
10 Hottest Nationalities In The World


We Ranked the Top 10 Hottest Nationalities in the World
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Ever wondered which is the hottest nationality in the world? Or where do the hottest people in the world live? Well, we’re taking at look at the countries with the best looking people and ranking them for you.

From incredibly good looking celebrities to people to victoria’s secret models, to the average person, these are the countries with the hottest people.

In this original video we’ll be answering the following questions:

What country has the most beautiful women?
Which country has the most beautiful men?
What are the hottest nationalities in the world?
Where do hot people live?
Which countries have the hottest people?
Where on Earth do the Hot People live?
Where are the pretties girls in the world?
Where are the hottest girls in the world?
Who are the most beautiful women alive?
and more..

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35 pemikiran pada “10 Hottest Nationalities In The World”

  1. I'm Hungarian and I was not expecting to be mentioned as we are a small, not too famous country. I'm also surprised that no Asian countries on the list. a lot of girls are slim and beautiful at the Far East

  2. I think this is so much based on western perspectives not really covering the diversity of the rest of the world. Philippines is one of the hottest nationalities ever and this list covers almost entirely slavic countries.

  3. what is this 😂😂😂
    your top 10 mostly european and white bullshit

    my list

    1 russia
    2 brazil
    3 ethiopia
    4 philippines
    5 somalia
    6 ukraine
    7 japan/korea/china
    8 mexico/spanish
    9 thailand
    10 eritrea

  4. Bullshitt the list is white probably in European
    All top 10 is white bullshit

    1 russia/ukraine/Belarus
    2 turkey/arab countries/iran
    3 ethiopia/somalia/rwanda
    4 philippines/thailand/vietnam
    5 brazil/venezuela/mexico
    6 korea/japan/india
    7 USA/Argentina/portugal
    8 pakistan/australia/NZ
    9 sweden/norway/finland
    10 china/canada/Italy

  5. What a load of non factual information in my opinion where are the black people who's opinions you say you consulted & obtained in these countries. All confirmation of proof will be required. You say you you proceeded your publications by being in possession of Iegitimate formation acquired from the nations of the world. don't make me laugh. o.k If you ask Indian or Chinese or black or middle Eastern etc. people you may come up with a different answer to who is the most attractive race on earth.
    But you say you've already done that which is why you published you did. We suspect your results are invalid. you will state where & from whom they came from & you are already aware of that but are so far choosing either to violate or ignore it. But in the eventuality You will provide these details & all associated evidence of paper trail etc. all will be required as you are required to provide the evidence of the legitimacy of your claims your findings of evidence etc. your facts based evidence of who is the most attractive race in the world not your opinion not white peoples only opinion rather you said the worlds opinion as you made clear in Your advertising. When presented with matter's of race inthis present climate of race hate race baiting incitment to racial hatred & discrimination illegal publication or incitment to racial division slurs violence etc. I suspect your whole list is full up of white people. voted for by white people in majority white western countries. but that's my opinion only of which I am entitled. But so that justice can take place we to ask the courts to order you to provide evidence your submissions to determine Are you providing factual information as opposed to non factual information to the general public & attempting to commit any deception or to decieve sections of or the general public with non factual information or propogating it yourself which may incite direct or indirect hostility divisions of citizens on domestic soil or provacation of violence or terrorism with attempted racial deragotory propaganda providing racial mis information deemed to be inflammatory & divisive to fellow citizens. or to incite racial division to provoke tensions violence racial rioting arson racial homicides . First you consult the countries of the world when you have considered their vote you publish the result. It is my Opinion that You intended to deceive the people at a time of heighened racial tensions we do not comprehend why you've done it or what your motives were ,are sure you will attempt to construct an answer. It is our belief that at that time you colluded to become complicent to proceed in a pre prejudicial way that you have commited yourself in writing & knowingly provided non factual information to incite racial division racial bias or racial violence that you have failed to consult the cross section that is required of the nations & cannot speak in their place. If so this is a clear omission on your part We see deception clearly or Is there something more sinister. Are you guilty of Intentionally attempting to incite racial discrimination or attempting to exclude or provoke on the grounds of race. Both Illegal. If not you are now required by law to produce all evidence of communications consultations confirmed of the afore said countries i.e all the nations & ethnicities of the world the people interviewed the legitimacy of your publications. It's either or other, either you lied & fabricated & made the whole thing up regarding the people of the world & the beautiful of the world or not. We Are required to shed light on you & your company's motives & intentions behind what you are accused of. A trial or investigation will reveal any alliance of yourselves or your company's hierarchy's affiliation with any white supremacist violent racist domestic terrorism factions on u.s. soil.

  6. No Asian countries( Phillipines, Japan, Vietnam etc…) or Middle eastern( Lebanon/ Syria/ Jordan etc…) just admit you're racist and so close minded that you think only Caucasoid features pass off as attractive 💀💀💀

  7. not colombian theyre full of plastic. Sahkira is not even sexy nor attractive in my opinion she is overrated.

  8. What about India , it has most beautiful women Aishwarya Rai, than it also have attractive beauties like Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone


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