohne ein Fakultäts-Abschluss. Traurige Welt in der wir da leben.

    Wenn sich der Schöpfer uns nicht gnädig zuwendet, werden wir ganz gewiss allesamt irre gehen. So bitte ein jeder um vergebung und kehrt reumütig um, in der Tat, Allāh ist allverzeihend, barmherzig.

  11. Assange ne è la dimostrazione vivente che ha mostrato al mondo intero gli orrori commessi da Washington nel mondo e gli europei servi li appoggiano ,chi ha mostrato la veritadegli orrori commessi è ritenuto criminale mentre chi li ha commessi è deve passare come un santo , ritenuto

  12. Arab League cannot even tie their own shoes….and Turkey? C'mon, give me a break…as for Namibia..are they even a country?

  13. 75 yıllardan beri yahudiler milyonlarça insanları öldürdü yahudiler kimse birşey yapmadı gercekten Afrika çok Cesur bir millet candan çok teşekürler Ediyoruz Rabbim sizleri korusun Amin Bitsin Artık bu katliyam Amin subhanallah Aminnnnnnnn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  14. Good grief, showing off his intelect by the use of such wording.
    Have these morons ever gone through history, never mind history, did they ever read the bible?
    I guess not, otherwise tgey would never have gone against Israel. Going against Israel is going against God.
    I dont see any hope for their souls in the judgement day.
    The south african government are goats, and will be punished as such.
    There are many South African people who don't agree with what is taking place against Israel.
    We will continue to stand with Israel.

  15. Thanks Britain, Europe and USA for all your help in suppressing truth, enabling deception, and oppressing justice. Well bloody done.

  16. Quand l injustice devient loi, la résistance devient un devoir, la résistance armées palestiennes devient un droit devant le colonialisme qui dure depuis 1948. Israël ne respecte pas les résolutions de ONU ni autres.


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