
20 Largest and Longest Body Parts in the World


Ultimate Fact presents Top 20 Longest Body Parts in the World. Humans are the most mysterious creature in the world. Body parts can be drastically different sizes and physical abilities vary widely from person to person. Humans can look so radically different from each other that you would doubt they are even members of the same species. Here you will find the top 20 amazing people with the longest body parts in the world.
1. Longest Neck
The longest neck in the world recorded is 15.75 inches according to the Guinness Book of World Records. From childhood, women of the Padaung or Kereni tribe of Myanmar were traditionally fitted with successive rings of copper to stretch their neck. The vertebrae do not elongate, though the space between them may increase as the intervertebral discs absorb liquid. Although it can vary from person to person whether the removal of neck rings can cause pain, if they are removed incorrectly this may result in loss of life.
2. Longest Toe
Matthew Mcgrory broke the record for the longest body parts in the world which is big toe measuring at five inches long. McGrory was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania, the son of Maureen, a homemaker, and William McGrory, an accountant. He studied pre-law at Widener University. He also studied Criminal Justice at West Chester University. McGrory grew to the height of 7 ft. 6 in which is 2.29 m and had size 29.5 shoes.
3. Biggest Eyeball
Kim Goodman is a woman who is able to pop her eyes out of her eye sockets by 12 millimeters which is 0.47 inches, another World’s largest human body parts. She holds the world record for the farthest eyeball protrusion. She lives in Chicago, Illinois. She discovered her eyeball popping talent one day when she was hit on the head with a hockey mask.
4. Longest Eyelash
Shanghai-born You Jianxia has a profusion of long and luxurious eyelashes, the lengthiest of which grows on her left upper lid and reaches a record-breaking 12.40 cm means 4.88 inches. The spiritual record-breaker says that having one longest body part in human body, if its long eyelashes is beautiful as it shows she is healthy.
5. Biggest Nose
If the biggest body parts of any human is his nose then it worth to be a fact in the world. The nose has high expectations for being presumably few people in the world.
6. Largest Feet
World’s largest human body parts, the largest feet on a living person are 40.55 cm which is almost 1 ft. 3.96 in right foot, and 40.47 cm means almost 1 ft. 3.93 in left foot, belong to Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernández from Venezuela, and were measured in Parc Saint Paul, Beauvais, France, on 3 June 2018.
7. Longest Stretch Skin
Garry Turner from UK is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm means 6.25 in due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs. In more serious cases, it can cause the collapse or rupturing of vessels. Yet longest organ in human body.
8. Longest Ear Hair
Radhakant Baijpai has the longest body parts in the world. In 2003, he was crowned the Guinness record holder for longest ear hair. Since then. His ear hair is 25cm long and still growing, but Indian grocer Radhakant Baijpai has no intention of trimming it, no matter what his wife says.
9. Longest male organ
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera is credited with having the largest male organ in the world Measuring in at 18.9 inches and he now hopes his massive member will be recognized by Guinness World Records. He hit the headlines in 2015 after a video of him measuring his manhood went viral.
10. Longest tongue
Monterey resident Nick Stoeberl lives that dream, and he’s doing it right using his massive taster to make art. Clocking in at 3.97 inches, Stoeberl’s longest tongue is hefty enough to be used as a paint brush, a fact he discovered from Indian YouTuber Ani K in the process of his World Record research.
11. Longest Lips
Instagram babe Andrea Ivanova is known to having the “biggest lips in the world”. She is always active on social media to show her latest round of cosmetic work. Despite her impressive smackers, the 22-year-old from Bulgaria wants to go one step further and make them even bigger, with another hyaluronic acid injection.
12. Longest Hair
For a lady, her hair is her everything. Most ladies spend so much for hairs and hairstyles. The world’s longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping from china at 18 feet 6 inch. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. Since 2004 she holds the record for the longest hair in the world.
Which body part amazed you most? Have you seen anything like this in real life? Don’t forget to share with us in the comment box.
#UltimateFact #Facts #Human

world , 20 Largest and Longest Body Parts in the World , #Largest #Longest #Body #Parts #World
, world record,world record book,guinness world records,longest body parts in the world,longest body parts,top 10,extra body parts,amazing people,biggest body parts,guinness world record,longest tongue,longest legs,men you won t believe exist,body,facts,stranger things,amazing,most amazing top 10,amazing facts,interesting facts,largest human body parts,longest organ,guinness records,longest toung,amazing fact,interesting fact,national geographic

31 pemikiran pada “20 Largest and Longest Body Parts in the World”

  1. 😭 I love how positive these people are presented! For years I was having problems with my confidence because of my big noes and large feet 😖 But the reason I started learning to accept and love my body started most likely when I found myself with a guy who gives me the confidence that I look just fine as I am and he loves me the way I am. It only shows how some of us judge themselves through the eyes of the others. And since from a very young age I was hearing some mean comments, I really must have taken it for granted and let this destroying my self estime for a really long time. I hope every person would learn to love thenselves and value themselves and that we all will try to be more careful with our words and explain this to our children as well ❤️

  2. Why woman want to look so horrible it’s not attractive . These people must be ill in some way.
    Big bottoms why………

  3. For salvation, we just need to follow the way they did it in Acts? They were baptized in water for the removal of sins and filled with the Holy Ghost. Here's why! The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
    If we are to follow him, we must do the same thing. Death= repentance, Burial = baptism, and resurrection = being filled and rising again from the dead. That's what Acts 2:38 is. 
    We must obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ… Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven. St John 3:3-5, EXCEPT a man, be born of WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD. 
    We can't come up with our own gospel. Galatians 1:6-9, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Don't be cursed. 
    One way for all people. Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. Our salvation has to match up with the scriptures and no scriptures on the subject can be taken away.  Eternity is TOOO long to be WRONG! st, John 5:39, Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 
    The gospels show what Christ has done on the cross for us.
    The book of Acts shows us the beginning of Christ's Church and how to enter the Church, obeying Acts 2:38. 
    The letters were written to the Church to show us how to behave now that we are born again into the Church. 
    It's better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd going in the wrong direction. 
    Are we supposed to follow the teachings of the apostles? Acts 2:42, And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrines. Ephesians 2:20, We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. 
    Don't get Titus 3:5 mixed up with James 2:14-26, about WORKS. One is a WORK of your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS OR GOOD DEEDS and the other is a WORK OF FAITH OR OBEDIENCE TO GOD. One is letting you know that there are no Works we could have done to make Christ want to die on the cross for us. Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    The other is about believing and being obedient to God because you believe.  Faith without WORKS OR OBEYING GOD IS DEAD. James 2:14-26.
    Noah believed and then OBEYED OR WENT TO WORK BUILDING THE ARK.
    Now that Christ already paid the full price for our salvation we have to attain it by obeying his way to receive it, Acts 2:38! There is no sinner's prayer. Nowhere in the bible in this church age does it state to accept the Lord Jesus as your savior and you are saved. Mark 16:16, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved.

  4. True aliens that mated with some humans. They live amongst up what planet are they really from. Remember the bad angels that mated with the humans became giants.

  5. If anyone wants their child to be born with the ability to possibly break one of these records, Just impregnate or get impregnated by your family member as that is normally how defective babies are born…

  6. The bloody rake primarily trouble because dentist preliminarily arrive concerning a acrid salesman. utopian, belligerent swing


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