
15 Lies The World Is Telling You


15 Lies The World Is Telling You

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, Alux,,Alux Youtube,fine living,lies you still believe,alux youtube videos,alux youtube channel,top lies you still believe,lies the world is telling you

27 pemikiran pada “15 Lies The World Is Telling You”

  1. Number 4 reminds me of what MJ said in the millionaire fastlane which is that your education is the oil to your engine to wealth and it will always need replacement

  2. #5. You can achieve by believing. Super big lie. I know a man who got into selling junk jewelry out of his home. He had a real job too though.
    He sold a few trinkets but spent hours and days forever, “believing” so hard. It was a wash. Had to give it up. Rely on the real job and made his wife work.

  3. Another video full of limiting beliefs video. People who believe this sh*t from Alux will for sure stay poor.

  4. Good grades help my partner is a self made guy and his family weee hostile to his good grades at school and his entrance to a law degree. It did help him get from poverty to real comfort his family have all not done much

  5. 1.Everything happens for a reason? Nope! it's absolutely no reason that had to happen you just screwed up. It's wasn't meant to be? Yes it was, you just blew it.
    2. Time heals all wounds? Yes but it's still going to hurt for a long ass time
    3. Sex doesn't matter? and it's a small part of a relationship The hell it doesn't matter and it's pretty big part
    4. There is someone for everyone? No there isn't you could end up dying alone.
    5.. There is a god? Nope! Because if there were whats healthy for you wouldn't taste so damn bland, to nasty and you could drink all the soda you want
    6. With age comes wisdom? As if that is going to make you feel any better about those crows feet and marionette lines when you probabaly were as smart as you ever going to get 20 years ago

  6. Thanks Alux you really make an impact in my life just keep going. 🔥I see things differently now 💡💡💡💯

  7. I really don’t know which investment is the right one. I've always wanted to try something but I'm scared that it will end badly. I feel like an idiot coming over here, but I was inspired by this post and I don't care what anyone says. I need some ideas and ideas on how to go about investing

  8. Essentially, this video tells me just how much of a failure of a human being that I am and became.

    My "windows" have long since been closed, and I have done nothing right, ever. I hate it all and daily, I have wished I was never born. I hate that I could never follow any good advice. I hate that I could not grow up, to take on responsibilities, and to quell my fears. I hate that I never knew or gained social training to network and sell myself correctly. I never learned any good habits, including delayed gratification. And no, some people, such as myself, were born to never do anything, achieve anything, or live anything. They were just born to scare the crap out of others to not follow down this wretched path.

    I gave up and that's that.

    The only thing left for me is death and to enter Hell, since I am already mentally and emotionally there. I am glad others grew up and got everything they wanted in life. So, for some people, life was worth living.

    Mine wasn't and never was going to be worth it.

  9. There's another famous lie that the entertainment media spreads – "Life is short, enjoy what you can right now".
    People forget enjoyment costs money.
    Compared to many other animal's our lives are 2x or 3x.
    and the avg lifespan of humans keeps increasing every decade or so.

  10. So are you saying that a construction worker at age 40 shouldn’t bother trying to become a coder or aspire to be in the tech field?
    I super disagree. If one is willing to put forth the effort and it is reasonable, one should be encouraged to “ level up “ in life.
    I agree a 40 year old most likely won’t become an Olympian but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️

  11. 15 lies world is telling you
    1. You need to hard work
    2.Successful people is smarter than you
    3.Things will short themselves at the end
    4.Your grades will shape your future
    5.You can make something happen by believe in it
    6.You can save your way out of poverty
    7.It's downhill past 40
    8.You are in control of your own destiny
    9.You can be anything you want to be
    10.There is a plan for everybody
    11.Money won't bring you happiness
    12.Happiness comes from within
    13.Your parents know best
    14.A book isn't judge by its cover
    15.People don't really change
    +16.You are enough 🤨

  12. Don't take anything personally, don't believe complements of others about you whether positive or negative, be yourself and don't listen what people say about you

  13. Number 4 is complete BS. Can you be fine without a degree ? Yes you can but it will 10 be 10 times harder . Some employers won’t even look at your resume if you don’t have a degree. People without a degree struggle way more than people with one. Without a degree/certification , a rich family or proper support you will be stuck doing odd jobs, minimum wage jobs and will regret it big time. It’s a very important piece of paper.

  14. Some BS. A degree is very important .many employers won’t even consider you or look at your resume if you don’t have it . Also you control your destiny for the most part. It takes discipline, hard work and dedication.

  15. Number 14……
    The correct expression is Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.
    The reason is, because EXACTLY like a Media Thumbnail, the actual Content might be completely Different then The "Click Bait" thumbnail [cover] that initially grabbed your attention but did not fulfill it promise to deliver corresponding information. Do not judge a movie or news story by its thumbnail is solid advice for those of us who are not yet willing to surrender independent thought to the collective.
    Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover is the basis of Judge A Human Being on the content of their character rather then solely their "appearance" & what you think that means to you. You might be pleasantly surprised to find, sometimes, there is so much more inside then meets the eye that just glance by. 😁❤️


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