
An Ever Changing World


– A short animation looking at the technological and social changes that have happened in recent years, each change affects the way we interact not only with each other but the world in which we live… how do you survive and adapt?

world , An Ever Changing World , #Changing #World
, Technology,Advertising,Change,World,Engage,Marketing,Design,Latest,Animation,Typography,Armadillo,Web,Development,Branding,ArmadilloCreative,Creative

43 pemikiran pada “An Ever Changing World”

  1. All the stuff you see today will change tomorrow in this ever changing world it's how it goes your Amazon your 4k TV will change no one can really determine when or what will but it does history has shown..

  2. These are really good facts. Even if it’s been years since this video was uploaded, it still shows how much change the technological world has undergone in recent years. We should keep expecting these changes to happen more often today.

  3. As I see there millions of people on these sights from soup to nuts Other than that silly show Dragon's den, where in the world are real investors who are not looking at prototypes but have the courage to see an idea,a great idea On the news last week there is a province in Africa where the people are literally dying of thirst and 100ft below there is a fresh water reservoir  that should 70yrs. I'v heard it's because certain Billionaires would like to weed out some populations.and sell contraceptive drugs at 50 times their real value. As I have been asking for years… How much money is enough Being a pragmatist is pathetic 

  4. Good things can emerge from new technology, but only if it is respected and used as a tool and not a toy. Too many of us have been sucked into the mindless seduction of social media. This is due to the feeling of needing to stay connected and by the brainwashing media that asks us to like and follow everything thing on the planet. Which leads to the point that is while some people use new technology, but millions more are abused and have become slaves to new technology.

  5. With all of the technology advancing, we are declining as a civilization. We can no longer think for ourselves, but instead are a slave to our screens. Social media is the new heroin of the planet, making the population addicted to knowing about one another, while distracting themselves from the major issues that plague us.

  6. We have been watching A Series of Unfortunate Events so much recently and now I found this, funny! Great job, so creative!

  7. wasn't myspace bought by some other company? so it can't be that big any more.
    apparently facebook has more accounts than there are people on the planet.

  8. Idk, last I checked, the starving masses of millions don't have internet. In fact, they don't have toilet paper. This is still a very physical world.

  9. anyone else see a trend of us becoming more like the borg all the time? we're becoming much more technological, and we're closing the gap between what separates individuals. And scientists are talking about augmenting humans with machines to bridge the gap between man and machine.

  10. So This Whats going to happen in soon future… computers become us, and we become them. 95% of the world populations will be connected to internet, One System will run all networks. Traveraling across boarders will become very hard and limited, due sperade of diseases & computer viruses. Everything Can Be Done Online. You will never need to leave your house (cell). Definition of "Freedom" will Change Foreverrrrr.


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