
The Boy Soldiers of WWI (World War 1)


World War I was one of the most brutal battles in all of history, and it’s devastation sent major ripples across the entire globe while changing the power dynamics for every country across Earth. Some armies were insanely understaffed and had to resort to using young boys to grow up on the battlefield to help win the war! Check out today’s crazy video about soldiers barely teenagers taking up arms against the Germans in this epic war story!


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

world , The Boy Soldiers of WWI (World War 1) , #Boy #Soldiers #WWI #World #War
, world war one,WWI,ww1,war,boy soldiers,teenage soldiers,soldiers,battle,youngest soldier in WWI,the infographics show,british army,youngest soldier british army,history,history of world war one

40 pemikiran pada “The Boy Soldiers of WWI (World War 1)”

  1. One of the really shameful parts of this story was the white feather girls. They would throw them at the menfolk not in uniform to accuse them of cowardice, basically telling them to do sonething they themselves never would. This included these underage teenage boys too, many of whom never came home. Hundreds of accounts came out about it but when the white feather girls were asked to tell their side of the story by the BBC in 1922 only two came forward. Both were ashamed and regretted what they did, and rightly so.

  2. My grandfather signed up and shipped out underage with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. He was sent back from the front after the political action of parents across the British Empire, and like many others like him, wasnโ€™t happy about leaving the battle front. Itโ€™s probably lucky for me and my mother that he was sent back. His brother was killed at Passchendaele in November 1917. I believe the battle you mention here is the Somme (rhymes with bomb).

  3. Kids make the best soldiers hate to say it but its ture smaller target faster lighter to carry if injuries an have less fear of death due to the young age and transportation can take more to the field

  4. The youngest soldier was 8 yrs old…momฤilo gavriฤ‡ of Serbia,he survived both world wars and died at the age of 91

  5. My great-grandfather born in 1890 served in World War 1, he was drafted in 1917 and died at the age of 88 in 1978.

  6. As he say in desc ww1 was brutal go back in time to Gettysburg one of the most brutal war in history :Gettysburg/civil war/18 century

  7. In The First World War there was a very young serbian warrior, he was only 8 years old and his name was Momฤilo Gavriฤ‡. The Austrians killed his whole family as he watched from cover, he found the Serbian army and begg to let him take revenge. He got a uniform, and as a soldier he helped fight. I'd be happy to give you all the information if you'd like to tell this little but great hero's story. He received the highest medals the Kingdom of Serbia could give

  8. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ€the battle of the so-mahโ€๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ itโ€™s like โ€œbro! Do u even know history?๐Ÿ˜‚โ€

  9. This reminds me of Hitler's 4th SS Hitlerjugend or an SS division made entirely of boys no older than 16. The Volksturm in general is made up of the elderly, lame, and too young.

  10. Man while don't agree with it, a war that big and devastating just like a hurricane will displace pets from a home a war will displace parents from their children and vice versa. A kid enlisting after his entire family was massacred what else could he do but help the war effort? The last guy it ended up being a positive experience for him and the other guys felt pride for their service.

  11. Women's Land Army – total joke – the Governmewnt had to bring in around 1.5 milion wounded/convalescing men to fill the gap of the millions of agricultural workers who left or were conscripted to join the military !!

  12. " The Boy Soldiers. "

    Half of the U.S's soldiers being boys 14 – 16 that lied about their age in WWII: " Yeah, what about it? "


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