
A Geopolitical Tour of the World


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A Geopolitical Tour of the World

Some of the topics I discuss I already have entire videos on:
Western Sahara:

Music by Epidemic Sound:

world , A Geopolitical Tour of the World , #Geopolitical #Tour #World
, geopolitics,taiwan,israel-palestine,western sahara,somaliland,crimea,catalonia

37 pemikiran pada “A Geopolitical Tour of the World”

  1. the polar azimuthal equidistant map is the flat earth map. according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), azimuthal maps are considered to be accurate in displaying continents and oceans. because of their accuracy they are used for air and sea navigation. indeed the USGS states that the azimuthal equidistant maps are ''used by USGS in the National Atlas of the United States of America and for large-scale mapping of Micronesia. useful for showing airline distances from center point of projection.''

    the governments of the world want the masses to believe that the world is round. however, when governments want to know how to address issues on the real configuration of the world, they reference a polar azimuthal equidistant flat earth map. indeed, the U.S. Military employs hundreds of soldiers and civilians in producing accurate maps of areas of deployment. those maps are almost never made public. there is a frame from an official video tour of the White House Situation Room, published by the White House and posted on the internet, showing a polar projection of an azimuthal equidistant map in the White House Situation Room. when it really counts, the U.S. Government wants to know the real configuration of the earth: a flat earth.

  2. Time is always existed. Time is relative. Timing is kept for the very first time and recorded history in history in British England so the British did not create time. Somebody you're narration needs a little bit of editing.

  3. Loved the irony and humour you had throughout the video! And the things you said were very interesting and informative :).
    Nevertheless, personally I didn't like how a lot of things were just overlooked and many countries with big interesting geopolitical insights were completely skipped… Rather than doing a 18' "world" geopolitical tour, I would have done multiple videos for each area/region/continent and got a bit deeper into each situation! From a curious, external perspective that would have been way nicer, just a little thought I had

  4. Lemme break down Israel-Palestine conflict.

    -When jews were butchered during the holocaust they decided to returned to Palestine who let them in with mercy.
    -When they gained power by lobbying after World War 2 they decided lets just keep the whole thing and kill these motherfuc$@ers and steal their land.
    -After 75 years of persecution of innocent civilians and children.
    -Hamas fought back on October the 7th after which Israel openly began killing innocent civilians and children.
    -Now you’d be wondering if Israel is such a bigoted child killing regime then why ain’t the west against it?
    -US government is run by Israeli lobbyists who are billionaires. And they need a player in middle east.

    That’s sums pretty much up.

  5. 8:08 As someone from Somaliland, Somaliland became independent and its own country a couple days before somalia. We then joined together as a union of two countries. We then decided to separate and call off the union after a genocide and civil war. How we still have trouble calling off a union and going back to an independent country is beyond me.

  6. Referendum – says somthing different .you shouldn’t report your own feelings or opinions as fact . Brilliant video other than that

  7. There is only one desert, which is the Moroccan Sahara, and Polisario is just a terrorist organization that kills innocent people, as happened in Smara last week 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦♥️♥️♥️

  8. youuu made mee sooo mad to say that polikharrio who fought against spaint go and searsh about green marchh

  9. the Sahara is moroccan and we the moroccans who fought against sspaainn if u want to give an information about a country educate yourself firstttt

  10. Confirms that Australia and New Zealand do not exist and are a figment of everyone's imagination. Non existent Kiwis and Aussies want to keep it that way.

  11. I am constantly amazed by your creativity, expertise, and commitment to empowering others through education. Thank you for your hard work, your dedication, and your willingness to share your knowledge with the world. You have made a positive impact on many and for that, I am truly thankful.

    Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors. Keep up the fantastic work!

  12. bro just ignored africa every country has atleast 100 diferent goverments that claim that they are the one goverment

  13. There are so many conflicts throughout the world which imo in time will resolve. Foreign intervention will only escalate to world war.

  14. Look at the world today! I feel that each peace day past is just a precious and cherish present for human kinds.

  15. Great video, tho every dispute and civil war in Africa is left out. Even the peculiar case of south Africa is left out

  16. Pakistan and India should agree upon the Kashmir region being divided as it'll keep Pakistan's land mass looking like a Dinosaur.
    The US should form a whatsapp group including all countries that trade with China to officially recognise Taiwan as an independent country – forcing China to cut ties with everyone before getting lonely and saying sorry to Taiwan. Everyone sends thumbs up emojis to validate a good deed.
    Somaliland should change their name to Somalifunland and gift China the strip of land bordering Somalia to separate the two and they can forget the other existed while eating delicious noodle dishes on a day trip out to Chinese Somalia.
    France should give up trying to convince the world their language is not a made up, troll language.
    Singapore should become official King of the world.
    The world should saw off the middle east and move it further south of the equator so they can grow crops instead of their list of things that are forbidden to do.


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