
Albion Online | Creating a New World


Learn more about the creation of the upcoming New World, guided by Creative Director Jörg Friedrich, Art Director Marcus Koch and Level Designer Max Mellhage.
Want to participate in the Closed Beta? Head over here:

world , Albion Online | Creating a New World , #Albion #Online #Creating #World
, albion online,albion,Jörg Friedrich,Marcus Koch,Max Mellhage,new world,biomes,behind the scenes

41 pemikiran pada “Albion Online | Creating a New World”

  1. I hope you guys watch this videos sometimes, and see how much potential and how great is your game.

    Thank you for Albion!

  2. i like to call this game the eve online of the middle age so in order to
    be that need more depth we need something like the scan feature to find hidden things for example. this game can only get even better than it already is. i cant wait for launch its going to be a great game….

  3. What about making a new world that is solely for player housing? Perhaps far cheaper taxes (1000silver/mo.?) for a plot with 4 building plots and 2 farm plots and 2 small plots? I have tons if ideas that I'd love to share… 😀

  4. I do not want to be apart of a big guild. I want to play solo or with couple friends at my own pace and do my own thing.

  5. I am really looking forward to the idea of certain areas being rich in certain resources. With local markets, this will be a great way for people to make profits by moving goods in caravans. I just have one question. Will there ever be a case for traders where if they want to make a REALLY BIG profit, they have to cross some PVP zone? I want the game to encourage traders to be risky if they want to make more money(maybe there is a shortcut through pvp zones, players can go around it for safery, or through it for quickest and therefore more profit)..They have to make it by PVP zones which might have bandits. Or maybe traders can hire people to escort them. This is my dream. I want to be a trader, I want to trade my ore to towns with no significant ore deposits, I want to take risks and hire people to protect me.

  6. Really glad to see how serious you are about the game and player feedback. I enjoyed the beta, and am really looking forward to the full launch.

  7. The only thign that keeps me away from buying this game it's the full looting on PvP , if they can make a world where I can just worry about crafting and running dungeons …well I'll be all over that

  8. Pocket legends in a multi platform mmo, it's garbage compared to Albion but, you can play on phones and computers in the same world

  9. that was my biggest complaint in Albion. The world was very generic and not unique. I want to travel to certain areas and harvest certain things, and be able to know where a player is located by just looking at a screenshot of them playing. In the old map, if i took a screenshot of me in the forest, no one would know where I was in the world. Hopefully after the update, the world will be more memorable and unique.

  10. Take as much time as you need to perfect the game. Imo you better delay the release and finish creating the gane as you want rather than rushing with it. Good luck ^^

  11. Make fight system same like dota please!
    Fog and free look on map. Everybody love dota, why not copy same fight system…

  12. Its almost like they had a huge fan base and then it dropped off and now they are trying to put something new in to bring that fan base back.

  13. You shouldve scrapped mobile and tablets… Shouldve made the game a seamless world with no loadingscreens.

  14. the absolute most annoying design of the levels/zones are only having 4 entrances/exits per zone.

    zones should be at least 2x as big. and have at least 2x as many exit/entry points.
    preferably there would be even more/unlimited entrance/exit points to each zone.

  15. Guys the only thing this game will be amazing is coz will be cross platform. This game on android, mmmm such a great feeling. Focus on mobile, pc has other games… But i wish you good luck guys!

  16. What I love in a game world, is not being able to get everywhere without having to DO something for it.

    Considering exploration, I think it is important to have a reason why people want to go to a certain area, a reason good enough so they are willing to spend time and money to get there.

  17. yeah, yeah, I Bought Albin two years ago and this game never gonna be release they put a lot of money in their pockets by founders pack and want more ! I'm personally regreat to bought this game.

  18. They deserve a lot of praise for doing this in my book, a lot of players are getting restless because they expected the game to be out earlier but what they're doing looks like true dedication to the quality and longevity of the game. In an era of gaming where franchises churn out painfully short and half-baked games which feel incomplete without pricey DLC year upon year it's very refreshing to see that Sandbox aren't getting complacent and are taking the time to make sure they get all the details of the world just right.

  19. Hey guys, have question, albion have class dagger + skills hiden for pvp? im from player lienage7 archgeage need skills hide for pvp 🙂


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