Global National: July 20, 2024 | Wildfires rage across western Canada as heat wave lingers

After a relatively slow start to the wildfire season, things in western Canada are heating up. As temperatures soar across much of the region with a lingering heatwave blanketing almost half the country, dozens of blazes are being sparked and putting thousands at risk. Catherine Urquhart has more on the escalating wildfire emergency.

British Columbia is currently the epicentre of Canada’s wildfire fight, with more than 300 wildfires burning on Saturday. More than half are considered out of control, with around 80 starting in just the past day. The Shetland Creek Wildfire in B.C.’s central interior is one of the most dangerous currently burning in the province. Aaron McArthur has the details.

After warnings that the tentative agreement reached yesterday between the LCBO and the union representing its workers might collapse, both sides are now saying they have signed off on a return-to-work protocol. In a Saturday statement, the Crown agency said that all unionized employees would return to work on Monday and stores would be open to shoppers on Tuesday, pending ratification. Sean O’Shea reports.

Plus, internal documents obtained by Global News are shedding new light on the federal government’s recent moves to decrease the number of temporary immigrants. Among those measures was the return of a visa requirement for Mexican nationals, following a surge of asylum claims coming from that country. As Touria Izri explains, the documents show how that issue also quickly became a problem for U.S.-Canada relations.

In Rome, ancient history met modern-day heat as tourists sought refuge from scorching temperatures by going underground. Europe has been sweltering under an unprecedented heatwave this week with temperatures soaring to record highs in some regions, and communities across Europe have found creative ways to cope with the heat, amid growing concerns over climate change. Neetu Garcha reports.

And finally, as the Olympic flame is set to be lit in Paris for the Olympic Games in a week’s time, many are questioning whether the real-world conflicts of Ukraine and Gaza will overshadow the competitive spirit of the games. Nathaniel Dove takes a closer look at the delicate balance between celebrating human achievement and navigating the complexities of global politics.

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world , Global National: July 20, 2024 | Wildfires rage across western Canada as heat wave lingers , #Global #National #July #Wildfires #rage #western #Canada #heat #wave #lingers
, global news,wildfires,canada,canada wildfires,western canada,Canada,BC,bc,bc wildfires,alberta wildfires,LCBO,lcbo,lcbo strike,lcbo union,beer,ontario,alcohol,labour,strike,mexico,mexico visa,canada mexico,migration,us,canada us mexico,north america,border,travel,weather,forecast,europe,Europe,europe heat,europe heatwave,europe heat wave,climate change,climate,Paris,paris,paris olympics,olympics,olympics 2024,gaza,ukraine,israel,politics

42 pemikiran pada “Global National: July 20, 2024 | Wildfires rage across western Canada as heat wave lingers”

  1. About time the Canadian Governement and the world to do something. Temperatures are now ranging from minimum 40 – Max 60 degrees Centigrade. A short time before you
    Power will be cut !! No more Cool air flowing through your homes, apartment buildings. 60 Cenclius, and you bake in your own misery. Wake Up people !!!!! No need for WW3, here Aldy !

  2. i don't know why Canada is not using satellite to issue warning of fire using infrared light through satellite and contact Thailand company that makes fire suppression ball which can instantly put off fire. the ball can be change to bigger and biodegradable shell shape like torpedo. Where there is will , there is way.. old method does not work coz water dissipate before reaching the stump. but fire suppression ball works

  3. circle of life. fires clear all the old fuel on the forest floor then new trees sprout up. keep putting out the fires and the fuel builds then lightning strikes and it can not be put out.

  4. if by climate change and global warming you mean people going out there setting fires intentionally that might need to be adressed at some point by authorities unless of course the leadership in government are all for it in which case could be time to move out of that area soon. I hear CostaRica is doing great vs Canada right now, before the arsonists burn more trees.
    Best of luck Canada.

  5. July 20 2024- 87 new fires have erupted in the One day in British Columbia province!?

    -Criminal globalists arsonists to give their crazy climate change campaign a little boost with Starting fires in multiple provinces the same day! They call it wildfires!

    -Canada had 20% of worldwide forest fires in 2023!

    -Their ideology says if you lose your house and wealth, there will be nothing to worry about!

    – USA today- June 23, 2024-EL PASO, Texas-FBI Albuquerque Division offering $10K reward for information about a pair of New Mexico fires, asking for the public's assistance in identifying the cause of these fires including persons that made it."

  6. A major international verdict was made public on Friday at the ICJ: it was regarding a 2022 inquiry into whether Israel’s government was violating international law. The decision was that Gaza had been under occupation even after Israel officially pulled out in 2005 because it still controlled the land, sea, air, and even the caloric intake of Gazans, and daily life of Palestinians. The court said Israel has to remove the illegal settlers from the West Bank (all 500,000 or so). Now Western govts are in a pickle. They are exposed for being hypocrites with their proxy NATO war against Russia and all the sanctions. Where are the sanctions and arms embargo on Israel? They’re all just going to pretend the ICJ ruling never happened and all the mainstream media is complicit. Welcome to China, everyone! Democracy Now! and Aljazeera at least tell you about important stuff which Cdn news don’t seem to do.

  7. I don’t understand why so many wildfires simultaneously!!! So rare!!! The Global temperature hasn’t increased so much to provoke this horrible situation!!!

  8. I wonder if the code that took down Microsoft was coded by Ai or a human coder.
    I would bet if Ai you aren't likely to hear about it without some digging.
    And if Ai didn't make the error, why didn't Ai catch it?

  9. Global News should be congratulated on their Comments Policy. I cannot understand what CBC is afraid of. No matter what is being covered their viewers cannot comment or exchange ideas. Thank you Global, your journalist integrity is strong and appreciated.

  10. The AQ has been hazardous from fort macmurray to BC.
    The long term effects of that level of ppm 2.4 and the chemicals carried along is beyond beyond belief. It always seems they don't pour more resources and manpower. Only 2 night flying capable helicopters for water dumping in Alberta ?!.
    They need more resources. Maybe some sharing between the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere to cover opposite fire seasons.
    This is a public health disaster as well as an environmental crisis.

  11. Forest fires in BC are now the norm. The BC forestry does not put out the small fires. They wait until they are large and then they panic. They won't do anything unless the fires are getting near to dwellings. I know because my nephew worked for them several years and that is their policy.

  12. too much imigration is ruining this country. We do not need to let inn almost a million people a year to work minimum wage at Mcdonalds. Did justin sacrifice out economy so he could fill a bunch of minimum wage jobs to make the job market look good? Id rather have Mcdonalds and time hortons have a hard time finding employees then seeing my grocery bill double in the past 4 years. Dear god I hate to think how the children in my family are ever going to afford homes?

  13. Canada needs to change its immigration. Those who came in the last 2 years on student visas should be deported.
    Anyone who immigrated in the last 2 years, from problematic countries should be deported.

    Training for post secondary or upgrading should be more affordable for our own citizens.

    Job ads that are offering different priorities or higher wages based on pro-immagrant criteria should be a human rights violation. And made illegal.

  14. 😕😚😒😌😒😌🤩😗🤩🤨🤨😋😋😋😚😜😜😜😜 [[Universal 🧀🧀 News!!]] [[Elections are coming! Elections are coming!]]: 🗞️📰🗞️📰 “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020 P.S. You get 2 days for every 1 you serve there bc it is so bad.

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela 🥂🥂

    [[Community of Democracies]]
    free and fair elections
    freedom of speech & expression
    equal access to education
    rule of law
    freedom of peaceful assembly

    Enough to know the USA created hells in the 21st century I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. To Iceland w/love, I pledged my allegiance to Monaco. 💋💋❤️❤️

    I got human beings I love. Lying to them was never my thing. There is no God. Thanks to an old friend I remember the first lie I ever told 🙂 – Me aka Ron Swanson 2.0/Ron Swanson on Snoop Dogg/a nerd

    “End wars. Be loving, honest kind people to each other.” – Desmond Tutu

    “If we give up on the moral code our country believes in we’re no better than (who we are fighting).” – US Military Code


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