‘Lefty meltdown’ after world mocks Raygun’s ‘embarrassing’ Olympic performance

Lefties went into a “meltdown” after people around the world mocked Australian breakdancer Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn following her “embarrassing” performance at the Olympics in Paris, according to Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.

“B-Girl Raygun has a PhD in the cultural politics of breaking,” Ms De Giorgio said.

“If that doesn’t scream lefty I don’t know what does.”

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29 pemikiran pada “‘Lefty meltdown’ after world mocks Raygun’s ‘embarrassing’ Olympic performance”

  1. That young woman has had such a tragic life and she just respins her pain into Leftist triumphs. She needs faith, she needs Jesus. I hope her family is praying for her.

  2. Rosie Rosie Rosie.. why …
    Every dumbocrat hears what the RIGHT is saying about the left. Like joe biden cant speak. then they say the same thing and the left acts like their so original.

  3. thats not breakdancing thats interpretive dance and if someone with a phd in breakdance? ffs, doesnt know that then. no wait im not even surprised you can get a pfd in brekdance let alone still know nothing about breakdance suffice it to say i grew up in the 80s when breaking was new and popular and i saw better than that in the playground at lunchtime at primary school, i can see breakdance a competitive its physical and demanding when done traditionally but christ almighty. wtf was that?

  4. Its so funny to me how they always have to compare stuff to a marvel movie or harry potter like Rosie did. Theyre already in a fantasy land, no need to compare everything in reality to movies.

  5. If she is the best Straya has then we need to just cease doing that immediately, go and have a long look in the mirror and have a word with ourselves.
    Raygun needs medical attention soon as possible.

  6. 5:41 this lady calls trump a Moron… Look at how she presents herself and tell me who is the Moron between her and Trump and I am not even a Trump supporter… We need the old school Mental wards where crazy people would get taken away with a stray jacket. Im tired of seeing crazy people on the loose they are ruining this planet we once called Reality


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