World of Warships – Unbeaten

This could have easily been another episode of a Game of Throws but there’s something about HotSauceForBreakfasts’ dogged refusal to accept that he was beaten in todays’ battle that deserved its own title.

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42 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Unbeaten”

  1. I am playing this game and this is only one that is still worth of playing in terms of wargaming and in wot I was a mediocre player,here I have average of 1200+ xp per battle and 29% of wins with japanese destroyer tier 6 but for acc average xp per battle is 1000+ and arround 40% of wins….what does that mean ? Am I good or terrible player that struggle to win one out of 10 battles ?

  2. Was a nice game but without aiming terribly at the french dd and not using damage control right before a load of tsubtorps hit him he could have killed both dds quite easily.

  3. Yet another brilliant vid. Everything already said about Cochrane and Aubrey. Have visited Brazil, Peru and Chile and have seen the pride and memorials to and for Cochrane. Huzzah Jingles.

  4. Ah yes, Cochrane…

    The admiral so good that the Royal Navy aristocrats drove him out of the Navy and out of politics…so he went and became legendary for OTHER nations.

    A real example of how the Royal Navy ACTUALLY functioned…or didnt.

  5. Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, had a pretty amazing career. Not only did he regularly hand Napoleons navies and supplies a right drubbing, before being dismissed from the Royal Navy for a Stock Exchange scandal, he then went on to sucessfully assist in the independence wars for Chile, Peru and Brazil, before being pardoned by the Crown and re-instated in the Royal Navy, ending his career as a Rear-Admiral and Admiral of the Red. He is also the inspiration behind just about every Napoleonic naval fiction writer and their characters incluing specifically Jack Aubrey and Horatio Hornblower (also possibly Richard and Adam Bolitho).

  6. I haven't see 3 subs aside since soon after the Torp nerf. I'm lucky to see one (My Royal Navy DDs are spec'ed for ASW so they are pretty much a waste most weeks nowadays).

    Hotsauce took a risk increasing the distance with that sub. Within 3 km subs do SFA damage (only 10%). Pulling away means you get more time to dodge but it also means if they do hit they do full damage. Still great fight back and well done.

    Tom Cochrane, Rear Admiral serving in the Royal Navy, the Chilean Navy, the Imperial Brazillian Navy and the Hellenic Navy. Jailed for possibly being involved in a successful plan to defraud the London Stock Exchange when it was claimed that Napoleon had died in 1814 and was rumoured, via his gabby wife, of planning to rescue Napoleon from St Helens and install him as Emperor of South America. Inspiration for both Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubry (and probably Ramage as well).

  7. Chile's most well-known national hero was a man named Bernardo O'Higgins, who was born to an Irishman that served Spain as one of Chile's colonial governors

  8. 0:56 He also was instrumetal in building up the Imperial Brazilian Fleet as its First Admiral, throwing out the Portugese in that process. And he also took charge of the Greek navy during the Greek war of independence.

    And his exploits with the sloop-of-war Speedy are the basis for the Patrick O'Brian novel "Master and Commander" and the inspiration for the character Jack Aubrey as well as for C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower.

    And he managed to weather an ignominous fraud conviction in the Great Stock Exchange Fraud to become a full Admiral in time…


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