11 Old Glitches Tested in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition

We tested 11 classic glitches, including strategies that are typically used in speedruns to save time, the Minus World glitch in the original Super Mario Bros. and some advanced techs such as the “item attachment” in Super Mario Bros. 2.
Can these glitches be used in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition? Let’s find out!

Here’s the timestamps:
0:00 LB Intro
0:10 SMB Minus World
0:40 DK Long Ladder
1:19 SMB2 Fast Carpet
2:02 TLoZ Screen Scrolling
3:08 Metroid Door Jump
3:57 SMB2 Double Jump
4:36 SMB3 Boom Boom Shortcut
5:09 SMB Wall Jump
5:40 Kid Icarus Fortress Shortcut
6:32 SMB2 Cave Skip
6:58 SMB2 Item Attachment

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, nintendo,nwc,nintendo world championships,speedrun,nes,glitch,glitches

36 pemikiran pada “11 Old Glitches Tested in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition”

  1. I think they ultimately just wanted to remove the clearly 'too easy to pull off' type of exploits and glitches. The stuff that requires very little skill to pull off. The others, by comparison, require you to actually have some level of skill to pull off without issue. Not a lot of skill mind you, just, enough to not mess it up on an actual attempt to actually beat the time.

    Example: Going through walls, obviously shouldn't be able to happen. But Mario and friends doing double jumps is something that could technically be able to be done in the game if added in properly. It just so happens that pixel perfect jumping over enemies activates the right conditions to make it happen. So it's both a mix of skill and to some degree, luck. And as for the fast carpet, it's only so useful. Perhaps with just the right combo of different exploits it can be used effectively, but it's really not doing you much favours for saving time. Maybe if you somehow flawlessly spawn the pidgets in such a sequence that it shaves off a good few seconds, then it's worth using. otherwise it's just a neat trick you can do. Similar situation with the ability to load objects that shouldn't exist in certain parts of the game. Definitely potentially useful, but only useful in very specific circumstances that allow for its use. Knowing what those areas of the game are, is part of the players skill level.

    To be clear. Jumping into a wall to clip through it, is not skill. It's a happy accident that's being abused.

  2. The wall jump is very much an intended mechanic. Hard to perform but giving that extra height. It was a mechanic known about, even in 1985. Hard to see why they would take that out compared to actual game exploits. Stuff like wrong warps and large skips make sense for sure. Especially to make the game more accessible.

  3. Would it really… really… have killed them to just fix the glitches?

    I freaking fixed the Super Mario Bros. Minus World glitch in a hack not at all long ago because it's extremely well-documented, for example.

  4. I'm guessing the game has certain "position checks" in place to determine these glitches. Like, for the Minus World glitch, it probably checks whether Mario overlaps a certain point in the wall, for Donkey Kong it'll check if Mario leaves the bottom of the screen, etc. For things like the Wall Jump, Double Jump and Item Attachment glitches, these checks are much harder to put in place since they can be performed more or less anywhere, which I'm guessing would require them to put a lot more variables in place than they're willing to put effort into.

    The Kid Icarus shortcut is another interesting example of this. Naturally, they wouldn't be able to put a position check on the area in the wall, since you SHOULD be able to pass through that gap normally, provided that the wall is broken. So instead, I guess the game checks whether or not the wall is broken by the time you go down the ladder to the next screen.

  5. This is very interesting. When I clicked this video, I expected 100% of the glitches to work. Color me surprised!

    Internally, this game must be implemented with emulation (I.e. the games, of course, are ROMs and have not been reimplemented), where each challenge is a save state within the corresponding ROM. In order to determine when the challenge has been completed, they must be using game- and challenge-specific callbacks, telling the emulator to stop when specific conditions are met in the game's memory and execution state. So while they were at it, they added extra checks to detect some of the glitches. It makes sense but I'm surprised they bothered to do that extra work.

  6. I'm just going to assume that the minus world glitch isn't possible at all because you didn't try it in the Legendary challenge where you get another stab at stage 1-2 again… right?

  7. This game is called Nintendo World Championships for a reason, and is focused on that, not the general speed-running community, which people seem to compare to for some reason.

  8. the "strategy unavailable" rewinds seem alot worse than the standard rewinds from the looks of it. rather than putting you a few seconds back, the challenge is completely restarted with the timer still running. so you lose alot of completion time in the process.

  9. It’s pretty obvious because any glitches that involve skipping through parts of the game (especially clipping through walls) is not allowed because it is an unfair advantage in a competitive game.

    Respect from Nintendo to know about these glitches and knowing which ones are allowed or not.

  10. Honestly, it sucks that the game only allows you to try to get the best time, but only the way they intended. It doesn't give any place to creativity and no freedom at all

  11. I wonder if this is all the result of a generic error handler added to the game to handle things like the player going out-of-bounds? Or if Nintendo had to specially add flags to detect when the player is trying to employ a known glitch? If it's the latter, I wish they had used a funnier error than "strategy unavailable" something like "nice try" would have been a neat Easter egg.

  12. Nintendo clearly worked to nullify these glitches because lots of players used them to get to the top of the leaderboards in NES Remix and wanted to level the playing field. While playing with glitches is fun on single player games the moment you're competing against other players if you start using them you have an unfair advantage.

  13. “Hey guys! I have a great idea! Let’s make a game focused on speed running! It’s real popular!”
    ”oh yeah since speed running is very competitive, with all the glitches for time saves let’s leave them in—“


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