
A Fan Base At War – Why Wilds Caused Chaos! (World VS Rise VS Old School Monster Hunter)


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36 pemikiran pada “A Fan Base At War – Why Wilds Caused Chaos! (World VS Rise VS Old School Monster Hunter)”

  1. Love the conversation on this one guys, keep it coming! It always amazes me how passionate this community is and if the greatest issues we ever face is a 'war' of who loves which game more despite us all loving all of them well that's awesome.

  2. As much as I love Rise, World is better in my opinion and feels more in line with the older games, at least ecology wise.

    Monster Hunter has always been about “hunting” the monsters. Tracking them down and stuff like that. World took that idea and not only enhanced it, but also gave the monsters unique behaviors. Rise on the other hand allows you to always see the monsters and for some reason made it so all monsters attack you on sight again.

    Now this doesn’t mean Rise is a bad game or not a MH game. It just means it’s not a traditional MH game.

  3. I myself started with the first game and love every monster hunter game I played so far.

    Only people I had have issues with online in the community are some people who love World way too much. I love world and iceborne but my least favorite thing in iceborne is the clutch claw. It is way too glitchy specifically when playing online with others and the having to tenderize monsters every 60 seconds was tidious. And in the end the solution of having to gem in a level 3 jewel to make it last 90 seconds, or was 120 seconds?, that was ludicrous.
    Just cuz I said this I was called toxic and a gatekeeper and other words I won't repeat here. So yeah.

    Except for that and the insect glaive thing I have no issues with the community.

    The insect glaive thing I mentioned for those who are curious is the thing we're a bunch of people want the insect glaive to be tonfas from monster hunter frontier and be aerial floaty bs 80% of the time so basically just like tonfas in frontier.

    Other than that I usually have no issues with the community and try to stay out of the whole which monster hunter is better thing.
    I am happy with all the monster hunter games. And enjoyed playing all the ones I did. I think all of them have their strengths and weaknesses and I am really looking forward to playing Wilds when it comes out. 😁😁😁

  4. Hearing you describe all the groups made me really happy to discover i'm part of the first one! I was introduced to monterhonter with World, wasn't super big on it it was just another game at the time but then the oceaniz ecology videos started happening which really caught my interest and fast forward to me loving World and Rise and being super excited for the ecology of Wilds as well! Don't get me wrong though, I love a good fight with any monster in either World or Rise, but i haven't played the older games and might not even though I'm sure they're fantastic as well!

  5. While I enjoyed every MH game I've played (started with 3U,) Iceborne was definitely peak MH for me personally. While I really enjoyed the switch skills, followers, and how Rise handled layered armor and dyes, I felt like the wirebugs and hear customization was too strong, and it took way too long to unlock truly challenging content to match the speed and power we had in late SB.

    That said, if Wilds is more World 2 or Rise 2, I'll be excited to play it. I'm personally just hoping it's more like 75% World, 20% Rise, and a sprinkling of some of the older features (like limited consumables per mission.)

  6. Mh4u and mhw are really similar to me. In mhw i just ignore camps and play by the old school rules and the game feels more or less exactly like old games.

  7. Ppl who don’t think world/wilds is superior are just purists stuck in their old ways. This is currently the best time to be a MH fan. Sales will reflect this.

  8. I honestly like the aspect of the game being more simple at the beginning then gets ruthless later on. If the main story path is easy but near the end becomes increasingly difficult to get a taste of the endgame then I’d be completely fine with that. It allows new or lower level hunters to still enjoy the game enough without getting into the hardcore aspect. When I say easier I don’t mean baby fights just fights that require the basic knowledge of learning monsters as you go through withought optimal sets. (Especially since crafting low grade gear is pointless for people going into endgame)

  9. Wild is done by the console team and should be their vision and the portable team can continue theirs with the next Switch title. Rise also has little in common because it was completely hamstrung by the Switch hardware and being portable. Both teams can learn from what the other did best and long as they still hold true to their style.

  10. Imo world is the perfect sweet spot between the slower oldschool games and the fast paced action of rise and if wilds is anything like world I'll play the living crap out of it!

  11. Personally, world is my favorit game of all time (i had also played generations ultimate and 4 ultimate before world) but i loved the idea of the ecology and hunting the monster, and also out of all of them, it felt like you truly studied the monsters, which really resonated with me. I also love sunbreak/rise , feel bad that people hate it. Ive now played quite a few of the older games, and i love how interesting each one is and think they all have their own lovely gameplay loopa. as for rise and sunbreak, there are some things i dont like as much (main one being knowing where the monster is from the start) but I don't view it as a flaw, just something for other hunters to enjoy faster paced hunts. And i still love the gameplay!

  12. Q: is the return of mounts a step over from rise?
    I'd say NO Unless, and more en evolving of the mounting in Iceborne. Unless the mount actually joins the fight when you dismount which the mount doesnt seem to be equipt for.

  13. as someone who is a Science nerd world blew my mind whit how the Monsters live their own life on the map if you just follow them they dont just stand in the zone looking left and right.

    the only thing that i would like to see changed is the new item box i hope in Wilds that you get the starting goods and then you can add more stuff in the box thru out the hunt making the gathering matter a bit more.

    as a Third fleeter i am happy to have all my hunting buddies old and new.

  14. Untill world/XX switchport i always had my eye on the games but didnt believe 3ds was a good platform for it.

    Which kinda makes me end up between world and classic players. 😂

  15. I don't want to sound like an ass but there is a fith crowd. The crowd that enjoys every MH game and liked the new ones a lot like the first crowd and don't care what console it's on but really hated the crowd that posted under every single social media post for rise or sunbreak that they should update world and that rise sucks and now are angry that these players are getting rewarded for their bad behavior

  16. I personally wish people would stop judging how a game will be based on what was essentially a teaser trailer that had no combat
    Ps: im not referring to the theory videos

  17. Hot take, I like variety in this series. I liked world because it was different from 4U, i liked rise because it was different from world and I hope Wilds is also different. If I wanted world i'll go play world.

  18. I rlly enjoy the vast amount of support for each of the stances here nd I agree with each of em but me personally have been playing scene ultimate ne with the new generations that have come out I loved the changes to the hunts nd the reason for the changes in lore as well that is until we got rise witch completely took me out of the atmosphere of the monster hunter universe the hunters in the region where rise takes place had the opportunity to show us a new way of hunting nd sure we got the wire bugs but I mean like a actually new way to hunt a region where they don't use the basic mh weapons there is 0 reason 2 hunters on the opposite sides of the plant should be using the exact same weapons in almost the exact same way but yet the 2 hunters have 0 clue the other hunter even exists it makes scene for world to be almost the exact same cuz the hunters that r in the new world came from the old world rise is a completely separate environment away from both new nd old worlds with unique hunters well that's what I wanted to see new ways of hunting with a grip of new weapons that r tailor made for the wire bugs instead of just using the bug to hit the damn near same attacks as all other hunters to come ever for me half the fun of mh is the world it inhabits rise as a whole sticks out like a sore thumb in that regard the way they hunt isn't new or innovative its just the same as everywhere else witch is a huge missed opportunity

  19. So basically the cycle of hate started with old gen loud minority being toxic to world players
    that negativity stuck with some of the world fans and it even increased more with rise being a switch exclusive for like a year
    they released it all on the rise players and now rise players have that negativity stuck with them, as soon as some of them get the chance they release it on MHW fans
    now that wilds looks like its more world styled rise fans are even more mad, they also think MonHun should never go slower which triggers some old gen and world fans and the cycle is snowballing out of control if we don't stop soon

    we should just enjoy MonHun I adore world, its my fav game of all time, I absolutely love rise EVEN THOUGH I don't really like fast paced games (which says alot about how amazing rise is) I adore LOVE GU but its also the MH I get frustrated the most from because of how punishing it is from some BS attack like the rathian run that doesn't have a animation to warn me

    MH is a amazing series and we should savor it instead of fight over which one cooked the best, everyone has their own favorite dish! but that doesn't mean every other type of food is bad

  20. Judging by the fact that MH:Wilds is using ideas from all the way back to MH1 it might be the game to bring everyone together by combining elements from all previous generations …. or risk alienating everyone and creating a new Wilds faction XD

  21. 01. I like World's style more. That slow and impactful feeling. Not fast paced like Rise.

    02. I like World's long hunts, rather than Rise's Arcade-like hunts.

    03. I like World's Investigations to gain rarer materials and Rise didn't have that…

    04. I like Rise's weapon designs more than World. I didn't like World's base Iron and Bone weapons and then attach monster parts, rather than just being its own model.

    05. I like Rise's NPC more than World's. Rise has more beautiful characters. Even unrealistic with their smooth skin and Anime-like hairstyles and all.

    06. I like World's Slinger more, but hated the Tenderize mechanics. Rise didn't have that but I didn't like the Wirebugs stuff, because it impacted the pacing of the fight.

    07. I like Rise's Switch Skills, despite not fully understanding it because I didn't enjoy the fast pace. World doesn't have that.

    08. I like the World's Gathering Hub, because it felt like old games where you can go into the Hunter area with other players and the activities there.

    09. I like World's and Rise's companion with Palico. Rise has doggoes too. That's nice but a little too much at times in Rise. Since everything is flying all at once.

    10. I like World's Monster roster, but Rise even more, but hated fighting them in Rise and love them in World, due to the pacing…

    11. I like the sieges and lobby quests like Kulve Taroth and SafiiJiva. It makes the hunt much more fun, helping people online.

    12. I like World with the new players. I didn't enjoy it as much in Rise, because I only see them in the hunt itself.

    13. I like World's armor design but loved Rise's even more due to how absurd they look and that's nice.

    14. I didn't like Rise's "Outbreak" thing. It's annoying.

    15. I didn't like World's story being UNSKIPPABLE or that we can't join the story alongside them, to watch the cutscenes… Why???

    16. I like Rise's story but it's still boring, just like World's story as they're not the focus. I prefer the old Ecology videos like in the old games.

    17. I like World's fights with Alatreon… I know most people like it, but that's because it's not a "DPS" check only, but also Build Check… People don't like to think… I do…

    18. I like World's designs of their bases and culture. Rise is amazing but World's base designs looks like 'it could exist on real life' with the fantasy elements. It feels alive…

    19. I like World's style of "Hunting" more than Rise's non-existent "Hunting" of the monsters… I like the tracking… When you're far into the game, you automatically remember where they are, because you spent time hunting them. In Rise, you didn't need that. You got the UI. No need to think. Just go… Too braindead in my opinion… I didn't enjoy it…

    20. I like World more, than Rise, for all of the aspects World put together rather than Rise…

    21. I like World's food more than Rise's Dangos… Just… Yeah…

  22. I started with MHTri Ultimate. And I freaking loved it. I absolutely loved it and I loved the underwater combat specifically. Then I went to MHW and loved that too. I so hope that underwater combat and lagiacrus make a comeback though because they were awesome. I did feel more immersed in MHW though. I really felt like I was a hunter who started out as a rookie hunter learning the ropes and gradually became more experienced and powerful and eventually found myself as a important and pivotal hunter in the end game. It was some of the most fun I have had I playing video games. And of course a shout to my souls weapons the dual blades. I can finally dash around the battle field like a tornado made of blades.

  23. According to Steam Charts, MH World has more playerbase than MH Rise and I think… That makes sense… People like more on World than Rise… While sales is a good comparison, the player base that keeps playing or not, is the question of which game player like more and I believe that's World… And CAPCOM knows it. That's why they said "#ReturnToWorld" instead of "ReturnToRise" here and now…

  24. As somebody who entered the series as part of the fifth fleet, who then went back to play some of the pre-World games and then also Rise/Sunbreak. Even though World/IB is my favourite they are all great games with strengths that Wilds can take from each moving forwards.

    For an Wilds I’d love for the devs to:
    – Bring back some of the slow prep build up that pre World games along with a limited numbers of items for the mounts pouch, I enjoyed the older games for the effort required to prep for a hunt.
    – Bring over the graphics/art style/core gameplay from World to current Gen, the combat was the most polished and the graphics top notch.
    – Bring the switch skills from Rise/SB as having the Mount shows the ability for multiple loadouts.

    And please, please no wirebugs 😂

  25. I do hope they make wilds more….stressful?? Like I want to use the items in the game. I want them to have impact. Not just be a speed runners buff. I’m probably not expressing this right lol. Maybe more tactical? I want to think a bit more about choices I make about a hunt or how I prepare. Kind of like the Witcher 3 where you really had to think about how to take on a monster. Or you just made the game way harder.

  26. I will say World got me way more hooked than rise, but I honestly cant put my finger in why,

    Rise was a good game but just felt off to me

  27. I can't wait for Wilds, but both Iceborne and Sunbreak were the best but GU and 4U and 3U had stuff that was lost nowadays (I will always play MH even if they came out with a mobile app ;] )


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