
Ancient Aliens and the New World Order – FULL ENGLISH DOCUMENTARY


Jim Marrs, author of the best-selling book Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? takes you into this secret world and exposes the truth about Ancient Aliens and their connection to modern rulers.

#documentary #fullmovie #ancientaliens #aliens #UFO #conspiracy #gravitasfilms

Directed by: J. Michael Long
Starring: OH Krill, Jim Marrs

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39 pemikiran pada “Ancient Aliens and the New World Order – FULL ENGLISH DOCUMENTARY”

  1. In this Universe and Our 3D Reality, all, everything, is "Energy, Vibrating, on a Frequency ", the various values are described in the "Universal Laws", as defined by Quantum Physics/Mechanics, and these Laws are "Absolute".
    The "Universal Law of Attraction" being that most clearly a greater % of our Divine Design, and it having the most influence on our experiences, individually and as a Collective.

    However, rather that it being a governing over us, (although it can feel such), when we have yet to Master our "Thoughts + Feelings X Beliefs" as these
    = Our Frequency
    = Our Reality

    But, ……… We have "Free Will", and we make our Choices, whether Consciously, Cohersed, or by not making a Choice.

    Point being: We may and can set intentions, make a statement, like "I sleep with ease and dream positive experiences".

    It is up to us to step up to the plate, with confidence, and speak our desire, step into it, feel the having of it, and with a confident knowing, allow it to manifest.

    Fear based Ideologies are, preoccupations with the fearing of situations, and feeling unworthy, all affect our Frequency which manifests the undesired, unless we make the choice to quiet our mind, align with our Soul, and focus in/on the desirable, and manifest that Zone of Frequency.

    Just a share to remind you, that we really can and do create, and do so by choosing where we place our Thoughts, Feelings, and Beliefs.


  3. So I've been told that Sadams palaces had many opulent items of pure gold that our military retrieved. Make sense to me. The annunaki had alchemist that could make the purest for m of gold that was a ormus or mana that is monotomic gold. When ingested gives the power to of levitating. Gold being the best conductor when ingested creates the connection to ignite the brain to be connected completely. As you know humans don't use the full potential of the brain unless otherwise connected. The man that built the coral castle, the pyramid builders across the world are the examples of being built by levitating. I'm sure the energy was harnessed to quarry and cut stone with lazar accuracy. And let us not forget Nicholas Tesla he had the same knowledge. The Roman's took the ancient knowledge and hoarded it for their own only to be shared with the catholic church . The Vatican has all of these writings, scrolls and tablets and store them deep in the archives of the Vatican library. Let them do so . We already know. Wonderful video.

  4. The giants of the past may be responsible for lifting the stones for the base of the "landing pad" for alien space craft?!

  5. Why are they hiding the information? I am glad the Spinx and the prymids are so large that can't hide them

  6. One fact is that the Bible is the most accurate depiction of the world that we live in.
    There's no such thing as global warming like "Al Gore" (who can't even spell potato).

  7. I'm finished watching this clown when he thinks that there is no difference between caverns in our moon and it being hollow. LOL

  8. One thing the world has going for it is. The average life span of the average worker and elitists are almost the same. The great fortunes of industrialists and financial wizards(bankers) are usually dissipated by large percentages with each generation that follows. The elitists have not found the elixir of eternal life. This is a great documentary.

  9. There is proof of Martian life here on Earth? 8:08. That's new to me. Where and when was is found? What kind of life form is it?

  10. Total garbage. Wrong. Wrong, I and wrong again. In the begging YHWH created the heavens and the earth. You can believe that an advanced alien race from Trillions of miles away visiting earth, but you cannot believe in an all powerful, omniscient, omnipotent, and supreme and God?!? What is your damage?!? Read the Bible. It explains EVERYTHING.

  11. at 13:30 he talks about our solar system as if it was not moving (falling) through space at speed. And not having that knowlage made him draw to conclusion that it had to be Aliens.

  12. The problem with the theory that 1 of the moons of niberu crashed into a planet between Mars and earth and shattered that planet is that all life on earth would have been destroyed. Earth couldn't have rebuilt life in just 10k years

  13. Jim Marrs was an AMAZING man. Our World is a BETTER PLACE today because of ALL the amazing investigative work that he dedicated his life to. He will ALWAYS be one of the PILLARS who we STAND UPON to REACH FURTHER FOR TRUTH! 😘💕🌈

  14. I figured this out and tried telling my friends about it years ago (12 – 15), and some stopped talking to me. But, then, I also have dreams concerning the future, and my immediate family, as well as some a bit more distant know. They all had TP (lol), as well as all else needed.

    My latest dreams have been dealt with two things that are interrelated – our government actvely hunting down conservatives and our cities being in ruins as if hit by nukes. In such dreams people act almost zombie-like, which I think to be but those suffering horribly due to extreme ratioacive poisoning. My dreams were once such a happy place, but I do believe I, and others, are having such dreams that we may warn others, although I have little venue to do such.

    After the nukes have destroyed many cities, "aliens" (fallen angels in disguise) will once again "magically appear" out of thin air, whereupon they will tell us that they, those who genetically modified an ancient huminoid species, are our creators – in tandem with evolution. This is the same spiel that Ancient Aliens have been spewing for the past twenty plus years, as I realized when watcing it, realizing it, and than trying to warn my friends.

  15. What you're calling aliens😊 your mislabeling angels 😇 now here's the problem there are only two different kinds of Angels good ones and bad ones? Be very careful

  16. Kia ora Jim. Hope alls well , where you are. Got anymore hidden knowledge ? 😊 1st time i heard of Remote View, was in his bk. Alien agenda. Some 15yrs later. I read an article, spies in our communitte. My friends seen ghost, around us. I replied , thats not a ghost….its a r.v

  17. After reading about rh negative blood. Started there remembered years ago being at hospital them coming in asking questions about me shooting drugs said another blood was in me. Since we are in moment now and Chakra crown happening. Now walking with this. Figuring out so much down to the jab that came. Trying to remake.

  18. Wrong the Bible is so ancient that it describes God creating the heavens earth and universe that’s by far the oldest text

  19. Thank you for sharring this information and Knowledge!!! Cheers, Mate. From Denmark I salute You. 👁️

  20. For around 45 minutes of this upload I thought dude was wearing a wizard hat, however, turns out it was just a lampshade.

  21. Vlash and maitre alien and hybrids seem to take turns running our world thats the truth! Humans hardly win

  22. Man, I’m all into the hidden, occulted knowledge of our history, power structures and more.
    I’m bothered however when I hear people like good ole’ Jimbo here using examples that are really reaching.
    Eg: the “face” and pyramids on the moon; it seems blatantly obvious to me that, after simply being side lit from another angle, these would look nothing like a face or pyramids.
    Anyway, this sort of thing challenges the validity and trustworthiness of his allegings.
    And this turns countless people away who might otherwise be open to seeing the real truth that is out there.

    I do want to thank Jim for his countless contributions and, I’ve no doubt, enormous sacrifices he’s made to put it all out there.

    THANK YOU SIR!🙏🏻✌🏻


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