
8th WONDER Of the World REDISCOVERED in New Zealand!


The 8th wonder of the world, known as the pink and white terraces of Lake Rotomahana, was an extremely popular attraction in the 19th century and was thought to have vanished. But a recent discovery proves that the beautiful white and pink terraces still exist, but are simply hidden under 50 feet of ash and mud.

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world , 8th WONDER Of the World REDISCOVERED in New Zealand! , #8th #World #REDISCOVERED #Zealand
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30 pemikiran pada “8th WONDER Of the World REDISCOVERED in New Zealand!”

  1. Their not actually buried under mud, their submerged in the lake 68 meters. When the eruption took place it cut of the flow of the river causing the water to back fill like a dam. The eruption took place in 1886 not 1818!

  2. They've found pieces of both the white and pink terraces under the lake which is much deeper after the eruption.

  3. Of course. You’re incredibly wrong.
    So I grew up near Tarawera, closer to Te Wairoa. The peak is 50 meters below the service not 50 meters under mud, it’s basically a sediment layer there is no plans to excavate and there never was or plan to. Not sure where your map came from but there were three sets of terraces, one being black also which was located at the base of Patiti island.

    Also the government doesn’t own most land in NZ. This part is still owned by two tribes which is Tūhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi. It’s a very sacred place. It’s also private to public and you need permission to enter the area. There is a walk way the public can access but it is strict and you also pay for the privilege.

  4. Been to the buried village that was ruined by the eruption of Mt. Tarawera, would be great if people can see the Pink and White Terraces someday. Would have loved to have seen them. People are lucky to have seen them before the eruption.

  5. Te 8th wonder of the world should be Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines and its above sea level it's as big as on the video

  6. Chen, you are a Chinese guy right? You mean to tell me, you never heard JIuzhaigou and Huanglong. Huanglong has similar rock formation. you really should check out.

  7. without cheating, i think wall of china, pyramid, stone henges, colosseum, the pichu thingy in peru…i remember this floating garden being one of them, but i dont know if its a myth or what…thats all i got…


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