
Ancient Wonders of the World


2002 documentary for the Travel Channel.

If you had to pick seven ancient wonders of the world, which ones would they be? We’ve compiled a list of our top 7, from the soaring heights of the Great Pyramid, to the statues of Easter Island, exotic Mayan temples, a Roman amphitheatre, and the Great Wall of China.

In this documentary we explore some of the most awesome ancient wonders, each rich in stories of mystery and intrigue. We take part in the summer solstice celebrations at Stonehenge, walk the Great Wall of China, and join archaeologists in Mexico as they hunt for treasure in the Mayan temples. By searching for clues hidden with these historic monuments we can begin to unlock their secrets and reveal the marvels of these ancient wonders of the world.

Great Pyramid of Giza:
The three pyramids of Giza have stood on a high plateau by the Nile for more than 4,500 years. These wonders were built by the ancient Egyptian King Khufu, his son, and his grandson. Khufu’s Great Pyramid is the largest and most impressive of them all

Tower of London:
The oldest palace and fortress in Europe. Behind this facade of respectability lie dark blood-curdling tales of terror, sinister acts born of ruthless ambition. For over 900 years these monumental walls have overshadowed the city of London. Even today the Tower of London is one of the capital’s most prominent landmarks.

The Colosseum:
A marvel of Roman engineering and the greatest amphitheatre ever built. This huge stadium was designed so that as many Romans as possible could watch the most cruel and violent games the world has ever seen. Thousands died here in the name of popular entertainment.

Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies what is possibly the oldest structure on Earth. This is Stonehenge. It was built by prehistoric man and yet amazingly this extraordinary monument is aligned with the cosmos. The arrangement of the stones can predict exactly when the sun and the moon eclipse, and on the longest day of the year, they line up precisely with the midsummer sunrise.

Great Wall of China:
Built across mountain ranges up to 8,000 feet high, the Great Wall of China is a feet of engineering unparalleled in the world. It extends over 4,500 miles from North Korea to the wastes of the Gobi Desert, the same distance as from Miami to the North Pole. The Great Wall of China is the longest manmade structure on the planet.

Easter Island Moai:
This is one of the most isolated places on Earth, yet every year 20,000 tourists make the journey here to see some of the strangest wonders of the world. Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest habitation in Chile, it’s a place with a tragic history, where the events of the past almost destroyed an entire population. 887 gigantic statues dot the island.

Lost City of Palenque:
In the 18th century the Spanish priest was sent by his bishop to explore the dense jungle of Central America. Searching for new land to cultivate he stumbled upon some hauntingly beautiful ruins rising spectacularly out of the forest. This was the Lost City of Palenque.

world , Ancient Wonders of the World , #Ancient #Wonders #World
, egypt,remarkable,constructions,classical,antiquity,oldest,original,architecture,amazing,heart,tallest,project,giant,buried,crypt,druids,army,emperor,tribes,gather,controversial,theory,inside,coffin,rituals,ming,dynasty,remains,tomb,religious,writing,afterlife,constellations,beautiful,pharaohs,enigma,torture,monarchy,castle,william,conqueror,military,queen,crown,jewels,anne,boleyn,traditional,relics,inspiring,gladiators,arena,execution,spiritual,pagan,stones,boulders,reconstruction,museum,arts

38 pemikiran pada “Ancient Wonders of the World”

  1. Zahi Abass Hawass is an absolut fraud. He has mastermined his control over Egyptian antiquities and is a closed mind to anything that is beyond the understanding of a simple Muslim. His legacy will be debunked sooner or later and history will be rewritten.

  2. Someone did not do the research thoroughly. Because Henry the 8th hired a French swordsman quickly cut off Anne Boleyn's head.

  3. Some people just don't know what to believe or use as an excuse to party and travel now in days.I guess having a world known and unknown monument as a decor is better then an open field.I just hope that they really got into the trance of the party and make it worth the time.

  4. I will never believe that the Egyptian kings built the pyramids. No way!! I believe it ancient aliens who’s responsible for all these huge monuments.

  5. Best part of this entire documentary was the recreation of battles at the Great Wall. Stuntmen missing their cues, "Dead" guys breathing, guards whipping themselves, some dude hardly flicking sand with his shovel (like he had no idea what he was meant to do) and even a famous "Wilhelm Scream" when a guy was tossed off the wall. Love it!!

  6. There is no word for pyramid in the Egyptian language, let that sink in, Hawass is a giant liar and a thief. Credibility shot.

  7. At 15:23 , Dr. Zahi Hawass (the Supreme Council of Antiquities) Was arrested and charged for the crimes of theft of priceless Egyptian treasure.

  8. The Egyptians wish that they built the pyramids. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time. They had nothing to do with the building of the pyramids.

  9. The Colosseum, if you were sitting over there, you wouldn't enter over here and walk all the way over there……really, just like the stadiums of today, huh….LOL. These experts talk to us like they are explaining unknown secrets to a 5 year old. Unless this was made for 5 year olds, then sorry.

  10. That woman on the segment of Easter Island saying that, if she seen a reconstruction of men walking a statue to its pedestal using ropes from the left and the right pulling and making it walk in a waddle like motion to its pedestal, she would believe that was how it was done. I just want to say that it has been done. I have seen it being done on a documentary. So I just wanted people to know when they hear her say it, to know that it has been done, similar to the way that you see them reconstruct part of Stonehenge.

  11. 🇲🇽Emanuel R. Olano🌐
    “I witnessed “SIX SIX SIX” whispered LOUD in the WIND, April 1st 2010, while watching a documentary on the ILLUMINATI, Allah, and EMINEM”

  12. that castle is still jailing souls!! ones that are smarter than any brit on the planet.. the crows..clip their wings to keep them there for their own selfish needs.. if they took 10 min to watch them they'd learn more than their schools could ever teach them..sick mo fo's. NO HONOR ,NO RESPECT ,NO WISDOM, NO BRAVERY ,NO HUMILITY, ,NO LOVE most of all NO TRUTH!!!! our 7 sacred teachings they tried to eradicate in 1865 with small pox..a u.s. general was all to eager to help wipe the ojibiwe and cree from the center of north the british lord put it when trying to pass the bill,to wipe them ,their language ,their culture ,their cerimonies and species from the face of the planet.

  13. It's simply amazing that the status quo just keeps on with there obviously wrong summation of who built the pyramids! EVERYONE that has studied the mids and ancient history knows they where built many centuries earlier than any of the people they are trying to link them too! AND they were not built as a tomb…..

  14. Mainstream lies holding true archeology back. They still refuse to except anything that may shake the religious establishment. Internet may be rough on the economy but it allowed many people to communicate on a scale that could not be controlled. Truths getting out.


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