
American mercenaries hired by UAE to kill in Yemen – BBC World Service Documentaries


BBC Arabic has secured the first on-camera interviews with US mercenaries from Spear Operations Group, hired by the UAE for targeted killings in Yemen. These mercenaries openly discussed their deadly operations with the BBC.

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The investigation brought to light alarming evidence that Spear Operations didn’t just carry out targeted killings; they also trained Emirati officers in assassination techniques.

These skills were then used by the Emiratis to target and eliminate Yemeni civilians whom the UAE considered political enemies. Targeted killings in Yemen continue to this day.

0:00 Intro
01:31 American Mercenaries: Killing in Yemen
02:18 Isaac: Hired to kill
04:56 Yemen instability
07:02 Dale: An American Mercenary
09:09 The target: Ansaf mayo
12:03 The reasons for targeting
14:05 The investigator: Baraa Shiban
15:05 UAE’s political enemies
17:05 The assassination ripple effect
18:35 The UAE’s involvement
20:56 The Southern Transitional Council
23:00 Target: Huda Al-Sirari
27:50 Hiring terrorists
32:22 Was the US aware of this issue?
34:45 Confronting a mercenary
37:43 Would Isaac meet his target?
40:14 Huda fighting for justice

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world , American mercenaries hired by UAE to kill in Yemen – BBC World Service Documentaries , #American #mercenaries #hired #UAE #kill #Yemen #BBC #World #Service #Documentaries
, BBC,BBC World Service,Podcasts,Radio,Podcast,World Service Radio,World Service,Documentaries,Investigations,Explainers,BBC Documentary,Docs,American Mercenaries,War in Yemen,UAE and Yemen,Spear Operations Group,BBC Arabic,War Investigations,Assassination Techniques,Political Enemies,Yemeni Civilians,Yemeni Conflict,what is happening in yemen,yemen war,houthi,houthis attack ships in red sea,houthis attack,houthis documentary,houthis explained,yemen houthi

37 pemikiran pada “American mercenaries hired by UAE to kill in Yemen – BBC World Service Documentaries”

  1. Unfortunately mercinaries are stupid and only act upon instruction.
    Too bad they don't stay out if these things and instead go after elites.

  2. Soo easy to blame terrorist for killing human rights officials and lawyers instead of special forces soldiers doing it for money under the UAE, one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

  3. War is hell… wonder is the Yemeni’s will make documentaries about America when the shooting finally starts here? Doubtful.

  4. Would have been a better vid if you could have toned down volume on the background music, so we could hear the narrator journalist! Her voice was way too soft with all the other noise!

  5. No one really cared about this when it was exposed in 2018, PMC's taking out Islamic Terrorist types. With recent hornets nest opened with US strikes in Yemen, now they care? Anyway, war is an ugly business, but it is a business one way or another. We all know what the oldest profession is, but do people know what the second oldest is? Mercs…

  6. Okay Rockstar. How'd you know this was going on? Merryweather characters are fitted up just like these guys🤣🤣🤣

  7. He said, "You've been to Yemen. It's a hell hole". The female interviewer was like… I was born there. 😂😂😂

  8. Who are really the bad people? How dare you! You American allowing your self to judge somebody in someone else country.have you ever seeing or heard that an Arabic person will go to the US to kill someone? Shame on you the west. All of you.

  9. it's the same with calling someone a rascist as calling someone a terrorist, it gives people the right to do whatever they want to that person

  10. Never believe the bbc propaganda. Look at their record, terrible liars and of course they would have an agenda against the UAE. Look at America/UK bombing them right this moment and no one is batting an eye.

  11. Don't believe everything you hear in the news most countries use mercenaries to do the dirty work they come in do the hit blame it on a certain group to start a war ect. Like I said Don't believe the lies u hear on the news watch this video good and you will see what the truth is

  12. Just a clue on how this terrorism and instability is instigated by the wealthy nation just to satisfy there evil ego at an expense of whole generations. its only US there is no Them.

  13. Wow! The American citizens took order from another government without the White House and the Congress knowledge and execute in a foreign country. Do these Americans know what they are getting themselves into? In a situation like this, only innocent Americans pay the price later.

  14. Why am I not surprised that Islamic nations do not care for human rights. This is a good investigation but completely ignored the reality. Yemen is a failed state and the UAE is well known for secretly sponsoring terror groups. We know its not.
    But this is a war where no side cares about human rights. Investigate all you want but this was clearly approved by the recognized Yemeni government, the UAE, and I gauruntee that the CIA and state department approved it. They would not be back in the US.
    Coming after these guys who had 100 some odd targets in a war where 10s of 1000s of killings have occurred is a joke. Wanting to hold Westerners to a different standard, a Western standard, when they are operating in the middle east where only force is understood.

  15. Bank Fraud, seizure warrant December 20-21, 2004, fraudulent seizure of 4 accounts from Bank of America, to destroy Akube Ndoromo v. Merrick Garland et al Civ. No. 2023cv3000. Now in DC Court.

    U.S.A. Judges united to terrorize and cover up Bank Fraud, to the middle class, poor and the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch are complicit.

    Following are their names and institutions:

    The United States Supreme Court Terrorist

    John G. Roberts Jr., Chief Judge

    Associate Judges

    Clarence Thomas

    Stephen G. Breyer.

    Samuel A. Alito.

    Sonia Sotomayo

    Elena Kogan

    Neil M. Gorsuch.

    Appeals Court of District of Columbia Circuit Terrorists.

    Sri Sruinvansan, Chief Judge

    Circuit Judges

    Karen LeCraft Hendrson

    Judith W, Rogers

    David S. Tatel

    Patricia A. Millet

    Cornella T. L. Pillard

    Robert L. Wilkins

    Gregory G. Katsas

    Neomi Rao

    Justin R. Walker

    Ketani Brown Jackson

    David B. Sentelle.

    U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Terrorists

    Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell.

    District Judges

    Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

    Army Berman Jackson

    Emmett G. Sullivan.

    Magistrate Judge, Terrorist.

    John M. Facciolla.

    Judge Carl E. Ross Terrorist Superior Court D.C.

    Action No-2023-CAB- 003125-CER,

    In 2018-CAB-3602-18-CER. Delay tactics.

    DHHS D. Appeals Board Civil Remedies Division Terrorist.

    Docket No. C-09-540, Docket No. CR2092 March 16, 2010. (Discovered Terrorist group)

    Administrative Law Judge, Terrorist

    Alfonso J. Montano.

    FBI Agents, Terrorists and More

    Elton Malone

    Brian Evans

    Regina Boris.

    Ass. U.S. Attorneys, Terrorists and More.

    Roy Austin Jr.

    Linda McKinney

    Robert Bowman

    William Cowden.

    The Government is very slow in the return of terror destruction, 7, Bank Accounts Robbed, Stolen Funds, Looted Vehicles, looted Properties and more, the victim remained homeless (hold Hostage) to collapse, died or killed and the terrorist remained free.

    Akube Ndoromo will 100% prove beyond reasonable doubt that the above mentioned are terrorists. “Think about that”.

    For More inf. Facebook Site Justicde4James & Stop Gov. Robberies, Facebook group; s.sudan liberty. YouTube or Google: “Akube Ndoromo”.

  16. It doesn’t matter what the US says, the Muslim brotherhood is a terrorist organisation, just asked Egypt, or any other country where they operate.


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