I LOVE to HATE this in World of Tanks!

The NC 70 Błyskawica is the highest possible damage in World of Tanks – that should be enough to love it right? Well…. it’s complicated!

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36 pemikiran pada “I LOVE to HATE this in World of Tanks!”

  1. Hey QB. I just stoped at T9. T10 is about 5 % better than T9. And I sold Tortoise (bought Badger again). For me same play stile, same armor vs HEAT, same DPM, only Gonkiewzca is faster and more alpha dmg. And I always go where HT go 🙂

  2. On a similar note, I've got a 69% win rate in the TT-130M after 100 or so battles, which is definitely not deserved as I've got a mediocre DPG in it of only 2500.
    And that 2500 (+ some assist) is enough to get 87% MOE should tell you something about how underwhelming that tank is!

    Still, for some reason, it keeps printing victories.

  3. I got to the tier 8, and playing it literally makes me want to rip my fucking hair out. I've used BPs and universal BP fragments from missions to completely research the tier 10. I'm missing i think 6 fragments for the full tier 9 BP research. I sold the tier 8 and I refuse to ever play this trash line again.

    Not to mention only getting an 85mm caliber gun at tier 10 and not getting to overmatch basically any plates? Yeah, no. Fuck that.

  4. Not much armor up top that can easily be pen by HEAT, dont have the gold to pen German heavy cheeks, the dispersion at point blank of full bloom is garbage, and that horizontal gun arc. 😢 If it needs a buff, it should either be the gold pen or that horizontal gun arc

  5. I put enough time into narrow arc TDs to know I CANNOT play them anymore. Sometimes I'm a masochist but a narrow arc is too kinky for me. And thus is a limit.

    Its ok to say no to narrow arc TDs Will. Total arc should be at least 90°.

  6. Stupid and non-intelligent are used here to describe this tank. I use it for every tanks of the nation. Everyone always talk about Russian bias but I bounce way much on PL tanks and I'm tired they are all rush without brain usage, crazy alpha and not great armor on theory but always got lucky bounces.

  7. Tricking QB into pronouncing Blyskawica in that ridiculous way is the best thing that's happened in 2024
    Bro rather takes written advice from youtube comments than checks in 30 seconds online how native speakers pronounce it

  8. Ordinary promotion from WOT tips !! (Haha 3-6-8000 Damage) you don't get 1/4th of what you see here in real game!!! These bastards have a modified mod for promotions to see they are still in the top ranks, what he shoots is a hit!! if a tank hits him.. then a rebound… I guarantee that you won't have it that way!! and it will be the opposite on mil. % and besides… don't buy premium or premium tanks!!! it's useless anyway, the server determines the damage,,..determines victory and defeat .. If you upload min Damage to the opponent, the server will automatically flip and give Victory/ if High damage to the opponent – it is automatically Defeat.. You have a tank of 8 levels and you are approximately at the bottom of the team or on the bottom team composition, stacked from level 10 = It's automatically a win because you have no chance to shoot down Level 10 that is: min. damage = victory.!!! If you are on the highest rungs in the lineup, e.g. team level 8 to level 6 , Automatically = high damage to the opponent and you automatically = Defeat!! Server. BLOCKS….visibility, enemy detections, opponent damage, you can just do whatever you want 😀 !! it's wasted money!! You actually have more losses than wins in the game!! Ask yourself another question.. how many times have you recorded what you see here? (it's easy to play if you're an admin with a good game mode!), and this thieving company gives replays like this every day … they're just lying to you and fooling you it's a great game, waiting for you to adjust the game mode to the minimum so that you can put real money into it!! Also note that they offer only premium or 10 level tanks, where you have huge losses in the game even during premium, especially if you use gold-i (premium cartridges)!!! , for 1 battle minus up to 8-20,000 cash… if not more… wt.

  9. The Tier7 Gowika is arguably the best of the bunch and my personal favourite.

    My reasons are that unlike the T8-T10, the Gowika is not subjected to that range based alpha and will deal it's pretty impressive 420 alpha at ANY range and so it makes it more flexible and more MM friendly since it's not forced to have to get into close quarters to max-out its damage potential. And yet, when it's finally in a good MM, the Gowika has a very decent 200+ armor that can be angled and leaned for more, but even just 200 "normal" armor as top tier is a serious bunker with really only the small lower plate to worry about.

    I normally love a decent tier9 tank for economical reasons but… tier for tier it just doesn't offer that same level of influence and fun but that's just my opinion.


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