19.08.2024 | World News Tonight

Our flagship prime-time daily news program of the most important stories from Poland and the region returns to the air. Along with insights from TVP World’s on-the-ground correspondents, the program is bringing viewers hard-hitting interviews with policymakers and leading opinion formers.


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31 pemikiran pada “19.08.2024 | World News Tonight”

  1. Germany needs to think about restarting those nuclear power plants, get away from the green deal idea for the time being. You can't have both green energy and demand more from your power generation with no cheap russian oil anymore. Not to mention that china destroyed your Norwegian pipeline.

  2. What is there to talk about between Ukraine and Russia. It's obvious every pretext for the invasion was a lie. The world should be talking with Russia. telling it to get out and surrender Putin to the Hague.

  3. Let Amodi live and die with his association with bricks … He’s no Gandhi … Let’s see how he feels about security and integratal security of his own borders when Beijing pours over his own border … He’s a opportunistic and can’t have it both ways … Let him continue to try to get Russian weapons of war … He’s not a friend of the west …

  4. Don't believe India at any time. They are Russian allies and the slaughter of women and children in Ukraine, as they first pronounced, has nothing to do with them. Remember Modi was the first to congratulate Putin on his recent "fixed and illegal" election (sic) in Russia.
    Those views have caused several western companies to reconsider their expansion plans in India. That and photo ops at home and especially in the "global south" are the only reason Modi is doing this. Just like India's major oil purchases keep Putin's war machine alive. It's all posturing.

  5. PM Modi speaks peace through diplomacy, which is rubbish because India is funding Russia's war machine, and its taken him over 2 and a half years to finally visit Kyiv, why? Maybe guilt for hugging Putin calling him friends while at the same moment a children hospital was bombed with kids being treated for cancer. It's shameful and they want to be seem as a democratic country yet the turn the heads because they benefit from the war.

  6. I'm happy to here the news from Germany'. Hungary is a facile player in Europe with , regrettably, Russian ideologies. Leave it to NATO for allowing such a player to becoming a member. What a ridiculous thought to have India mediate anything having to do with Ukraine and Russia.

  7. Orban is a disgrace and must be taught a lesson,
    Hungary must be expelled from the EU, orban knows what he is doing and he slaps all EU states in the face. If the EU does not show strength them slowly what Hungary is doing well end the respect for the EU, similar to how the UN is seen now after allowing Russia presidency while Russia breaks all charters the UN was founded on

  8. Ok let see what Modi will do when India has a conflict with China or Pakistan, peace talk ha? Easy said than done…The way India say does not solve anything, they just want to enjoy the benefit the war in Ukraine bring to India.


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