
15 Incredible Future Technologies That Will Change the World


With the introduction of new inventions and technologies, our lives are very different today than what our ancestors experienced just a few decades ago. What are the technologies being developed today, that will have the largest impact on future society? Stay tuned because today, we’ll be taking a look at 15 incredible technologies, that will change the world.

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, Future Technologies,future

45 pemikiran pada “15 Incredible Future Technologies That Will Change the World”

  1. 8:35 – Wow I already thought about a similar idea in which there would be special sensors or cameras on the roads every few meters that would send data to self driving cars so then these cameras would help immensly to these autonomous cars to see obstacles or objects they can't see from their own position..that should make self driving cars much safer and reliable in the future.

  2. 4:20 – Floating farms are not that futuristic, they are still causing great suffering for these poor cows instead of completely removing the need for any Remilk for example..this is a company that is producing real milk but in a lab instead of actually taking it from that's the future ! (also for meat needs there are companies that can print meat taken from cow cells which causes no harm for them or similar thing can be done in a lab grown meat)

  3. Floating farms, omg as if the poor animals don't suffer enough being, exploited, tortured & slaughtered 🥵 With no chance to graze they become lame, these are sentient souls its heartbreaking what selfish humans put them through in order to fill our stomaches & which we could live without 🥵

  4. So using the scientific method to produce food is possible wow….but is expensive….. okay people must starve to death because a group of people have to attain financial wealth this sicknesses……🤬🤬🤬

  5. Man, this sure is the biggest load of rubbish I heard in my life. (This sentence is attributed to Bo Diddley, the Rock and Roll senior general)

  6. Floating farms would be better if they were more like floating islands with natural grass on them for the animals to have some semblance of a natural life rather than be pretty much caged up in a concrete pen. Artificial islands are created for the stinking rich to have their obscenely priced houses on, how about using that same method as a habitat for animals???

    That clip with the cute little chicks… It cuts off just as those little chicks are about to tip off that conveyor belt to to be ground up because they are rejects; male chicks that are worthless because they don't produce eggs.

    And before people jump on me for being a raving vegan or someone with nothing better to do than dye my hair pink, and maybe go glue myself to something… I am not. We humans have teeth and a digestive system designed to eat both animal and plant life. But there has to be a better way! I sincerely hope that the lab produced meat will become a reality so we can benefit from the nutrition we need without the disgusting farm practices being employed.

  7. Humans need to be self-sustainable. Each individual providing the energy that they personally need to live as well as food is the only way for the planet to work. Large systems of any kind all have one thing in common large failure in turn all small things can only fail small.

  8. Nitrogen oxide is a very bad though byproduct of an engine to have as an alternative to carbon emissions. It is very dangerous and destructive to the atmosphere. I wouldn't wanna see hydrogen planes


  10. Flying cars were invented way back in the 50s & used for several years.
    It isn't new , just redeveloped & modernized.

  11. Floating farms is a horrible idea. 2 reasons are it hides the sun from the water so no life will live underneath the farm. Also it cause algue.

  12. Cattle need grass and they need to roam, other wise the meat is fatty and taste like shit, not to mention how cruel it is for the cattle

  13. the Hydrogen powered plane why did they show a plane from the 1960's for ? the Boeing 707 had been removed for over 20 years now.

  14. I couldn't finish watching this video because started out with one of the most flawed statements imaginable. Realistically there's so many places to put wind or solar is completely inaccurate. There is enough energy supplied to the earth every day, in one day, to power all of humanity for a year! Not only that it only takes a small portion of the planet to do it. A small area of Arizona, or a small area of any desert on earth. Small is in regards to the size of the earth. Nobody seems to get it. We have all of the infrastructure in place right now we just have to use it. Solar on every roof in the world that includes any building every building schools businesses houses every building that has electricity on it can have solar attached to it. Parking lots all of the wasted space that parking lots create can all be used for solar. If every city on the planet covered everything with solar we would have enough energy with energy to spare. So your original statement is so far from true I could not finish listening to this video.

  15. If God had wanted us to have access to free and unlimited energy then They would have put a huge nuclear fusion reactor in the sky for us to use…. oh wait, there is one, its called the Sun! Solar power is the ULTIMATE form of energy as it ALREADY harnesses nuclear fusion!

  16. Floating farms with cattle tethered to one artificial small spot for life to fatten them up for slaughter or have them as milk factories is a disgusting example of animal cruelty and abuse. But the growing science of culturing meat is a good solution.

  17. I'm writing this to try n get a machine made that picks up and cleans landscaping rocks that have filled in with sand and dirt. Currently there are no machines that so that job. Cleaning the rocks from landscaping in front of most businesses. No one has a machine like that. Why, I don't know why. It's a problem for all landscaping companies. Removing and replacing the rocks that have filled in with dirt. Now and have been allowing the growing grass and weeds that grow out of the dirt. So much it fills in between every rock so much that now they look like dirt. No more does it look like rocks for landscaping. Look like dirt only. Filled in completely to look like ground to help weeds to grow. I hope I've explained my self well enough so inventers know what I'm talking about. To me it's easy to see the problem that NO-ONE has a machine like that. Please make one for the landscaping industry.

  18. This is great! Just as long as the politicians keep their noses out of it and let the free markets decide. Otherwise we end up with what's going on in USA right now…record high gas prices that hit the most vulnerable the hardest and all because a certain political party's hatred for oil is as great as their need for power.

  19. I’d rather become a vegetarian than ever eat lab grown meat, the mere thought of it makes me want to throw up 🤮 and I pity industrial farm animals enough as it is, than to think about their misery being raised on floating barges in the ocean or rivers and lakes, it seems so unnatural and cruel.

  20. People are aware that fossil fuels are actually good for the planet right? Plants need carbon dioxide to survive and that’s what fossil fuels produce. The real problem is lumber jacks tearing down trees an such. Trees provide the oxygen that we need to survive with

  21. The Lab grown meat and the 3D printed organs are related. The companies that are working on developing the 3D printed organs are getting capital from the current production of Lab grown meat to further fund their research.

  22. It all looks fantastic, but I think it would be wiser to teach people to become more responsible individually instead of spending the last resources of the Earth to make soldiers stronger etc. I recommend to take a look at what Marshall Vian Summers tells in his free online books. For example a book "The New World" is absolutely worth reading, if you want to know what we should do to avoid real disasters.

  23. THE BS IS ASTOUNDING, decades away and saving lives? we don't have years let alone decades. the bs was so thick that if you need a explanation it's already to late.

  24. Please look up the world population on the WHO website. The population is decreasing not increasing. Only 2 countries have a positive population growth all other countries have a negative population growth (decline). I know I was misled to.

  25. Do you know how unhealthy those cows are. Farmers have to give those cows antacid because cows stomachs aren’t made for feed. Give those cows pastures to munch on like the need to be healthy for our sake.


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