8 Old Glitches Tested in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Part 2)

Here’s the second part of our glitch research in Nintendo World Championships: NES edition. This time we tested the classic Jump Over The Flagpole glitch and the Wrong Warps in Super Mario Bros, the crazy Credits Warp in Kirby’s Adventures that may cause a game crash, a new surprising glitch in Donkey Kong… and more!

Here’s the timestamps:
0:00 LB Intro
0:10 SMB Jump Over the Flagpole
1:19 DK Invisible Ladders
2:21 Kirby Credits Warp
4:17 TLoZ Block Clip
5:13 SMB Wrong Warp 4-2
6:14 SMB Wrong Warp 8-4
6:40 Metroid Samus Explosion Survival
7:28 SMB Bullet Bill Flagpole Glitch

world , 8 Old Glitches Tested in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Part 2) , #Glitches #Tested #Nintendo #World #Championships #NES #Edition #Part
, nintendo,nwc,nintendo world championships,speedrun,nes,glitch,glitches

38 pemikiran pada “8 Old Glitches Tested in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Part 2)”

  1. Nintendo need to block the use of these glitches and disqualify anyone who uses them. How is anyone, playing the game normally, as intended, meant to get the best time if someone else is going to cheat and get a time that is impossible for normal players to achieve. Defeats the purpose of the WC contests.

  2. I wonder just how exactly the crash at 3:04 somehow magically leads to the end credits like that. Maybe it's some wild undefined behavior/open bus ride? But then why does the game do this when using Stone underwater like that? Is it getting confused on how the Stone ability should react in such a scenario (under water but not in the swimming state), so it tries running a nonexistent subroutine? It'd seem like the game actually does crash first and ends up at undefined-behavior land before it reaches the credits routine, since NWC intercepts the crash before the credits warp happens. Now the only question is, why does pausing on that exact frame stop the crash? Seems rather specific…

  3. There are 30 rewind messages in total, but most of them are lame:

    – Not available this challenge.
    – Don't leave the labyrinth.
    – Wrong gate.
    – Bike overheated.
    – Can't go that way.
    – Break this one last.
    – Not available this challenge.
    – Can't break blocks.
    – Wrong pipe.
    – Out of bombs.
    – Can only use fire once.
    – Not fully recovered.
    – Can't go down there.
    – Missed an eggplant.
    – Can't become Raccoon Mario.
    – Enter the pipe on the right.
    – Can't lose Frog form.
    – Can't lose Shoe form.
    – Can't lose Hammer form.
    – Lost the Wheel ability.
    – Get the Heart Container.
    – Blocked the vine.
    – Too far.
    – Take another route.
    – Level up from the menu.
    – Cannot enter.
    – Cannot leave the area.
    – Strategy unavailable.

  4. Since "Strategy Not Available" fully resets some of the runs in the game, it seems to me like Nintendo avoided using it for glitches that a player could reasonably stumble into on accident – like Link block-clipping or kirby clipping through a slope.

  5. So, this kinda confirms what I suspected in my comment on the last video; the "Strategy Unavailable" messages are mostly based on reading the position of the player sprite, and determing it shouldn't be there. Explaining why the "upward long ladder" glitch isn't disabled, as Mario is not in a position that should be impossible to reach by playing the game normally.

  6. 6:05 this feels… cheap? Off? Wrong, even? It doesnt feel right to give the player a tell when they're near the warp zone in a SPEEDRUN, right? I cant be the only one that thinks this
    Edit: guess I am the only one that thinks this lol

  7. With the exception of the Long Ladder glitch, they probably left these in because they grant little to no competitive advantage (flagpole jump, LoZ block clipping, Metroid buzzer-beater) and/or they're far too difficult for most people to pull off (Kirby crash, flagpole/Bullet Bill glitch). As for the long ladders, I'd imagine that's going to get patched out soon now that it's become widely known.

  8. Slightly disappointed that they didn't program in an explicit patch for arbitrary code execution, if only because it would be very funny for them to acknowledge its existence.

    I assume it's not even possible to get to the right area to attempt arbitrary code execution in Legend of Zelda or SMB3?

  9. This continues to be a very embarrassing showing from Nintendo. I mean, seriously. That one glitch is still available and saves significant time, thus wrecking the leader boards.

  10. Mainly referring to a lot of the stuff they cut in part 1, but I really wish they would just let the games stay the same. I feel like they entirely missed the point of why people speedrun when making the Speedrunning game.


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